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<br />(3) Power to Invest. My Agent is authorized to invest and reinvest all or any part of my
<br />property in any property or interests, including undivided interests, in property, real, personal,
<br />intangible, and/or mixed, wherever located.
<br />(4) Power to Manage Real Property. With respect to real property, including but not
<br />limited to any real property I may hereafter acquire or receive and my personal residence, my
<br />Agent is authorized to lease, sublease, release; to eject and remove tenants or other persons. My
<br />Agent is authorized to mortgage and/or convey by deed of trust or otherwise encumber any real
<br />property now or hereafter owned by me, whether acquired by me or for me by my Agent.
<br />(5) Power to Manage Personal Property. With respect to personal property, my Agent
<br />is authorized to buy, collect, receive, manage, lease, protect, insure, alter, improve, mortgage,
<br />pledge, sell, or transfer any such personal property, whether owned currently or hereinafter
<br />acquired by me.
<br />(6) Power to Operate Businesses. My Agent is authorized to continue the operation of
<br />any business, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, proprietorship, or other entity
<br />owned by me, including all things relating to the management, operation, financing, and sale of
<br />any such business.
<br />(7) Power to Exercise Rights in Securities. My Agent is authorized to exercise all
<br />rights with respect to corporate and government securities which I now own or may hereafter
<br />acquire.
<br />(8) Power to Demand and Receive. My Agent is authorized to demand, arbitrate,
<br />settle, sue for, collect, receive, deposit, expend for my benefit, reinvest, or make such other
<br />appropriate disposition of as my Agent deems appropriate, all cash, rights to the payment of cash,
<br />property, real, personal, intangible, and/or mixed, debts, dues rights, accounts, legacies, bequests,
<br />devises, dividends, annuities, rights, and/or benefits to which I am now or may in the future
<br />become entitled.
<br />(9) Power to Exercise Elective Share Rights. My Agent is authorized to elect to take
<br />against any will and conveyances of my deceased spouse and/or any other person, if appropriate,
<br />and to retain any property which I have the right to elect to retain, as my Agent deems appropriate.
<br />(10) Power with Respect to Employment Benefits. My Agent is authorized to create
<br />and contribute to an employee benefit plan for my benefit; to elect my retirement; to select any
<br />payment option; to make voluntary contributions; to make "roll-overs" of plan benefits into other
<br />retirement plans; to apply for and receive payments and benefits to waive rights given to
<br />non-employee spouses under state or federal law; to borrow money and purchase assets from such
<br />plans; to make and change beneficiary designations; and to consent and/or waive consent in
<br />connection with the designation of beneficiaries.
<br />(11) Power with Respect to Bank Accounts. My Agent is authorized to establish
<br />accounts of all kinds, including checking and savings, for me with financial institutions of any
<br />kind, including but not limited to banks and thrift institutions; to make deposits to and write checks
<br />Durable Power of Attorney for Janice S. Nikodym Page 2
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