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TRH IDEEU 105 41 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, tltttade load etattered into ibis r ooh dy of gas. <br />Ity ttttlli batlMm Gear R. CoaIeY a" Marla .T. ace 02, Tnwj.v,, M4-., . __n,w Tills inaLrawe� S„ lakes Thnim <br />ana w1re as oat stall s <br />WA 9"uritg lacific rinancial Sfrvices of Tor y, , <br />WiTNESSI~ . That the Tnartar clots by these prewt4 grant. be;S irranil, sell. convey and confirm with EAibarer of Sak unto the <br />Tftft tilt ic>aioalia� deatilydi Rai E$Me including. all buiidit:WL impmwettlettak rind fixtures of every kind stow at. beftatter atacted of <br />�Yoad tin the raattta K git1001 floe *all County, in the State of Nebrruk& <br />Lot ll In •lock S in 0-11 and gill's Addition. to the .City of Grand lalarA, <br />nail Comity, ltisbraska. <br />Md p011fie Sian of Gaud premises is now delivered unto said Trustee. <br />70 HAVE AND TO HOLD the shoe, with all rShta. priv4egt.1% and-appurteriances thereto belonging unto the Trustee, his executors <br />adminiaratcrrm heirs, and ata►igns forever. And Cite iristars hem-by expressly waives. releases, and relinquishes unto the Trustee all right, <br />title. claim, hiterest. benefit, and estate whatevall in. and tip thb above- described premises and each and every part thereof: which is given <br />by or resicfts from all taws of the State of Nebraska fleradnitfg (c the exemption of homestead. And the Trustor covenants wt*,.3+,the Trustee <br />that he wiU friiterrer warrant and dcfrttd the title ter the soma against the lawful claims of all persom whomsmver. <br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the following described- purposes: To sectir,e full and prompt performance of all the terrrrsswW condi- <br />dons-of that <br />Q Revolving loan Apmff ent of even date herewith (including particularly, but not exclusively. prompt payment of all sums <br />whidi' crre tw may become payaixte from time to time thereunder; and any extensions. renewals, modifications or reftnancirigs thereat; <br />wfbct Revolving I.Amn Ata,tr xtit obligates Beneficiary. subject to tole colilditions stated therein, to advance to Trustor up to <br />S_..._..�.;.,,. ;, plusrf) uWxeand either charges. (or) <br />Q "btu cif c • + e r ti ! - r d a l i e K- rewith, in the principal sum o f t ?.S. S i 742r, _ nn payable in monthly installmers of <br />and irauxt~:st, with floe Lhl:lrx e, is f the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due ant! myable on sR r_ -fin , {q . <br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto 040 until tiling of Ngtccc:',af Default, the Trust:,r'+;6(1123: (1) pay all present and future <br />Wes and anessntents, general and special. againsi said property before the same becomes delinquent Or actionable; (2) keep all improve- <br />Mclits tMlt c) on the land insured 7rx m4y he required fnotr.. v:myr to time by beneficiary against k►ss by fire and =tther hazards, casualties <br />and contitigetwim in such anlnu•:t•r wrad for such peri(xls as ;are reasonable and may he required by heneficiary; :aid to keep all policies <br />of such insurance in ftwe or effect upon the property herein described t: n, sandy assigned and delivered to beneficiary; 9) pay and <br />comply with all the terms and conditions of any lien, claim it iftdebtedri~ws that may he senior to or take precedence ovi:fthis Trust <br />Deed as steam as any such pa menr.,•tt; or Of !.uch lien, claim c ►r indebtetlrieti', ~frail become clue: and upon failure Of Trustor to keep <br />any said agreernenN beneficiary anal; I ?ay such tio. pay for such insurance w, pay Off such Item or claims or indebtedness as the cast, <br />may bc, and the money so expended, v►ith intere•.t at 'i per annufn,,hall be aecured by this Trust heed, and the Trustor agrees to repay <br />the same upon demand, and uput failure to do so the balance of the attached dote shall become immediately due aric! payable at the <br />j option of the beneficiary: (4) specifically confer upon the Trustee the plover of sale as provided its Nebraska law. (5) retain ptossemion <br />of the premiicw and ccillect the rents and revenues therefrom. <br />Upon payment qt' yel=l- the sums secured by this Trutit ty;:cl, the 0cf,, ;!'icSary shall request tile, Y s.itee to recon•:ey the lmgwty and <br />irlt94.surfea+30r,this Ttlt;:lJCW and all notes evidt'rw lg ir;i,ettcdne% sir rr=nrs by this Trust Oct-d trrr the Trustor. Trustee sN-41 econvey <br />the pl omny -oithout warrant; to she sxt,,on or persvr.s icRi, -ITT {:nutted tliereto; but if drrt:3uit .ire made in the Dayment of said note or <br />any part therm!' or any of the intert.g..titereon when due for in! Ule fait -hful performance oaf` any of either of said agreements as afiirisaia, <br />?hen the while of said note shall 1 : me due :anti he p;fid as hcrreinalier, 1provided. and this deer; ua3': remain in force: the Trustee or <br />Elul attorney may pruned to sell the property ;.IV, M5 @iltirety or in parcels'at the option of the Tru.AU.,. heicinbehire described at public <br />liacfion. to the highest hAder, for cast). However, the power of We herein conferred upt,n the Trustee sot tl! .:�;,t he exercised until (I) <br />the Trtuteu shall first file for rt et►tl�;:ifTi the office of the rcp;q%rr of deeds of cash county wherein the Iru -,t or some part tx <br />ptttieef themcf is situated. a notice s. f tiiefauit, identifying the 'trustee by stating the names Of the Trustor and '(panics therein and giving <br />the hook and page whte"r the sane is rtecxdect a description of the trust property, rind containing it statement that a breach of an obligation <br />for which the trust j►r+lf } vottvesed as security has occurred, and ,enroll Moth the nature of such hreacli and of his election to <br />Kitt or vidum to be std -such ilrrllrt M"'t o 1: 4fy t!w _ igp itcfrt-, and f )t :after t'im lapw ::f rim leis that-1 1, 11C iric it ustcc rha f give <br />Mice of sale as prir:ided by Nebrxvl X:Jaw. Alter notice of clefttilt and lapse of not less than one alum), the .1.!; ustec qiall Elise urittefi <br />nr.Mice (it the lime and place describing the property tar he sold by publication of suLh 114111ce..rt least live times, <br />once a week for five consecutive wc&,,,itNl;a'' . ptaNicatu>tt to he at least 10 days but not more f1 },ua; ; ;U J:i +:s r+rrur to tt :r t_Ue. in Monte <br />titwtptiW h0ing a general cfrculatirotr (;, t`r {y county in which the Properly to be sold. or soon pk-jtt Iherec+t rs srtu:u;:t; t :t•l,..iT Stich <br />axle, the Trustee shall execute and deliver a t3 cd of conveyance of the property kold it,, the purchaser or puf;;f�ri :stn thtn;� ' ,,,:rf :vats <br />I -4tatement tK recital 4 tact in sue h deed in relation to the exefcm Elf the pole er of .ale and tide e,t' the prilpertc trt;,.i :rr!iz(f tt, ;c .:3 °�.ir iiittlls <br />reGilats cot�t rrrrr :g arty fnailnsy+. t violial delivery and puhlicitir:tl fit the M)trce of delauit_ art; tnailm__ and the pnhllcat.4`11 ..r.alElt.E,,.�t,r�• <br />c1f ntxhc of lase., lift) r: a ctsntlttct i,f ".lc: anti such revi tat shill curasli ?use t+rotTa facto ev004 a 1'f -,uch t- 1.iozplani► a and cimclusr :r cr tdcnce <br />therea °ri 'it NY W of tlfide pufvhawrli and encumbraneets for ."Value ;nrd wilililut impi:e. ILL IruMtee'l. dccd `hall 41pc:rite t►, t411i"ev <br />;•fit ?tT C;lAy!ar <br />�11 <br />. -1 <br />.w. <br />y <br />