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F- <br />UMPOMbMNAMn Barom &W Ledercotawam agrals folk" <br />105037 <br />I. ftmo <br />ltlaelpal ad 1@10484 irnMytntat MALimcben"o. Borrower sun prMpily pay when due <br />the pt l ofand ifterest on tbcdeWeviftced bythe Noteawl any prepayment and late ch&rgndue under the Note. <br />L Flan nin ter Tumentill - - - P sewect tog"Ok" law or. to written waiver by Lender. Bgffowe► shall pay <br />to tender on the day mosibly payments are due under ft Nofe. WO tU Note is paid in rail, a awn ("Fuedej equal to <br />OVA4*dft or (0) Y"Y ism aid aw"11111115 w" MY attlis FJOWO ovit this Security lavirument; (b) yeady. <br />innum psyfsasN or trotad ruft on the hop". if OW <br />(t) yearly hard kMkV%%ct <br />mmiaft ad (d) reartyIM p►aaif�a. if Say- Tice i=* We a" "Ocftw itents." , <br />Lender way eaWate the* Fab& dye oa the <br />jeekOUANKEW deft#" ffi --- M -1"M1Ntj!MMM-fAL- <br />1111041110"W0r Accounts ofwbkk are kasund org4ams"ked by a federal or <br />11124e NOOKY (Wieft LwAw it IaWw it rub an iggWOWD). 11,411111111' AM Offly OW Fwaft 0* joy Ow eacrow ham <br />Leaft My ONAMP -ft homing FAMI 1k 1FWWl16 mmhmwo The 600" of <br />LoWeir pop Dorf-MW italtralt sus tie F=6 atsi aPgiaeaiit iaMr pmwb I W* avbi DMIMM WA <br />Lemft alMinirdftaft, <br />a" be cotbeFunds. motor -150-able law <br />1-1 ------ 11obe <br />p•K Lemller Ad ad be <br />-,L--- 11111k IN 60 11141 Nonowa any interest or earaingp on ft Funds. Lander <br />live to 111M.Ow" - OR ammd MCCOUNift0ftbe FWX% skming credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />PbA PH Prerwhich eackditlait lathe FMA; was ask. The Floadis are ptedgad as additional security. for the sums SWUMO by <br />this 511wity IFAUUmmt- <br />If tie amount or the FumbligUbIj Liftim teptbw with the More wooftpaymalso(Funds p6YAWP",W to. <br />the due dais ofthe ancrow 16"4. diffiewad the saimist nqWnd to pay the eicrow iftm when due. the <br />N 11110110wal option. either 1XWr~ c9cmdited to Borfoom on impsithly payments OfF"u.'r-the, <br />amount at;; Fnds kM by 1090 the acrowitans when due. Borrower ahallpay tot�� any <br />- <br />avow Room" so Mfilkeap bataett0rtworePsyssesstsasrequiredby Lendw., <br />UPM103 10 linfWaran <br />any FwWkt held by 11 - Wonder Pu$$t84* Mt the ft%Vaty is MM or acquired by Lember, Lender shall apply, ito later <br />than immediately prior to tine on* of the Fte"t1por its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by 1 ender 2----. ionnacreditapiaottbe -ilds Security Instroment' at the dw of <br />3. AnUcialm at fts UWWN &PVKcWbk 111* provides OthawiW all payments received by Lender under <br />paragraphs I and 2 shall 69 $Pgbd&- hW. to Ask c&4rV& due trader the Noe; second, to prepayment charges clue under the <br />ALN---.&-------- <br />Nate. third, to amoosts WWM 4POWOW, .. 0. to interest doc and last. to PiAcipall due. <br />4. (31 so LIM& Bairoirer 26OKP IAN UU16 alsa4naeratr. Chalml1kies sod impositions aftnibutable to the <br />?Mperty OWA my WWO rdwilY1,090f thin Sectiffty Ingramenit. and kawhoM payments or ground rents. if any. <br />notrova Ldt —1— � . pay <br />P? thins an WwWoMMUMM Wisoaffprovidedin paragraph Xorif so paw in that WAIM, Boisown shall <br />FlO the Para 1 DOW POYOmt. BOCVOTM'11114111 promptly furnkbia Lerodivallaoticesolviloonts <br />to be paid W*r tbb PWS$Wk V%MWff min these payments Arwly. Bonower " PMN*ft rum" tolender <br />IMMMillift, tbepayawA <br />Ow owa shall promptly 4, any Men which boo priority over ft Security Instrument unless Borrower (a) <br />agraosinwTitingtollbepsymm 0116111 Ilk secust1by the maina Acceptable to Leader, (b) contais in good <br />IMb the lien by. or deft& W" <br />Oftw No in, kod VmOMMHYP which bran the Lender's prevent the "forcemet of the liar or <br />o M opinion operate to <br />, tine <br />of the Hen an <br />OPMOWWWatiorylo Rader - W - A Otill The Hen to this Security Inanianent. If Loader determines that any part of <br />the .Property a "bim 10 alien' wM* 807 OIWK Priority COW 1bb %cwO)r Instrument. Lender may give Borrow <br />t* am or take owornmeofthe action set f t within 10 <br />,dibe giving of notice. orthsbov days <br />L UV the ImPmwemaft Pow existing or hereafter emed on if* Abeeperty <br />"—'*d 1P'*M Min by*x� Ut&r& iaici4tdsd wkbi* tk WIND "WOMW covers•' and any other hunds for whick Leader <br />..!WAks W1011,11N. TW isomum shall be m6WW*W in the 1111501111ts OW for the periods that Lender requires. The <br />vinuface carrier provsbi g the iitsuratsce " be ('hoses by Borrower subject to Lender's approii* which shall not be <br />WMMW4* wit <br />P&CW and 1411wrals " be mccepbW to I am " k** a standard mortgage Clause. <br />dMbmtberWmtobWt*po&:inmdfagw&iolfiAmWrs** jkNowe shall promptly give to Lauder <br />the event of kM Borrower OWI give prompt m&jce to the Insuraft" <br />=6411' a" L11114W. Leadw wAy wake proddlega if no in&& proniply by %"~. <br />Unless Leader and VOITOW 19he"Vise 16M in writin& irmratim proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair <br />of the FMWY dMW4 it din inalin'tilift Or ft*f is WOMMkONY h aii1ble and Leader's security is not knened, if the <br />MWIllim Or repair is am amonically hasible or. Lender's security would be lessened. the insurance proceeds AS11 be <br />44ppliail to the awn - - r P - I by this Sgewity Instrument, whether of not then due. with. my excess paid to Borrower. If <br />D&MM abandons the hqPtnY- Or does NOR answer within 30 days a actin from Lem *r Am, o1w ifturance, carrier has <br />9dlO sank ockim then Lenderawy collect the * eds. mender may we fjw <br />111119" -11PF cc _vr to repair or reswe <br />tits p"Worlywto pay own sac m 6. this SWVIMY Ingnwmnt, whether or no then don TbcXP6&y period will bqOft, <br />—a'Whie, <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otbawm &Vw in writag. say.Ppiigstbn ofpF4 Fort to principal shall not extend or <br />PIWPO"dwdwdmof the momblypsygmtsit6a'- toini.. graphs I sad 2 or change the amount of the psymerits. If <br />—1 1010 lgd*?MMIY isav*&W by Lamda. ftem"os riot josay Inur"M policies proceeds <br />RVM ""RJR <br />�&WAV 10 the ftOPKtY Prior 10 The acquisition small pm to Lender to the extent of the sums$ or by jwky <br />N, t immediately prior to the "isitim. ec ad his SOL <br />W DWro.m shall not destroy. damage orsubs mtWly <br />tMW clue ftpvmy' alb* the 1roPef4 to daiwiliMe Or commit wage. ff [*A Security lrmrvment is on • 10"Phol <br />Warfowas"I comply vam The proviaioaaaortheiievart, and if Borrower acqui vs ree title to the Property, the kwhold and <br />(W *k " so merge at Lender Wani a the MeW in writing. <br />7• Prslletlats of Lnedinon W#m in dw IN"gily Mat jpW fgpargm. If Borrower rank to perform <br />CW*WAWMdqVWWAMhCMgakWiWfbj@% ' he <br />tMedw-ft to" ift -&UO cW#Y lasir"ment, Of theft is a kPI PrOce0dir4l; that may siltnillcmIly alTed <br />"!W* ba"'t"O'N Vmtt, W C011demnstim or to enforce laws or assn P— - <br />than 14nd"Maiydo OW Pay for whiftWis 116COMIGrY to protect the value Ofthe Property and Lender*s rights <br />ft my soft sKwftd by a lien which has priority over this security <br />IM11011011101, <br />L ids <br />' 11* Flop"'Y' tod"""c"m '"Y"k "34 <br />Lesdsrtnsy �"X'ficblifi- pay'"S nWXW"'W$~ fetes ilad at On the Properly to make repairs. Although <br />Ukeaction vaderibiaperWapli 7. 1,00111111' 4091not hsvetodoso. <br />Any O"ounts didwoW by Lender under ibis pang 7 SWI br KM rower secured by this <br />come of Borrower <br />UVOily Iftiniont Unku Borrow it and Lgvr&r 45M 10 other term orpaytnent, these Amounts Shall beat interest from <br />the dot of diobvnement at she Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower <br />I RN Mip4payinent. <br />—1 <br />"Ic <br />