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<br /> _s.__"'t i �- � s v.t` � �- �.F L.<d - t,� c .�° � -�' ���� �'�`(c. n �� L - � r.R l._.+ ( - 1 ia.-4�-. �..� -
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<br /> .a L� ,: ...�e:� i • , s -., �� _:
<br /> ,.,�_.`�� �-_ s: PaYmenu maY no tonger tre�qui�at tt3e optioa of Lender.if mortgage insurance ca�erage(in the amount and for Ute periad s�^ � � s.
<br /> _- ---"-'`---,'�-; that Leader requires)provided by an insvrer appmved by L�der again beoomes aweilable and is obtained.Borrower sha11 pay - �
<br /> :, < < < . .. ` �r
<br /> , ,� �•. �., th�piemium4 required to maintain mongage insura�ace in effecc,or to provide a loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage :� �
<br /> ' `•t,' `,` insvranse ends in acoordance with any writtea agteernent 6etween Bortuwer and I�er or applicable l,aw. . . '<f. :
<br /> t ". "`-t�F i i'.� F _ ,-
<br /> ",<t, �:`:;,. .<n� 9.Ias�ectton.i.eader or its agau may make masonable entries upon and impeaions of the Property. Lender shall give � ..�E� , ,�;,�._._�.`
<br /> ` � Borrower notice at the rime oF or prior to an inspection specifyin8 reasoasble cavse for t4e inspection. � �".` ,� �.{','
<br /> 1'...f K.
<br /> �.-�._, �°� ` - =� 10. Cond�nation.The proceeds of any awand or cL�iva for damages. dimct or oonsequenrial. itt conaection with any � ;��" .�-`-_` .
<br /> � � i.°,:N :� °` � ..: condemaation or other taking of any part of the Pr+npeny.or for comeyanoe in li�of condemnation. ac�e�eieby assigned and � '_,� � �._';`
<br /> 'z � � ' shaU be paid to Leader. 4
<br /> � � � � .
<br /> ` `� '-- � In the event of a total[a�ring of the Properry.the proceeds shall be applied to the snms secuzed by this 5ecurity t„n��.,,._M_ _;.,•
<br /> ..;
<br /> ��f� ������.
<br />_=-:•:;„ti;rt`„-,.�--��.. whet6er or rrot th�dne. with aay excess paid to Eorrower. In the evau of a partial ta1dng of the Propec[y in which the fair � _
<br /> �'f.� _ .�`� �:� market value of the PiopenY immediately befoie the taking is equat to or greater th�the amount of the sums secured by this
<br />�''� � - ` . Seauiry InstrumeuE immediatety befoze tke taking.unless Ennvwer aud l.ender otherwise ag�ee in writing.the sums sewied by � �•�
<br /> :;. .._ . '..' �;_k:<..:.:�,;� _:�
<br /> "°: . tbis Seamty Tnsts�meut sball bc redused by We amo�m of the proceeds multiplied by the following fracaon: (a)tiie total •. � .
<br /> $� amount of the s�ms sewre�immediasciy before the talang.divided bY(b)the fair market value of the Pr�aperry immediately .�j ` ,
<br /> , W befoie the taking•Nry balaace shall be p�id to Borrawer. In the event of a panial qking of che Pmperty in wtuch the fair _ ��.���.
<br /> � �. F _ �•� "_
<br /> ���;'.,: _ .'`= market vatue of the Properry immediately hefore the taIdng is less thaa ihe aawtmt of ihe sttms secvred�muaedtazely befoze the .- 'k-
<br /> s �.:• taking.ur8ess Borrower and L'eader otherwise a�ee in wriring or unless applicable law otherwise provides. the proceeds shall
<br /> � , tn�rr,,.nent�er or ttot the sums are then due.
<br /> �� ��F be applied m the snms secured by this S�arhy .� ,.
<br /> "# � � ;�i•'.�• If the Property is a6andoned by 8omower,or if.after notice by l.ender tb Boacawer that the candemaor offers to make an .-."""�
<br />_.. '_,..� - ,
<br /> awand or s�tle a claim for damages,Bortower fails to re.spond to Lender within 30 days after the date che notice is gin+en, �,�:•°.�°--
<br /> . `�� l.ender is awhoiized to coltect aad apply the psoceeds,,at its option,either w restor�ion ar repair of the Prape�ty or to the sums ...-�. -- `:�``
<br /> '�!y�. � secured by this Security Instmment.whether or not dien due. .-` �> ,�
<br /> � ��.• uation of cee4s to siaci al shall Aot excend or �
<br /> , tJt[tess l.eader aad BormHer odteavise agcee in writing, anY aPP�� pm P D �.
<br /> { � , � "� one the due date of the znnnthty paymeau ceferred co ia paragraphs 1 and 2 or c6ange the amouns oi such payzueats. ` � �
<br />.,�k-•� PostP ',:
<br /> - - 1l.Horrow�Not Retea�ed: Forbearaace By l.euder Not a Waivrr.E��censioa of the time for pa�rment or madification ,.' . ; ;.�,�':
<br /> of asaortirdsion of the swios sec�ued by this Secucity Instzument gcanted by lxader to any snccessor m inte�est of Bormwer shall ti _
<br /> � ..• �, not operate w release the liab�ity of the original Bonower or Boaower's suxessors in interest. Lender shall not be reqoired to r. � � �'-
<br /> 4 �� ��'
<br /> �'�e.'_,<... :,� oomme,ace pmaeed'mgs against any successor in intecpst ar refiue to e�ctead time far payment az atheiarise awdifY amort�ioa -:° �;
<br /> � s ,'�4 ':, • "� _,�� of the sums secured by this Secusiry Insuumeat by reawa of airy demand made by the original Borrower or Boaower's :.. ''�`" ,>
<br /> � '`` suscessois ia iateresc. Any forbearance by l.ender ia enerasing any right or remeaY shall not be a waiver of ar predwde the ,��.-•„ ;-��;;.:�:-
<br /> _�:._.
<br /> �► . , -r . L -_
<br /> t� ` � _� ': C1��L75?.�f�D}f L�$jit OI IeQ[CdJ/. ���
<br /> Y��,. T IE. Sacsessors sud�igns Bouud.daIat and SeYaral Lia6itity:Co�tga�s.The oove�nts and agceem�ts of this '=F =
<br /> � , ` � gecurity Inswment sAall bind aad benefit the saccessots mid assigns of I.eader aad Borrower, snbfea w�he provisions of . . .�`�. 1��
<br /> � �� t
<br /> -
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