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1ZV2l1SEIV •I• <br />cn <br />cn <br />r• V <br />—J <br />;' CJ <br />r\.) <br />SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br />Record and return to: <br />Grand Island Abstract, Escrow & Title Co. <br />704 West 3"d St., Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT, Gordon C. Wales and Margaret Wales, <br />husband and wife, Grantor, whether one or more, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable <br />consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and <br />confirm unto Rene Morales and Maria Morales, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of <br />survivorship, and not as tenants in common, conveys to Grantee the following described real property in <br />Hall County, NE: <br />Part of the North Fifteen (15) Acres of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(N1/2SE/14NE1/4) of Section Four (4), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point 118.0 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of said <br />Section Four (4); running thence West 1320.0 feet to an iron pin; thence South 198.0 feet to an iron pin; <br />thence East 528.0 feet to an iron pin; thence North 110.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence East 792.0 feet to the <br />Section line; thence North along said Section line 88.0 feet to the place of beginning. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and <br />appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the <br />survivor of them forever. <br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirs and <br />assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seized of' said premises; that they are free from <br />encumbrance except covenants, easements and restrictions of record; all regular taxes and special <br />assessments, except those levied or assessed subsequent to date hereof; that grantor has good right and <br />lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend the title to said premises <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire <br />fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee. <br />Dated this r% _ <br />Gordon C. Wales Margaret ales <br />STATE OF s e b w skc <br />COUNTY OF V.) 17j - <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 9 day of LA 11 <br />by Gordon C. Wales and Margaret Wales, husband and wife. <br />Notary Public, State and County aforesaid <br />�, C <br />o t,),�lic Suture <br />y gn <br />My commission expires 7V (, /40/ <br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />DEBRA McGUIRE <br />it"),4 My Comm. Exp. Judy 6, 2021 <br />