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<br /> k,F�` .- BOTlpWCr S�l 8SS1$II[O I.Q1aCf d�iC35fS Of lt12 � . 't�.f � �
<br /> G.ASSIGNNID�Pf OF LEA.S�S•Upoa Leadet's zequest, Leader .� r� �_
<br /> '� v '�•` p�p�ty and aIl S�iry deposits made in�an wiRh teases of the P�opetty. Upon the assignment, - �
<br /> `� � .
<br /> `�t�' � - s�tall have the rigtit w modify.extend or terminate the eustiag teases and co execute new teases,in Lecder's sole � �: .;
<br /> :.•: ;<<F g t '
<br /> ° :� ,.. dist�ion As nsed ia tDis pa:agraph G,the word"lease"shall mean"sublease"if the Security Insnumcat is on � t ,
<br /> _ `'_� a teasehold. � '° r' ��_
<br /> r �°�-'�,L Borrower abso aad uns�ondidonally assi�s aad uansfers tfl�all the ients aad reveaues("Reats•,)of ° ` `�-:�_:
<br /> �� '�,✓,Y.•�; ' �� of to whors� the Rents of the PmP�Y �PaYabte. Borrower authorizes Lender or � `:r�\�`- �� � .
<br />.�_I: � �` `:, �.�, �¢�•s��n the Renu,and agtees that each tenaut of the Prope[ty shall Pal+the Rents to Lender or � .• ..:� -, �
<br /> .° . . �.`•�'' _ -''�`:•.- tr`�
<br /> ,�'°:';`<.` ,:,��:��:;..-`��'! Le�et•s agents.Ha�ever,Bosrower sUall reaeive the Rents u�il(i)Leader has gtv�Bormwer notice of default '�•'= ::,_: -
<br /> -u�jt,.- <,.'` �_: gucsuant[o paragtaph 21 of the Saca�ritY Insav�ut and�(ii)Lender has givea notice to the teaantls)that the Rems 4 _� '
<br /> �.:. ;..',,;, aze w 6e paid to Leader or I�der's ageat.7bis assigoimeat of Rents wnstiwtes an absolute assig�uaent and not « .
<br /> ' au assignmwt fo�addidonal�uriry on1Y• �'. F� -
<br /> . � • ��<
<br /> p- 4 .
<br /> �.. . If Leader gives notice of bteas�to Borrnwer:('i)all Rents teceived by Borrower sball be hetd by$flrtower r..
<br /> �� � . the a�. (i►)1�ader ' �' ,
<br />- .. ., �L� ;�; as trustee for the beuefn of I.ead,°r only,w be applied to the sums secuied by Se�iry i ,m�+,r , . ,;<.•`
<br /> Borrower a that each teaant of[he ,.,. -
<br /> ;.-- �' � - :� shall be e�sded to colIe,x aad receive all of the Renis of the Pmperty;(iii7 S� `':� `;" '�:°;
<br /> - ��'-;.� -,, � -�, ' ;� s writtea de'mand ta the - _ �'``:
<br /> a�• =.'; pmpecty sbail pay all R�is dne aad unpaid w I.ender or l.ender's agents npon I.ende�' '. :
<br /> > >
<br />_ .t��` - . ;�v, t�nt:Cn►)m�less aPPticab2e law provides othecwise,all Rencs coltected by Leader or l,ender's agenu shall be t -.._._
<br /> �:; s� a�pried 6rst w ths costs of tatdng canuol of and managing the Pmperty aad coltearng the Reats,inctading.inrt � ' t :;.
<br /> s�i :� . '' n o t l i m i t e d to, att o m e y s' fecs, �eceiver's fees, Premium� on receieu's bonds, cePair and cutintenanse costs• . r ' ;
<br /> �" r� '` iaaurance p�s,taxes,agsessmenta aad other c�arges on the Propetty,aud then to dte sams secuned by the ���� r -
<br /> _ .�_ ,F _ . : g�ty�;(Y)ix�nder,Leader's ageau or any judiciaUy appointed receiver shall be liabte to acoo�t for 4 n4 T
<br /> �" '."�.`: `� � ��``.Y oniy those Rents acwally ser.eived: and (vs7 �.: � .--
<br /> - �;..::.� :' . -;. Lender shaU be entidod w have a ceoeiver appointed W take ': . -�•:
<br /> - • ,�. � ' , � possession of and manage the Property aad callect tLe Rents and profits derived from the Property without any . . r «
<br /> ` _ ` �.-,Y= showing as ta the iaa,dequac.y of the Propetry as securitY• ``� � s '� `'
<br /> ,;,.; . ,� ��
<br /> , . If the Renu of the Pmpecry are nat sofficlent to cover the costs of taldng contml of aad maaa�mg the ., :
<br /> _ �`i•;:• .. _.}_;'
<br /> ',.;, . � �P�Y�of colIe�iag the Reats any ftutds espeaded by L�nder for suc�puiposes sl�all beoome indebtedness . ,.�;,�,1-„�
<br /> ���
<br /> r� O�BDINR�C[t0 IR�dCt�bY t�lB S�q]fltjt IffiAUI�Ci11 Qi�t t0 UIIIfOTID COY20�[7. -' + t's..ii<�.
<br /> �` �°,��� Borrawer zepreseats an�wartants that Bomnwec has not execated any priar assignment of t6e Bents and has 'i. !,5 J� J
<br /> ,. .f i- - �'; -
<br /> not and w�l aot perPorm a�+act that would pseveat I,eader fmm exercising its rights�mder this paregrapb- �? °��'�;-;
<br /> �� � w e�ater upon, take
<br /> ' Lender.�or Lender's agents oT a judicialtY aPPuintod �eceiver,shali aot 6e �s+ed : -r`•:=`;
<br /> � �•:���� ,
<br /> ;..'���'`,��-.: •� wntrol oY or maintaia the PmPertY before or after giving notice of deiault to Bormwec. However, I.eader, or : .'.,:�.
<br /> ; '��-� . : Lender's agents os a jud�cialiy appoiated seceivu,a�aY do so at any time when a default a�aus.Any applicat�on ,� .
<br />=_�'.-: • .. . •:;.:f of Renta sbaU itot cure or waive aay default or invalidate aay other right or remedy of L.ender.T�fis assignment of .'... ,. .. '• ,.-
<br /> <.,�"'� . Rents of the Property s6all tesa�inate when aU the sums secured bY thc Secnriry L�suument ate paid in fni3. _
<br /> •'�' -.� ,�� 'I...� ��': �;� I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION.Horrower's def�ilt or breacb under any note or agrecmeat in which . _
<br /> t: -
<br /> �,,��,;.;. - . . ;-,; l.eader has aa iaterest shall be a Dreach ander the Securiry Instsumeat aad Leader may invoke aay of the remedies ; . ��:�;,
<br /> •"' " petmitted by the Secvriry�^�-e*" .
<br /> �;� i. ; •. ': BY SIGAiING BELOW, Bomnwer accepts aad agmes to the terms aad provisioas oomaiaed ia this 1-4 't;:: ::'
<br /> ,. ;�•.�_:
<br />"s;' . � '� Fam�ly Rider. � � ,-
<br /> �.�:..,r
<br /> �'� - � � ,,,' �_ �' cs�� ts�> ``,;F(... '��
<br /> ;.. .
<br /> - ' HARRY E QWS -Botrower C `3'IN71 L SORRCW -Bortower .
<br /> �. . • . . • ..
<br /> !• �'; .' . . .. (Sea1) (Se31) '"
<br /> ",�,;., .
<br /> �f, _, . , ' •• ,. -Borrower -Botrower -
<br />. �:�.',` . " - - •. .r.'
<br /> �. . .
<br /> :��'CT,` . . " ' �± : . .
<br /> _;'��':.,... '� �-57 isaoa�.oi �ne�o+i Fartn 3170 3l83 � ' ' • .
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