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<br /> t o- -�.r.� � r .. --.c, - � �`' - - �.= z � � �� . .4x.� y.- , � � ,a i-
<br /> -� .i:�.,� .C' N. .t F l "`Gx, _G k . 4 ,� . � y< , ' f '1' Y . T' T
<br /> �i.7 - ..4.`'r ' �,�' . -�t � � � i� . �c � S .. � r •r �- �"i �.� '� . s.°t`` 6 i _ c.; ��} .2 - m ��' �.- ,, -• � - - t �
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<br /> ,= � - ` � t 's ^r .s: `S `t- •C�..Gr": �:�'1 ---Y.� - _ i�.�-+� .;1: a. �-:.,"'i j. .;r,, -<�`� `Na
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<br /> : ,, .� :�.a�.- . .�
<br /> � '� c .� � �_ � ,l t,{4�;
<br /> 17.Traasfer of the Property or a Benefccial Inierest in Bornower. If all or any part of t6e Property or any inte�est in it :��'
<br /> s . . <.-; °� ,
<br /> � - � • •• is sold or uansferred(or if a benefrctal interest in Borrower is sold or uansferrea and Botroaer is not a natura!person)without ��� ' '�
<br />=lw�c'�'�^T'�"�-�•.`•'•'"._t� L�der's prior written oonsent. Lender may. ai iu option, require immediate PaYment in fnll of all sums s� by this - -..°.�•�`,:.,�.
<br /> c::.<<._ -.,._. _n � _
<br /> . . -�•��'�...,�;: SeCarity inctn�ment However.this option shall nat be exerc6sed by L.ender if exenise is prohibited by federdl!aw as of the date � : 4,4 � :=.F:s.
<br /> ��` < < .< :.< of this Securety Instnune�n. `' ' '
<br /> tnune �
<br /> If I.ender eaerrises this option,Lender sha11 give Borrower notioe of acoele�ation.The notioe shall provide a periad of not '� • ,'�`,` �.:.. �
<br /> � � :. ��ti . .
<br /> �; y - tesx than 30 days from the date the notice is defivered or maifed within afiich Borrower auut pay all sums sewred by tttis ` ' � ..:
<br /> i' .�...,..�_:. � Security Instrument.If Borr�wer fails w pay these sums prior to the eapiratian of this period. i,ender may invoke any remedies '� �` �•:
<br /> : ': � ,4, `� 2 ,,_
<br />--;;v�:��.;:'-�-:.�-�.��._:�;' pemiitted by this Security Inst�neat withcut further notice or demand on Borrower. � �,,;r:_�...`:
<br />-- -,', , = r. .�;';.;;. 18. Borrower's Rig�t to Rdastste. If Borrower meets certain conditioas. Borrower shall have the right to have � ; „ �, �, ..
<br /> ,+•_.'��� � : euforcement of dus Security Instrumeat discoatinued at arry time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (oi such other periadi as � �. '
<br /> + �� apglirable law may specify for reinstatement) before safe of the Praperty pursuant to any power of sale contained in this `r �. ' �i �
<br /> �. - � f Security Instr�mart:ar N3��Y�a J����fotcing ttris Secut�ty Insiiument.Those rnnditions an that Borrower:(a)Fays � ` .�s
<br /> �, .�-��-^� f: Ixnder all s�uns which then�vould be due ander this Security Insuument and the Note as if no acceleration had accurred: (b) •` E
<br /> � wres any default of any other covenants or agmements:(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Sacurity Instrumeni. �! -
<br /> ��.� '-'. _ :;.v_. :-��• .;...,,.,�,_, �;
<br /> =:r,, " �,�:-��.��.�._:�.;.�,' including.but not limited to,reasonabte attomeys' fees:and(�takes such action as Leader may reasorrably req�ue to assare , .,7 ...:....:.. .:
<br /> _ � - � T. ti�at the lien of this Security In �m�t- Lender's righu in the Progerty and Bo�rmwer's obligarion to pay the sums seau+ed by ,
<br /> this Seauity Insmrm�t stiall continue unchanged. Upon iein5tatemeM by Borrawer. this Securiry Iastrument and the :��- `` �`
<br /> �*'r : � t �-. '-° s l , ,_
<br /> �`°, • �;:.'``. obligations secured hereby sha!!remain fiilly effective�if no accelecation had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall �" . �:
<br /> �_�` � w not appiy in ths case of accelerdtion under paragraph 17. "� s �.�•
<br /> 4 .,.�.�_,� �•,. , , of Loan Ssrvicer. The Note or a artial interest in the Note (to ether wiW this S
<br /> � : 19. Sate of Note; C6ange P 8 � :'.�
<br /> �f f `� ` `�= Instrument)may be sotd one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known ; ;
<br /> � �,� ;� 1 `. as the"Loan Servicer")that coltects montlily paytuents due under the Note and this Securiry Instramen[.There also may be one k: Q
<br /> ��, � _ or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nnte.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Bor►uwer wiA be ,..,°
<br /> �t T� • givea written natice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wifl state the name as�d ;`>�FG��� �
<br /> ��E , Y: address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nouce will also coatain any other .
<br /> u -�� information required hy applicahle!aw_ �� t �
<br /> ;;.�
<br /> ,��
<br /> 20. Hazardoets Sabstances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use,disposal. storage,or release of any <
<br /> ��.L�,.:".. , ,..� , �. Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the ,. ;.��'
<br /> �_;,:,..`=R;..",-.:;�; Property that is in viotation of any Em+iromnental Law.Ttie pm.crding two sentences shalf not apply to ti�e presence,ase, or `s °
<br /> �}i• storage on ths Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal �.:� �:_
<br />.. Y�` - �s- u� �� residential uses and w maintenance of the Property. �.� "x` T
<br /> �� •� �' �;• Borrower shall pmmpdy give I.en@er written notice of any inveatigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any ; •c
<br /> � . • governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous 5ubstance or Eavironmental Law
<br /> g �-�- -•�-� ��� o f w h i c h B o rc o w e r h a s a c c u a l k n o w l e d g e. I f B o r r o w e r l e a r n s,o r i s n o t i f i e d b y an y g o v e m m e n t a l or r e g ufato ry authori t y.that '-� ��
<br /> . i�.� � .• ;�-�: any removal or other remediation of an Hazardous Substance affectin the Pro e is Horrower shaU rom d take °«
<br /> � Y 8 P i'�Y n��5'• P P Y �;�"; -
<br /> c „ _
<br /> � �y'; � � ; all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environuiental I.aw. '4 ,,� -
<br /> , , � �Y; - As ased in this paragraph Z0, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as[oxic or hazardous substances by }^_�-
<br /> ��• ,A Environmental Law and the following substanccs: gasoline, kerosene, other fiammable or toxic peualaun prodncts. toxic ;
<br /> esticides and herbicides,volarite solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and rndioactive materials. As used in }�"
<br /> ' ' tphis paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Praperty is lacated that � r` �; ,.
<br /> ; r ,r relate to health.safery or environmental protection. `
<br /> ' NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrawer and Lender further wvenant and agree as follows: }`3�
<br />: .+��. ". ' . . �' 21.Acceteratton;Remedtes.Ler►der shall give noitce to Borrower rior w a�celerat3on followin Bosrower's breacb u
<br /> �� ce g ,��
<br /> ,`� t- of any covenant or agreemeat in thls Secarity Instrament (but not prtor to acceteratton under Qaragraph 1T uWesv
<br /> a�,:; •�, � . appllcabte laav provides otherwiqe).The notice shall spectfy: (a)tLe default; (b)the action requlred to cure rh�defantt; �
<br /> � (c)a date,not less tban 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by whlch the defanit must be cured;and ,
<br />�:`r`�'�•:` � ` (�t6at faifnrn to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may resalt in acceleraiioa of the sams •�` `-��'`:'.
<br />_�;���;' �� . ' ���;� secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shal) further inform BoreoNer of the right to ``' � ; '�-:�
<br /> .r._:;' " '• • � '�•� eetnstate after acceleratiun and the rlg4t to bring a coust action to assert the non-existence of a defuult or any other - �.�
<br /> ,��¢�.:;:`,:`�. ' �` '4 defense of Borrowee to acceteration and sale. If the default is not cured on or befum the date specffted in the notice, � '_�`''
<br /> :;��;,' �� . .. :.,; Lendes,at its option, may require immedtate payment in Pull of all sums secured by this Seauity Ingtrument wlthout
<br /> �� ` ���- ' fu�4her demand and may i�voke the pow�r of sate and any other reoeedtes permitted by appltcable law. Leader shaU 6e .
<br /> � � . �` e�Itted to colled all expenses insarred in pursuing the remedles provided in thls paragraph 21,indudIn�,bu!not Iimtted �' ° `,
<br /> ,. ..�, .; . � ' w,reagonabte attameys'f¢es and costs oY tltle evldence. _
<br /> If ihe power of sate is invoked. Trnstee shall record a natice of defaalt in each county in whlch any part oP the
<br /> � � � �; Property�S tacated and shall mail coptes of such aotice in the manner prescrlbed by applicabte law to Borrower and to
<br /> the other persons prescribed by appllcabte law.After ihe time..:y�:::d by applicabte Iaw,Trustee shall give public notice ';..� �
<br /> � � � ot sale to the persong and in the manner prescrlbed by applicable Iaw.Trustee, without demand on Borrower. shall sell . ,
<br /> ��%�!,� � ' � , at ubllc auctton to t he h l c.w t b l d d e r a t t h e t i�n e a n d pl a ce and under the terms desi p,n ated in the notice of _
<br /> �Y_.. . � : _ the ProPerty P � •: ';:: rc
<br /> �..::: ,
<br /> . �•' • � �, ;'.•, sale in one or more pnrcels and in any order Trustee detertnines. Tn�stee may postpone sale of all or any parcel oY the :
<br /> '��.;' - '• �� "• Piroperty by public annauncement at the time and place of any previously scheduted sale. Lender or its des3gnee may • �
<br /> �`��'� �� ' ` purchase ihe Property at any sale. ` ��
<br /> .. . ,_.., .
<br />.: . . --
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