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89. 104998 <br />5. iris Assignment inures to the benefit of the named Assignee and ire successors and assigns. and binds the <br />Assignor and Assignor's heirs . legatees. devises. administrators, executom suemesers and assigns. The term "Lease" or <br />`•L •' as used herein means not only the Irsse or Lasses hweby wignedor anv ex&mWon orreaewal thereof. but dsoany <br />lease subsequently executed by Assigner eoverma the Premises or anypen thereof.In this Assignment, wheneverthecontext <br />sorequires. theneutergende rmclWmthemaKvlineorfeminine. and thesinguiarnumberincludeathoplura l . andconversely. <br />& All notices, demand or menta which are required or permitted to be given or served hereunder shall be in <br />writing and seen by certified mail addressed as follows. <br />TO ASSIGNOR at the address appearing above unless a different address is furnished below. <br />TO THE ASSIGINKEE, Attention Dick D. Nietfeld <br />at Rirc'_r3er Rank, Hatinnnl Ac-a"Iriony nm jb- NE 4'1-4 West 3XJ,�nd T- 41ana- NF. 6RR(11 <br />addresses maybe changed from time to tim %:either party by serving notice as p mvide& <br />ADDRESS OF ASSIGNOR <br />107 West 4th <br />Grand Ia1azd., <br />_68801 <br />IN WITNESS WHI3REE Y,, Assignor has hereunto set his h as 'orcaused its corporate name to be:•:' . <br />subscribed and its corporate seal to be *Mked the day and year first above <br />Venneth E. Clark <br />Phylli A. Clack <br />CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />STATE OF ) <br />SS. <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />On this day of , A.D., 19, bw9bre me, a notary public in andforsaid County, <br />personally car'.A- the above named <br />President and <br />Of <br />whro (rs) (are) personally knwa to me to be the it denilcal perrmn(s) whose names) (is) (are) affixed to the above instrument as <br />_and of said Corporation, and acknowledged the <br />instrument to )*(his) (their) voluntary act-and died and the tt)nntary act and deed of said Corporation. <br />WITNESS my hand and notarial sea) the date last aforesaid. <br />My commission expires <br />u <br />Notary Public <br />