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202004766 <br />only to the extent the same are valid and affect the Property: <br />a. All existing permits, easements and rights-of-way for public streets, roads and highways, <br />public utilities, electric power lines, electric transmission facilities, recreational trails, railroads, <br />pipelines, ditches and canals on, over and across said land, whether or not of record, including <br />but not limited to the following: <br />1. Easement DACA45-2-99-6157 granted to Hall County for road rights-of-way and <br />recorded as Document No. 99-109121. <br />2. Easement DACA45-1-00-6023 granted to Hall County for road rights-of-way and <br />recorded as Document No. 200101488. <br />3. Easement DACA45-2-97-6024 granted to Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power <br />District for overhead electric power lines and recorded as Document No. 97-101563. <br />4. Easement DACA45-2-01-6078 granted to City of Grand Island for recreation trail <br />rights-of-way. Grantee is not permitted to disturb the area lying within the recreation trail <br />easement. <br />5. Department of the Army Assignment of Easement Interests for Railroad Facilities <br />located on Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant, Hall County, Nebraska filed August 10, 2004 in <br />the Register of Deeds as Document No. 200407898. <br />6. Sanitary and Improvement District Statement Hall County, NE recorded January 16, <br />2019 as Document No. 201906114. <br />7. Electric Transmission Right-of-way Easement to Southern Public Power District, dated <br />July 18, 2018 and recorded May 4, 2020 as Document No. 202002736. <br />8. Various Assignment of Easement to Rail Car Services, recorded as Documents <br />200909550, 201008265, and 201506730. <br />b. Any zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations governing the subject Property or <br />regulations of other regulatory authorities having jurisdiction. <br />c. Matters which would be disclosed by a careful physical inspection of the Property or <br />the Property records and by a properly conducted survey of the Property. <br />d. Any survey discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines, or any <br />encroachments, or protrusions, or any overlapping of improvements which may affect the <br />Property. <br />e. All other existing interests reserved by any original Grantor(s) in chain of title unto <br />said Grantor(s), their respective successors and assigns, which affects any portion of the <br />property interest(s) hereinabove described. <br />V. MISCELLANEOUS GRANTEE COVENANTS <br />Grantee covenants for itself, and its successors or assigns, and every successor in <br />interest in the Property, to abide with each of the agreements and covenants running with the <br />land described in this Warranty Deed. In addition, the United States Army and its assigns <br />shall be deemed a beneficiary of each of the following covenants without regard to whether <br />it remains the owner of any land or interest therein in the locality of the Property hereby <br />conveyed and shall have a right to enforce each of the following agreements and covenants <br />in any court of competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantor, and its <br />assigns shall have no affirmative duty to any successor in title to this conveyance to enforce <br />any of the following agreements and covenants. <br />a. It is understood and agreed by Grantee, for itself and its successors and assigns, that <br />
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