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r <br />T— <br />w 0R <br />if S.+aoder required martpye imwatsoe a a condition of making the keen � ibis Sec letsft Iftantment. <br />required to maintain'tile insurance in erect until such time a the re*r+emmt for the <br />with Borrower's said Leede is written aSrareml or applicable law. <br />_ its apt may makes lassoetable entries ugtoa sod.1 im of the Property. Lender <br />. _ - -- . ofc�ro�cl�u� iatop�tnn near _ronal�teauwei�cziej..e.�+�... ' <br />-- -- -- -- ___. of myaward'txelalm or Airworconimpic tial.incoatuactioawkk <br />y oosdwstto. or other' taking of any part of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condarmstior% nit; hereby <br />ss ' <br />asai/raedawdsiatlbepaid to IF adtr: <br />b the e' VM' ' of ill trial takias tithe Properly. ibe proceeds shall be applied to the awes ttecuted by this Scarcity <br />Itatrttsaeat. whether or not tbee d w. writb say excess paid to Borrower: In the evast of a pagtW akiatg of the property, <br />maim sortrower and Lender otherwise agree, in wdtiM the sum secured by thiiu'9ecrrrity Inainn sent shall t*, sdttced <br />. the sarotlrat of the Pvccedds mrhipied by there following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately <br />bebre the takies. div*W by (b) the fir mailed vahre orthe Property immediately before the taking. Any bwtiaraot shall be <br />paid to Borrower. 4 .' <br />if the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lentder to Borrower that the condemnor orer'a t0 <br />make an award or settle a claim fordamsagea. Borrower faih to respond to Lender within 30days after the date the notice is <br />giver!. Leader in ntMdnd to collect and apply the proceeds, at its OMJID t.,eithertorestoration or repairoftbe Property or <br />lathesumssed:ured by thisSanuity Instrument. whether or not then :w_ <br />Unless i ender sad Sorraaerodserwisessreein writing.any a aiiom ofproceeds to principal SUB notestead or <br />postpone the doe date of ibe ittrmMy psymeaq refwed to in parasrap41 sad 2 mchange the amount of sycb payments. <br />10- Bsersw -- Nut 11111&1 Fa liewaaoe By Leaser K* s 'wslrer:: £ztension of the time fur payment or <br />rrtodi/eatiaa of AMOrtitatiom C the sums secured by this Security Latrumeat' Srarsted by Leader to any' successor in <br />iaknW of Yarrouer Hasid not operate to fdMe the liability Of the renal BorroMar or Borrower's suecessm in interest. <br />Lmsdet shall no be reegWnd to commence - prw4wilitngs against any successor in interest or refuse to catenad time for <br />paypaaet or otherwise modify amortization of the suers secured by this Security Instrument by reason of sny demand Made <br />by tlq icttrisieaal Borrower aBorrower's suecessars in irttcIva- Any forbearance by.i a nokr in exercising any right or remedy shali,io beawaiverofor pneciude thee: xctdscotaay r4ktne remedy.... <br />11. saoessnars and AnIsm Bsrdk Jalr od Seweal Ira WWr Co.a%MWL The covenants and asirceaseatsd <br />this Security laatrumest "bind and benelif thesuccerssors and asr*00f Lenderand Borrower. subject to the <br />of paragraph 17. Borrower's eovessnq and agreements." be joint 944 several: Any Borrowerwbo co-signs this Security ` -•` <br />instrument but does not eaecuielbe Note- (a) is co- s4ning this Security Instrument only to mortgage. &rapt and convey <br />that Borrower's interest in the hq laty under the termsaithisSecurity Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay <br />the sums secured by ibis Security instrument; and (c) agrees that E(.m*i and any other Borrower may agree to extad. <br />modify. forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the germs of this Security Instrument or the Note without <br />that Borrower's am"ent. <br />Ih. !uses Glargatc, If the ran secured by this Security iniC ument is subject to a law which sets aasrtimum k ies <br />Charles, and that law is tbtaily interpreted so that the 4encw, *.other leers charges collected or to be collected in., <br />connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits. thee: (0:ai -wh loan charge shall be reduced by the amouiat <br />necessary to redlnee the chaise to the permitted limit; and (b) any shin *krady collected from Borrower which esceedctd <br />permitted limits will be refun" to Borrower. Lender may chaos: t snake this refund by reducing the principal owxw <br />under'rile Note or by making a direct payment to Borrow: jrs refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a <br />psrtial-prtpsyment witbdwt say prgmymml charge undeirt'be Note. <br />t1- 140aiatlw AKsedttg 11,0111111111"1 1111110141. if enactment or expiration of applicable laws has the effect :iii <br />rendaurd any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable accardinl to its terms. Lender, at its option, <br />may fegip -o: iulxitt%k*te payment in fun of all stuns secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies <br />pd:nni qi 4• grxSraph 19. if bender exercises this option. Lender stall take the steeps specilled in the second paragraph of <br />partiVA 47. <br />Id. NsNosta. Any notice to Borrower provided rotiira This Security instrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br />mailing it by first class mail unku appbe aw c law requreet arise of wtdrthet method. The notice shall be directed to the <br />Property Address or any otbear adriress Br wn7 tver designatati.,lf;) n6tiew '10 Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by <br />first class mail to Lender's addre*t stated herein or any onus• a4dre" $.cruder "pates by notice to Borrower. Any notice <br />provided for in this Security insim, "sent WWI be deemed y3 %kve b9cn given to Borrower or Lender when given Its provided <br />in this paragraph. <br />IS. (;ovenrirug Law; Sa*IraiWty. 'M is Security Instnanenr M-1*11 be governed by federal law and the law of(*, <br />jurisdiction in wlan* the Property is located. In the event that ay P,A'+ ivIu n or clause of this Security Inurument or the. <br />Note coraAwt wi!Ida: applicAle law. such eonllict shall not selfcet oitlnex!provisims of this Security Inurumentior the Note . <br />which tarn bt inset ice! **bM- the conflicting pruvisim. TO this end the proviskift ofthis Security Instrat en.I and the <br />f Nateatroicdeoclaredsa�li�•�. '. , <br />16. Barrra Copy. Borrower shall be given one d:onfonned' copy of the Note and of this Security Insirunic-lit. <br />17. TraaouNir, at the Prerparrty tits a ilieweNcial ladtrest IN BQ+dtMrrer. If all or any part of the Property or any";, <br />interest ink is-stalii tin intow cdPw ifs beft6ktalintere st in Bctrrowd'it sold or transferred and Borrower is"a natural <br />Pen w)• wttboul Lender's print *tittess consent, Lender sway, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums <br />sc+cured by this Security tristrslaustt. However, this eMiowihall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br />federal law as of Me date of ibis Security Instruraaent. <br />if Lender exercises this option. Lender shall give 6orrowe:r itake -of acceleration. The notice shall provides period <br />of not less than 30days from tbedete the notice is delivered of mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by <br />this Secunty INt+trunsent. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to theexpiration of this prod, Leader may invoke any <br />rcntedidts perrrtisted by this Security instrumatt without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />$& Badrsm s RW M Reissta L if Borrower meets etrratn condrtwws. Borrower shall have the r�gp! !n haver <br />e ifixte rtetat oititiasecaMy Instrument dascontinued at any tune prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other period as <br />aPtkAk law may ypeeify for rewMatemail) before sak of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained to this <br />Sorcurity lnstrwnent; or tb) Cot .try refs judgment enGxcang this Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: <br />(at pays !.ender an swdna which then would be due under this Security Instrun rrt and the Note had no acceleration <br />mcrtrrerd: 1bi curer any dtfsuh of any other cowmants dt agreements, (e) PAYS all evensa incurred in enforcing this <br />St. OMY instrutnMi. Including. but not limited to, 1`050 cable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lentler may <br />rtawwobly require tr, &K&vre that the Ixn of this Serwnty instrument. Lenders rights in the Property and Illwo rer's <br />Wtprn.n its pay the tutus Wured by this Security instrurntnt shall continue unchanged, upon rernststcmen, by t4 <br />P,k : rower,t utsSK-W ItyIrtiit-w hent and thteomilationssecuredhnetirshall remain fully effectnaasIfnoaccelerationhad <br />' %carped Hrs+se.-er. this tight fo rtinstate shall nut apply in the cave placceteranun under paragraphs 11 or 17 <br />i ... <br />
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