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f <br />105051 <br />(IMM me" "A LOW r« MKVdW4 CM) <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />THIS DEED , S1" . • Cectnrity Instrument7l is made on September 20. <br />r''r <br />it <br />19�g . g .Grasso, an unmarried person <br />,s( <br />f ` •, `- <br />i.•Borrowte'). The trustee is Earl 0. Ahlsehwede. <br />( "'trustee "�:'1`�'k betneBeiary is <br />'. �. '• "` : <br />:lute Equitable ding and Loan Association . which is orgattized and ezistinl <br />under the taws of tt` 'State of Nebraska , and whose address is 113 -115 North kocust <br />Street. Gr nd •Island. Nebraska 68801 <br />Borrowei0w�es the principsi sum of Seventeen Thousand and noJ 100 ----------------------- <br />. w- YM---- w--------- ---- DollarxfV—S. S 17 000.00 )• This debt isevi krtctd by Borrower's [tote <br />dated the same date as this Security Instrument(' which provides far mrnody.payrnents,'With the full debt, if not <br />' <br />paid tyrrlijj due and payable on October 1,`. Z-tytl4 <br />This Sete: Inururneu secures to Lender: ayy tats» itnt of the deft evidefta4ry.`, the Note, with brit `� <br />1 XT c 4> .Tt1itl all <br />- <br />'::; :. <br />[einewa)% extetnsbns and modifscations; (b) the payment a . nit ether sums. with intetirstr, advanced under psrxaswph ? to <br />Protect the security of** Security Instrument; an a (c) the p ftrmaneop 1�urrower's covenants and agreements. For this <br />;;. <br />purpose, l�orrurrver inr av"My Grants and conveys to Trustee�,ia trust. wiiar power of sak. the following described property <br />'> <br />located its' " tltsll Counts, Nidmuka: <br />' -16ts Seven (7) and Eight (8), 13k00.,, Six (6 ). , Boggs and Hi],)'e Addition to the City .of <br />Grand Island. Hall County[, ,Nebrafi*-i3, <br />` <br />wbichhutheaddrenof 1143 North White Street - 1835 hest 12th Street, Grand Island <br />tCryl <br />Nebraska 68803 (-Property Address•.); <br />RV Cane} <br />TUGETHER Wilft all the improvements now or hereafter ertcted on the property, and alt casements. rights, <br />mpg trrtetnsacsa, teats, royalties, mineral, Ml e d #ass rights and profits, water ntthts and stock and aL` fiatures now or <br />herooters pan afthepropcny Allreplacianenisandadditionsthal lalsoheco-ieredbyibisSecuritytnsttumen i.Allofthe <br />fore8o"is rtkrted tam this Security Instrtrwa nt as the "Property.- <br />smarm Fit C'Mf I` ASis that a wrewet is lawfinlly seised of the cstate hereby crmveycd and has the right to grant <br />and c atep the Propeny and that the Property is wwKwmbetee. except for encumbrances of romt,n!- tlorrower warrants <br />aad trill dekiiti generally the title to the Property sonut all churns and demands, subject to any encumbrances of (&(X "j <br />THrs Stein iiv combines uniform covenants for nat;otial use ar.d tion•uni grin covenants woh <br />tttntrii) i sriarkief� ts} juttiulak tci n is [i!n`lltYte a 11ti1ftiftn security tnstrument co: crins rc al r•r.i.g, rty <br />r_trWitlEltt.tic uttifa to witkuw0s, room 1018 12 163 <br />V eraassaaa'- : atna.Kaawtl <br />