Cornerstone Bank
<br />529 Lincoln Ave PO Box 69
<br />York, NE 68467-0069
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<br />WHEREAS, Cornerstone Bank, York, Nebraska, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust dated January
<br />22, 2015, executed by Jennifer Supernor and Antonio Sanchez Molina ; Each a Single Person; Trustor(s), in
<br />which CORNERSTONE BANK, is named as Beneficiary, and the undersigned as Trustee, and recorded
<br />January 23, 2015 in as Instument No 201500483 of Mortgage Records, in the office of the Register of Deeds
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, has received from the Beneficiary thereunder, a written request to reconvey,
<br />reciting that all sums secured by such Deed of Trust have been fully paid and that such Deed of Trust and the
<br />Note secured thereby have been surrendered to the undersigned, as Trustee for cancellation.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with such request and the provisions of the Deed of Trust, the
<br />undersigned, as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled
<br />therein, all the estate and interest derived in the Trustee under the Deed of Trust in the following described
<br />real estate, to -wit:
<br />Lot Two (2), Cedarview Estates Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 9417 Highway 11, Wood River, NE 68883. The Real
<br />Property tax identification number is 400390612.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Cornerstone Bank, York, Nebraska, has caused this Deed of
<br />Reconveyance to be executed by Daryl L. Wilton, Executive Vice President and has caused its corporate
<br />seal to be hereunto affixed on July 23, 2020.
<br />County of York
<br />Cornerstone Bank,
<br />Yor, Nebraska, Tr tee
<br />BY
<br />Daryl L. ilton, Executive Vice President
<br />Before me, a notary public, personally came Daryl L. Wilton, Executive Vice President of Cornerstone Bank,
<br />York, Nebraska, a corporation, known to me to be the Executive Vice President and identical person who
<br />signed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer
<br />and the voluntary act and deed of said association and that its seal was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal on July 23, 2020.
<br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. October 29, 2022
<br />c C5
<br />Notary Pu lic
<br />My Commission Expires: (0-2Q-2 22
<br />Prepared By: SGoertzen
<br />Prepared For: GO
<br />ON 1N3Wf11SN1 SV a3131N3
<br />