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`. 02004962 <br />PRIMARY BENEFICARY <br />I designate the following beneficiary: <br />Craig Alan Stueven <br />In case the above-named beneficiary predeceases me, the deceased <br />beneficiary's share shall go to the children of such deceased beneficiary, in <br />equal shares. <br />TRANSFER ON DEATH <br />Upon my death, I transfer my interest in the described property to the beneficiary <br />as designated above. Before my death, I have the right to revoke this deed. <br />I, Robert Carl Stueven, the Transferor, sign my name to this instrument this 117"h <br />day of J„ , 2020, and being first duly sworn, do hereby declare to the <br />undersigned a'tfthority that I sign and execute this transfer on death deed to transfer my <br />interest in the described real property and that! sign it willingly or willingly direct another <br />to sign for me, that I execute it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes therein <br />expressed, that I am eighteen years of age or older and am not at this time a minor, and <br />that I am of sound mind and under no constraint or undue influence. <br />Robert Carl Stueven, Transferor <br />We, Rackt=),(4-e1. eYrc and y to. (),fLS , the witnesses, sign <br />our names to this instrument, beifig first duly swbrn, and do hereby declare to the <br />undersigned authority that the Transferor has signed and executed this Transfer on <br />Death Deed to transfer his interest in the described real property and he signed it <br />willingly or willingly directs another to sign for his and that he executes it as his free and <br />voluntary act for the purposes therein expressed, and that each of us, in the presence <br />and hearing of the transferor, hereby signs this deed as witness to the transferor's <br />signing, and that to the best of our knowledge the Transferor is eighteen years of age or <br />older or is not at this time not a minor and the Transferor is of sound mind and under no <br />constraint or undue influence. <br />2 <br />