<br />Section Eight (8), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), said
<br />point also being the southwest corner of a parcel surveyed and platted by Lee
<br />D. Wagner, L.S. No. 557, dated January 13, 2003 (revised February 4,2003
<br />and February 27, 2003) and known as "TRACT NO.26A"; thence
<br />N90°00'00" E (assumed bearing), along and upon the south line of said
<br />Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) and also being along and upon the south line of
<br />said "TRACT NO. 26A" and its easterly prolongation, a distance of Eight
<br />Hundred Sixty Eight and Fifty Four Hundredths (868.54) feet to a point on
<br />the westerly line of a 30' wide railroad track easement, the centerline of said
<br />30' wide easement intended to be the approximate centerline of the existing
<br />railroad track; thence N00°24' 42"E, along and upon the westerly line of said
<br />railroad track easement a distance of One Hundred Eleven and Seventy One
<br />Hundredths (111.71) feet; thence running northeasterly, along and upon the
<br />westerly (to northerly) line of said railroad track easement, and being along
<br />and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 595.32 feet, a distance
<br />of Seven Hundred Fifty Five and Three Hundredths (755.03) feet (long
<br />chord=705.43', long chord bearing = N35°50'41" E) to a point on the
<br />southerly line of a 30' wide railroad track easement, the center line of said 30'
<br />wide easement intended to be the approximate centerline of the existing
<br />railroad track; thence N89°30'42" W, along and upon the southerly line of
<br />said railroad track easement, a distance of Sixty Nine and Forty Four
<br />Hundredths (69.44) feet; thence running northwesterly along and upon the
<br />southerly (to westerly) line of said railroad track easement, and being along
<br />and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 597.54 feet, a distance
<br />of Eight Hundred Seventy Nine and Thirty Five Hundredths (879.35) feet
<br />(long chord =802.12' -long chord bearing= N46°27'48"W); thence N07°00'52"
<br />W, along and upon the westerly line of said railroad track easement, a
<br />distance of One Hundred Four and Forty Nine Hundredths (104.49) feet;
<br />thence NO1 ° 10'59"E, along and upon the westerly line of said railroad track
<br />easement, a distance of Thirty Two and Twenty Three Hundredths (32.23)
<br />feet; thence running northwesterly, along and upon the westerly line of said
<br />railroad track easement, and being along and upon the arc of curve to the left
<br />whose radius is 565.20 feet, a distance of Four Hundred Sixty Four and
<br />Thirty Three Hundredths (464.33) feet (long chord= 451.38, long chord
<br />bearing= N21 °08'41 "W) thence N44°38'46"W, along and upon the westerly
<br />line of said railroad track easement, a distance of Three Hundred Two and
<br />Five Tenths (302.50) feet; thence running northwesterly, along and upon the
<br />westerly line of said railroad track easement, and being along and upon the
<br />arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 621.33 feet, a distance of Four
<br />Hundred and Nine Hundredths (400.09) feet (long chord= 393.22', long chord
<br />bearing= N26°45'23W) to a point on a north line of said "TRACT NO. 26A",
<br />thence N89°36'07" W, along and upon a north line of said "TRACT NO.
<br />26A", a distance of Fifty and Nine Tenths (50.90) feet to the northwest corner
<br />of said "TRACT NO. 26A", said point also being on the west line of said
<br />Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence S00°23'27"W, along and upon the west
<br />line of said "TRACT NO. 26A", and also being along and upon the west line
<br />of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4), a distance of Two Thousand Three
<br />Hundred Sixty and Three Tenths (2,360.30) feet to the point of beginning.
<br />RESERVING, however, to the United States of America and its assigns, perpetual
<br />and assignable easements and rights-of-way, thirty (30) feet in width, in, on, over, and across
<br />the Property for the installation, operation, use, repair, replacement, and maintenance of a
<br />railroad, railroad tracks, ballast, and associated railroad facilities, located on both Tract 26A
<br />and Tract 26B, as depicted on Exhibit 1 attached hereto.
<br />RESERVING, however, to the United States of America and its assigns, a perpetual
<br />and assignable easement for the operation of the existing water lines and Well Houses EW -6
<br />(Tract 37A) and EW -7 (Tract 38A) (hereinafter "facilities"), associated with the Pump and
<br />Treatment Plant located in Section Seven (7), township Eleven (11), North, Range Ten (10)
<br />