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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That CENTRAL'HDIT"S "CORPORATIONH, A <br />,MICHIGAN CORPORATION, 36800 Grattot Avenue, Mt. Clasale,, MI 48043, The <br />party of the first part, in consideration of the :use of Oaa'Qollar and other <br />valuable consideration, to It in hand paid by STA1'9VAK: W.RTCACI COMPART, _.. <br />- ins_,__e�rM _Z►YFIHIIF_ DES llnial!S�Tw._ Sd_304,ahe.�trty_ ��. xi�se. ssa�ad..part, at or <br />before the ensealins and delivery. of thtst preseats,.rtc *1*t v area s <br />hereby ackwovledged, has granted, bargained, sold, asst ;.transferred, <br />and set over, andi by, the*w' presents: gran <br />ti. tra, . assigns <br />transfer, transferred. and set over, unto, the said party, of tb4` second part, <br />Its successors and assigns, a cartel& I11DSN![9Ri': " d! MORI�CAGH:, <br />Dated W9_1 11 L 30 19 88 . Retarded as DOC. 88-106535.'' <br />of the Mortgage Records of_ HALL COOT, NZARASFA and made by <br />JOSOR E. MCDER!lM AND REVERLY L. MCDEIIhI=. RUSIlAND. AO iii <br />to CENTRAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION and s11 its rigist, title interest to the <br />promises therein des"ed, as follows," Co -spit: <br />PART OF LOT EIGHT (s) IN',}pw' *.s IiVIS10N, LOGTEfr otl °PART Of T !l T3RE8T.iIgMTER (MIE) OF <br />SECTION TMENTY•TMO % } ►; ;'P ftgilEfl E11 } IioRTH, RN= K9'91c. (+If •11N s1 :T1A :a�' " P. fiALL <br />COIMTY, NEBRASKA *� P.f r�iLJlRlV DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, T")T: C;ONN C'I:`;AT,k :POINT SO.S FEET <br />SOUTH of THEN RTf OT",, OF SAID LOT S. AM MMING THENCE UPON THE WEST <br />BBISIIRY LINE OF: %IV 10r f t A DISTANCE OF 50.5 FEET To THE 5041+ 1Edt-6*ER OF SAID LOT RIMMIING <br />THENCE . EAST UPON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT FOR A 01$TaN(CE:' ;f35 FEET, RIMING (HENCE <br />NORTH, PARALLEL.. -94TH THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT, FDR,A 01.$TANCE• OF 50.5 FEET, XM ING THENCE <br />WEST, PARALLEL 01.0i THE SOUTH BOIMDARY OF SAID LOT, FOR: A C4STANCE :Of 135 FEET TO THE PLACE OF <br />BEGINNING. <br />1023 5� PINE, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 6850* ►: <br />ToResher with the odts therein describe' d, and the matuty due or to become due <br />thereunder, iftolO'd: 'inte.rHliut thereob, " TQAiAVE AND TO HOLD,,t## same unto <br />the said party "OP'' : tie is -ad part. its' Autceseors and ss;Lil (paa forever. <br />subject only to ticks• provisions of said ItHI`iTrNTUHt1rt a1r HCtkTi;AGE therein <br />contained. <br />And the party of the first part does hereby rHNk :A constitute an4;uppoint the <br />said party of the second part. its true and' '14e ':Hl attorney, irrevocable, in <br />its name, or othervifse, but at their c4m. r-v*ir 'costs_4tid charges, to have, <br />use, and take all.14wful ways and "AlMd' fat the recov'ieiy of the said m44iy <br />and interest. and,-in case of payment, to dfi4barse the same ,a* the part of <br />the first part might. or could do. if these pta cents were not a crr I. <br />IN WITNESS WIIEREOF,,. CENTRAL HORTGACE CORPORAVON, has:.rt.ossed this Assignment <br />of. . 4ortgs&* to b,*:• executed by its Vice President ar -4is Corporate Seal to <br />bs' heteantae,+;Aff sand` the 10TH day of JULY in tJ%V year 1989. <br />`= <br />CE H MbRTGAGE "I "T <br />s• 4 <br />&S 7Tfj�� itii�.��E, iVis iR W rVaDiNi <br />*tats of MICHIGAN) <br />County of MACOMR } <br />i Attest: <br />ASST.- S R RY <br />On the Datw_.'Above stated, before me. a Notary Pubtic, duly commise4ioraed <br />srl4` �ualiiied tO " ,a!nd for said County and State, Personally cane tht 'ibove <br />iiamed CRARLES. %:,U;: SHREVE AND BEVERLY J. MISSIG of Clarral Mortgage <br />Corporation, vho',.a,re personally known to me to be the identical persons <br />whose names art - of£ixed to the above assignment of Mortgage as the Vice <br />creeidtnt and Asst. Secretary of said Corporation, and they acknowledged the <br />instrument to be their voluntary -act and deed, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of the said Corporation. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. in Michigan, in said County. the date <br />aforesaid. <br />My "aminalon exnires: f. / <br />2 i P(,'Y.'.r ylar.IAktiG:+�`y, 111,eH+{8a: <br />lwch IL Awl Notary tnry rubt c <br />M><r s.�s rYpins: <br />A!! gtxnfsent prepared by Dixie McCord <br />Aftcr recording please send t'v: <br />CENT PAL MORTCAGE CORPORATION <br />1)FRIF HIcft7RD <br />€10 BOX 18Hf <br />ISLAND. NE f#8807 <br />