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<br />QortotverslTrustors) understandthatthadocuntaelftlattheflarro+ arrsawsa�boulaerxecuai :.DeedaTrwlandnolamorlyyepeand tYiaettMpow�eraseMpp:ttttdAq
<br />for In the Deed of True! ptovidre sneftMIAUyd"*Mt righteand obbOtionelo the oorrowrs than a mortgage In the event of a defartt or breech of onligaitm urldsr;;hi.
<br />Dead of TruaL Including, but not hmfNd to. the Landdes right a have the Heel Propetty sold by the Tru ese without any judicial proceeding or foreNOSura 60;rowasrc
<br />-111 NO and warrant that this acknowledgement on •■aculed by them bodoi the execution of the Deed of Trust.
<br />(Christopher A- Hiegel! ; -
<br />Borrower
<br />COWLm this per"N ONLY N fke net Plisperfli deMb" eaastsls et 99MVMALLV OWNED w01110ATiMAI LAND.
<br />N applesife. eerapNls ONLY ONE e1111er A. •. er Q
<br />D A. WiCWYE110pMOtiTTODE 11ONATEtiOY [ siTLAD:
<br />Thelloerowe4s)aeknow1 09 Met theyaaabowttoexecutsthe followlagDesdatTruntupontfwmaiastatedescribndrarvin .Thavanowar(ai,a'+tleaehOlthemrt
<br />eiarTftnone, do herebydiscialm their right to des"Ieahorr selesdpursuant t1lereo. No part of the horrwatead of sitheroi'the Borrower(s) is presentlyor will in the
<br />fhirlu bes"Weseduponsaidred" late. The Borrowar( s) understandthatfteitherastablishosahomest oadonanypartafsaidrestestateduringtMlimetheDeedofTrust
<br />neaRilri Jr>esW 1Nd etM s ►lore upon said real @Slat, lore sMll D• no rigReln make a deagnation o1 homestead in the event of a tareelosua ortruetse't sell witA aspect t0
<br />said C"d OI Trutt
<br />17 a wAmm oP NN)NT TO ozolo ATE HounTum
<br />TMBorrowerte) acknoWMdgothalt heyareabouttoexecutethetoltowing Deed of Trustuponthe real astatedescribecithersin. Thesorrower(s}.sendewh ofthemif
<br />more than one, do herby wait their right to designate s homestead pursuant thereto. The Borrowers), understand that they have 06 Rght to Malta a designation of
<br />homesteadandthalbyexwdAngthiewn ver. toys» waivingrightsotherwissavaitableterthepurpaoe< gaff ordingthemtheopportunity ,torstainthetrhomeateadintho
<br />event of a dafauH upon the Deed of Tcritf:
<br />CJ c. DEsmATim Of Nonsw ID:
<br />Pursuantato Farm Homestead Protection;Ad:t(aSion M1901 N seq. Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska), the Sorrower(Q, do hereby d4etognate thereal
<br />property described In the -Designation o) Komeste slt8i !lW hereto and incorporated: hersin by this reference.
<br />i
<br />Borrower
<br />-- - Borrower
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. is made as of the Ze�Iday of -SAJAe llher. 19 _> 9 , by and among to Trustor..0 hl!istopher A -
<br />Hiegel, �sinale rgD _ —_.whosemaningsddressm 1117 W. Lauisg St -. tt:rand Island,
<br />NE 68801 -6424 ( nor« w ;B,s,ra,,,er- ),the Trustee.
<br />y�jj1 rr. Blackburn, a m i�gr of the {�E State Bar A�cn.,
<br />whose mailing addratsIs P.O. qga 2280.Gran ( tan - NE - J QL22Qk__ tisetuitt- Truster).
<br />AndtheB.neficiary. Fivpe Polr -is Bank- _________— _� - --
<br />whose mailing address to __:��cs _°},. ^._�3�0 ?,�+�af1CJ, -k i�' d N•' 68802– IDI_T - -- - ltrsram °L.ndsa "t
<br />FOR VALUABLE 6ONSIDERAT f2N. including ttheindebtedneea,r is+itsr,eatrbsteta and trust herein created, the receipt of which is hereby aeknolsledgad, Borroter.
<br />hereby Irrevocablygrants, transfers. convoys and assignstoTrustee .IfsTFsL:.ST.+ rm.-i'mWER OF SALE, for the benefim.nd security of Lender. under and subject to the
<br />term! and Conditl" hitainaftef eel fort», the real progeny. described as ''CitcW11:'
<br />Lot Three (3), Block Five (5), Windolpl'lrs Addition, Hall County;. Nebraska
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements. fixtures, streets. alleys, passageways. casements. rights. privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise
<br />pertaining thereto. alto the Tents, issues and profile. reversions and remainders thereof, including, but not limited to. heating and cooling equipment and such personal
<br />propedythat is attached totheimprovementssoastoconstltuteaftxture. andtogether with the homestead or marital interests. itany, which interests are hereby released
<br />andwiw'; all of which, including ropiacamentsand additions thereto. is hereby dectared to be a put Of thereat @State secured bythe Ilan of trios Dead of Trust and allof the
<br />foregoing being refined to hwain as the - property..
<br />This OM of Trust shall secure (a) the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by Borrowers note and/or
<br />credit
<br />c re d- iitagreement dated S � a � r
<br />14, 1989 . har+ng a maturity date of September 18,1994, in the original principal amount of S1n.6e4-95 _ and any and all
<br />modifications. exlensionsand renewals theroot or theretoand any and all future advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit
<br />agreernanta (Main Called "Note"►: (b) the payment of other sums advanced by lender to protecithe security of the Note. (c) the performance all covenants and agreement
<br />of Boeroww tie/ forth heron: and (d) all indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct. indirect. absolute or contingent and whether arising by note.
<br />guaranty overdraft or otherwise.
<br />Borrower. to Proteol the security of this Deed of Trust, covenants and agrees with Lender as follows.
<br />t. PayersafdPeol-WM edh l - Borrower shall promptly PAY when due the principal of and interest on. and any feesor charges provided in. the Note or in this
<br />Deed of Trull.
<br />2. TMN. Borrowleristhe owneroftheProperty. hasther ightandauthorityt oconveythePropeny. andwarrantsthatthel, encreatedherebyisafirstandpriorlienon
<br />the Properly eaceptasmsyotnerwisebasetforthherehn ,and 11. WAL q,4NW typ) this O WOttrustdoesnoty, olat eanycontractorotherobligationtowh icn
<br />Borrower 46 map".
<br />s "• : .:
<br />3. laws, Assessments. To Pay wMndw all taxes
<br />, tHtOQ�iW 41chargij against the Property and. upon written demand by Lender. 10 pay to
<br />LandersuChamowhas maybe auflici "ttoemble the Lendsr QpYlr", tpx"ssDUM "tsofOfM,ehargesastheybecomedue
<br />i
<br />4. 6WAM . TO kgpthe Property insured against so by Nriatatards 1110666d viithin the term ^axlended coverage". and Such Other hazards a$ Lender may
<br />re talkie, In amounts and with companies acceptable to Lender, and with loss payable to the tender in case of toss tinder suth poheie4. lht Lender is authorized to adjuil
<br />cmml- comPromi9e. 211cftims thereunder and shall have the option ollapplying all of part of theinsutance proceeds (i) toany indebtedness secured hereby and in such
<br />Older @S Lender may determine. (u) to that Borrower lobe used fit the repair Or restoration of the Property or (u,) (Or any other putposet or detect satisfactory to Lender
<br />M1110101 Aff@CWV thill hOA oftnist Used of Trust for the fun afficount secured hereby before such payment 04et look place Any app:,cat.onofpraceedsfa indebtednesss!*a1t
<br />not extend Or PONpone the due date of any payments under the Note. or cure Any default thereunder or hereunder
<br />S. 11111010 —1 Rapa(r a aid conyilaece Wo Laws, Borrower shall keep the Property in good condition any repair. shin pramptiy repair. at rep:eco ahr
<br />Improvemenlwhichmaybedamagedor destroyed. Shall7401eommrto / perm, tdnywasteo rdeteriorationoftheProperty she, inatreT .o+e.deno:sncrsubslant:auraue�
<br />anyoltha improvements Oro McPrbperty .shatl not Commit, sutteror permit arty act to be done r nOfuponin &Prupertymv +osatronofanylan ordinance orreguar,;!k ar.J
<br />MH pay andpromDt:y discharge at 13oltowers cost And expe rise all lien$. and urnbrances and C 1131geS Milled t mpaSedOra5SCS5edaga .nst the Propertyaranor pat i .IL real
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