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202006b67 <br />OF LOT THIRTEEN (13); THENCE S 88°42'59" W, A DISTANCE <br />OF FOUR HUNDRED FORTY FIVE AND TWENTY TWO <br />(445.22') FEET; THENCE S O1°10'16" E, A DISTANCE OF <br />SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTEEN AND TWENTY ONE <br />HUNDREDTHS (715.21') FEET; THENCE S 31°08'16" E, A <br />DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN AND <br />SEVENTEEN HUNDREDTHS (297.17') FEET; THENCE N <br />58°53'29" E, A DISTANCE OF THREE HUNDRED THIRTY NINE <br />AND FORTY THREE HUNDREDTHS (339.43') FEET TO THE <br />POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 8.900 ACRES MORE OR <br />LESS; <br />desires to have subdivided as a subdivision the foregoing tract of land located within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submits to the City Council of such City for <br />acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such proposed subdivision, to be known <br />as ANTHEM SUBDIVISION, designating explicitly the land to be laid out and particularly <br />describing the lots, easements, and streets belonging to such subdivision, with the lots designated by <br />number, easements by dimensions, and streets by name, and proposes to cause the plat of such <br />subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Planning Commission and the City Council to be <br />acknowledged by such owner, certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered land surveyor, and to <br />contain a dedication of the easements to the use and benefit of public utilities, and of the street to the <br />use of the public forever. In consideration of the acceptance of the plat of said ANTHEM <br />SUBDIVISION, the Subdivider hereby consents and agrees with the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />that it will install or provide at its expense the following improvements: <br />1. Paving. The Subdivider agrees to waive the right to object to the creation of <br />any paving or repaving district for Westgate Road where it abuts the subdivision. <br />2. Water. Public water supply is available to the subdivision, and all new <br />2 <br />