Return to: Jamie Mues Jankovitz
<br />PO Box 639
<br />Grand Island, NE 68802
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<br />WHEREAS, the undersigned, Jamie Mues Jankovitz, of Grand Island, County of Hall,
<br />State of Nebraska, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust, dated March 5, 2018, executed by P&D
<br />Rentals, LLC, by Dario Beazley and Patricia Beazley, Members, as Trustors, in which Joy M.
<br />Beazley and Marietta Beazley, husband and wife, are named as Beneficiaries, and the
<br />undersigned is named as Trustee, and recorded March 6, 2018, as Instrument No. 201801378, in
<br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, State of Nebraska, and upon the Trustee
<br />receiving from Joy M. Beazley and Marietta Beazley, husband and wife, the Beneficiaries under
<br />such Deed of Trust, a written request to reconvey, the Trustee hereby releases said Deed of Trust
<br />on the following -described real estate:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4),
<br />Block Twenty Three (23), Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the
<br />northeast corner of said Lot Three (3), thence westerly, along and upon the
<br />north line of said Lots Three (3) and Four (4), a distance of Eighty Eight (88.0)
<br />Feet to the northwest corner of the easterly Twenty Two (22.0) feet of said Lot
<br />Four (4), thence southerly, parallel with the east line of said Lot Four (4), a
<br />distance of Ninety (90.0) feet; thence easterly, parallel with the north line of
<br />said Lot Four (4), a distance of Twenty Two (22.0) feet to a point on the west
<br />line of said Lot Three (3); thence southerly, along and upon the west line of
<br />said Lot Three (3), a distance of Three and One Tenth (3.1) feet to the
<br />southwest corner of the northerly Ninety Three and One Tenth (93.1) feet of
<br />said Lot Three (3); thence easterly, parallel with the south line of said Lot
<br />Three (3), a distance of Sixty Six (66.0) feet to a point on the east line of said
<br />Lot Three (3); thence continuing easterly, parallel with the south line of said
<br />Lot Two (2), a distance of Nine and Seven Tenths (9.7) feet to a point on the
<br />west line of Plum Street; thence northwesterly along and upon the west line of
<br />ON 1N3WR SNI SY a31131N3
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