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� Jcc.t."'_'� _ . _ _ _—__'� �j� . <br /> ::-�:a . - . - �_=L�._w - . . <br /> � 5 . ., s � . _ _ . , � -- — a z �r r^�.. <br /> ff '�''' " __ _' ' ' ' ' _ ' < <� 4 _ <br /> -�� �� i.i�_ • t. �. t �_�� S. f f,�, ^_� i� �r`� F• � 1. <br /> 'at c � f�� � < - . � ' r- c-� r �iy� - ., . . <br /> ._ � .� �:. ��.i ' . t` .r.� � .c . - :�r . � c� � .: { �F � ..c `- y . i¢ .. ^- t <br /> - ,s� _ . . . -h < � o t'�`� t + r _ f - ' ., .:.5�.�.-_.._.....��..__,. 'd �.. . . _-..., _�,z. - �b .�,� £ . <br /> .Y11 t � ��w' 1_�._='...�......�_. ��'-� _.._. .. . ....._..... .. ._. . _ . F <br /> . '.�;.'T •- "- ' '�- ' .. G. <br /> � .r,: <br />.-- . ' t ��"S� ' <br /> ` f • 17. T�a�tster ot the Pro�erty or a Be�e8ctal tn4erest in BorPOwer. if aQ or any paR ot the PropeAy or > -}--�`� <br /> r <<t <br /> - ,� any 6rterest s� it�sotd or Cansterted(or U a harreftcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrowar L5 not a neWral ' � � °.' <br /> : - person�whhout Lende�s prtar wrtten eonsent, lend�may,et Bs opUon,require enntadiate pBymeM in tud ot 8U sums secuted by +.; �., <br /> "` « t� ffiis �acur3y Instrument However.this option Shali not be�ed by Lender Q e�c5e is prohb�ed by tede�ai taw as ot the `-� <br /> Hr; ' „� ;� <br /> ,�.,:': ` `=i•.� ' - •� d8t9 Of thlS SeCtt�y iOSUuMEtli. � � -• <br /> a �-�� -,i 4 It Lendet ex�es this opdon, lanQer shatl give Bortow�noUce of aeoeleration. The naY�ca sha1F provide a pertod ot not � _«"��:.;�:��' <br /> �:r • , =.�r? e , <br /> =- � � fess fhan 30 days from the date the notice is d�vered or me�ad w�hin wfiich Borrowet must pay all wms sewred by this � _'=,4i:',: `�.� �- <br /> � -.'` - - Sec�r�ty InstrumenL M Bortower fa�s to pay tnese sums prfor to the mcpiraUon of this Period, 4ender may rtrvake ar►y remedles � < - <br />_��" ". perm�lted by this SecurtY Mstrument wiNout further noUce cr demand on Bortower. � `•:`. ". <br /> � '� � � .� 18. �OROWP.T'8 Rtght LO RP•I118L9le. if eortower meets certein eondtions, 8ortower ShaU hsve the rtght to have � - � <br /> ��' . -i _ enfo�eat 4f this Secur�7y Insbum�t discont�ued at any tirtie prfor to the earfier Ot (a) 5 days (Or Such other period as � � �� <br /> _- �`.� ^ appOcabie law maY spec�7Y tor re�statement)before sale ot the Property Pursuant W any power�of saie corttatned m this Secutty � i 4-...`�` <br /> ��;�:.-�_ ..�_;! � ��'� insttumer�or(b)en1tY o!a j�tdgment enforcc�9 d►is SecuraY Instrument.Those condi�ans are that 8orrower:(a1 Pa1►s L�Q�aU < .: y <br /> Y,�fs:• , , ; •''- sums which then would be due under this SecurlY tnsVUment and the IVOte as�no eece►erallon had oeaared: (b)c�a�Y "- .' <br /> �` :-•.. ' r d&�8uR O!erty Otl18t COV@nelrt or 8$f88metitS: (a3 PaY� e�exDenses incurred 6n enforein9 this SecurdY Insbvment,inctud'e�g.Eut :`j:'.%,_"',,_.�;;', <br /> �., ., ,��` '� � . not Pen�ed to.►easOnaD�aUcmeys' tees: and t�takes sueh seUon es Lender may reasonabty requtre to assure t�at Me Gen of - - . ` <br /> �. , <br /> . :<�`� Mis Securi►Y InsWmmn. l.ender's �ights in th0 Praperty and 8ormwers obGgatlon to paY tlre sums se�wred by tnis Seasrtly �� ';.�e t`. <br /> _ ..L ''�- <br /> Instrument shaD cante�ue unchatiSed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secur�y tnstrument end the oC6gations secured :�:..;: �. ' <br /> -- :•. `- � hereby sha0 rmnain fuRy eHeeUve as d no acoeleration had occumed. However.this ri�M to re�sffite 5lfaU nat ePPN in the case , `,`� <br /> .i .• � � , ot flCCete�afion under Peta9raPh 17. . •:�. <br /> .`~�r.` ` 1;:; 19. Sate of �tote; Change of Loan ivace or a a oartm� mceress m me Hoce tsoeemer wan m�s '`:` ; <br /> r. , <br />_ - _ -_"•°.�_: Securdy instrument)may be som ons or more tQnes wahout prior noGce w Barrower.A saJe may resuR in a eh3nge in tt�e entity , <br /> . . .� (knawn as the'LOan Servieer')tAat eo�eCts monthly PaYm6nts due under the Note and th4 Securlty InsUUment There a�o maY <br /> '� 3 _ • . � r, be one ar mare changes of the loe� Servtcm unretated to a safa of the Note. If Mere is e chenge ot M8 Loan Seivice►• ':i <br /> p. Borrower w�be gNen wrmen not�e of tlre changa In accardance wdh pata9raPh t4 above arid epP�b��'W. �e notice wiD <br /> �% `'. � • state the name and ad�ress of the new Loa�+Servieer and the adtlress to wriieh payments shauld be mada The notiee w�atso � •,,.� <br /> ,,.�;,. _:} ;;.�:..: .. <br /> :;a;, � .. conffiin any other mfortnation required bY ePAACBbfe taw. • ' � ;•`�` <br /> ":!` r. .' f�4�. • l_. <br /> ? •�;_ 20. Hamtdous Sub�anees. Borrower snen not cause or permrt tne presence,use. dtsposat,storago,or re�ease ot «�:,.>�.,:},. <br /> �` � � - enY Fiarardous Substances on or in the PropeAy. Borrow�sha0 not d0. nor alfaw arryone eLss m do.any�iAmg aHec�nB the ,�-,...r . � <br /> i� � � PrapeRy that is a�vio(ation of anY Environmantal law. The p�eced'ai9 two sentences sfiatl not aDPN to the P�n�e.use. or .. � �: <br /> �< <`._....4 : _. storage on the Pmpert7► of smaU quantdies of Flazardous Substartces that are generaUy reco9�ae0 to be aPA�Drlafe to norrt�ai _ <br /> �,;� , t,� resider►Uai uses and to matntartance of the Property. ''..,� � <br /> � - Bortower sha0 PromP�►Y 9� Le�dm wrMen noUce of any brveztigatia�. ctatrn. Qeman0. �awsuR or otRer aetion by anY r � <br /> '�: � . ;�f gOVemrt�entel ot tegu(3tOty 8gen�Y or P��P�Y�voMing the Propertq end 2ny �tdous SubstanCe ot EnvEtonmentel Lew of t��. .; <br /> . �.�_ � �� <br /> �; whtcl� Bortawer has acWa1 knowfedge. If Bortawer leams, o►is noblfied by anY Sovemm�tal at r�utatory euthcrity►.that enY t <br /> -••�"'`; � � remaval or other remediation ot any Hamrdous SuDstene9 aifectlng ProPertY is n�essery. 8orrow� shaU prompty take aD �;+r,;; <br /> ;""{-1.; c '��,.�., . o'-.;:�. <br />--` s'�,. necessary remedtal acitons m accardance wRh Envtronmentai .., , c , <br /> - ...�;; • � Its used'u�tnls paragr8p�?A. 'Ha�rdaas SubstanCes' are those substences d0fined es tox(e or haserQOUS substertcas by �••�'�.�� ��' ' <br /> , •`. ' . Emr'vonmental Lew and tne to¢owing subs�nces: gasofine, kerosene, ather ftammabte or tmdc petroleum products. toxic °, ' •.';„' <br /> �11li.�'!i . � � � - <br />_ ...�;.,_ _ . ... _ . .- pesticides and hetbiCidss.vo(aLTO soMents,mat�conffifnbtg asbestos or fomialQehyde.and r8dlaactive rtmLerlais. As used in -- <br /> bT ; <br /> -;.:F;��_. .. � .� ' paragtaph 20. 'Environmental Lew' means fedetal taws end 41ws of tite JurlsdietWn whsre the Property is iacated thei relate to -Y. `.- <br /> ;.� . ., heaRh,sefety or env(ramnental protectbn. `;',,- <br /> � , � ' - NON-UNIFORM COYENAN7S. Bortower end Lende�Wrther eovenant and agree as toROws: _ <br /> �� � � 21. Qceeteratlon; Re�edies. LenQer shail give notice to Borrower pTior to acceteretlon <br /> �=�i,'�;,_ � bifowtng Boaower's breach of any covenant or sgreement in this Sscurity Instrument (but not ,. ' � <br />± f'.�','= - � `: � . prtot �o aceeteraUon under Qaragraph 17 unt�ss applicebte law provtdes otherwisej. The notice 7 . ', <br /> -��: :. . � shall specHy: (a)the defaui�(b)the actton required to cure the detaul� (a)a date, aot tess than ,:�= <br /> :���i;'•r;d .: � ' . - . <br /> .. t_:,- _ �� 30 days dam the date the notfce is given to Borrower,by which tles deTaufi must be wred; and <br /> ' ���:r�' � �' (d) that failure ta cure the detautt on or betore the date apecifled tn the �ottce may resuit in � <br /> ��:;^� „�� � accEteratton ot thQ sums seeured by t1�is Security tnstrumerri end sale o4 the Properly.The noliee <br /> � ., .,. <br /> t;�r;, , � sl�all �rthet inbrm Borrower of the rlgM to retnsfate a�ter aeceteratton and the Nght Lo bring e . <br /> ' '" � ,eou�t actton to assert tne r�an-extstence ot a detautt or any other delense ot Horrower to . <br /> � ��`.�:,``:_ � � aceete�ation end Sate. tt the detauit is rtot cured on or bebrv the date specified in 4he nntice, , '. <br /> :'��`.�': � . � ; Lender at its opt�on may require immediste payment in tull ot ail sums secured by this Sec�rity : . .. <br /> �-±,,_. � . �, tnstrucnent withaui iurther demand and may imroke the power of sate and eny other remedies . <br /> f:-,`�: ' � � permitted by applicabte faw.Lender sha11 be entJtted to coilect all expens�s iacuRed in pursaiRg . . <br /> °��'"°� � � �• � � Ute remedies provided In tNis paragraph 21, inctudlrtg, but not timtted to, reasunable attorneys' ,. ' � <br /> .�,s:,. � . <br /> "�=�— � - tees eied costa ai Ut3e evidenee. � <br /> '��. .: <br /> If the power of sate ia lnvoked, Truatee shall record e notice of default in each eounty in ` • <br /> ���.�,.: . which arry part of the Property ls �ocated and shalt mail copies o! such �ooUce in the manner � . <br /> :-:� � preseribed by eppticabte tav� Lo Bonower er.d to the other persons prescNbed by appUcable taw. E ' <br /> � '. . , �j Afier the tlme �equired by eppllcabte law,Trustee shall give public rtoUce o!sale to the persona � <br /> �. : , � � � ticabte law. Trustee, wtthout demand on Borrower. sha11 sell � <br /> and in the manner preseribed by app <br /> �"�. . ; tha Property at pubUc auctlon ta the highest btdder a! the time and place and under the terms i� <br /> �.e;;'.,: � ...� deslgnated in the notice of sa►e In oa�e or more parceis artd in any ooder T►ustee determines. [ <br /> p� ��� � Trustee may postpone sale ot sll or aay parcel of the Property by public anrtouneement at the E . <br /> � £•4 �`�` �. , � time snd place of any prevtouaty scheduted sale. Lereder or its designee may punchase the � �� . <br /> :�?�.', � � .i Property at any sate. � <br /> �'�"�: � Upon receipt of peyment of the price b@d. Trustee shetl detiver to the purchaser 7rustee's �• <br /> deed conveying ihe Property. The recitets in the Trustee's dee d s h a t l be p r l m a t a e i e evi dence of : <br /> �'` '` the truth a! the statements made therein. Trustee shall appty the proceeds of the s�le in the j , • <br /> yr . . . <br /> � ' � tollawing order: (a) to atl cosis and expenses of exercising the p�wer of sale. and the sale. • <br /> �;.. �. .� . inctuding the payment o! the Trustee's tees acWalty incurred, �ot to exceed three � - <br /> t . °,6 ot the principal amount ot the � . <br /> .�.,���. � note at the t}me ot the declaration of default, artd reasortable attorney's t�es as permltQed by law; .. • <br /> t.:� . . (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) arcy excess to the person or persons � _ . <br /> -t� • legaily eMitled 4o it. <br /> . '. � �-,�� ,� . <br /> � :.:� <br /> -. ; .,,, , . � �i_fJ . ----�- <br /> __ _ . , . . . ,� �; <br /> �. . . <br /> � � . <br /> �. , . '. �. <br /> ;;„:, : . <br /> � � -�r.-`�-:. - . <br /> --�' •, _ _ . , . . . :}- ., <br /> _..�... i�. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . . . _ . .., � . . . ._ . .. , . � . , - . � ...,� . ._ - 'i�� . ... ._.�.. . ._.� � . ..'r .. �.��_� .. ..� . <br />