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<br />-�` �t -`- r�� 7.E�Inestt Oomffin.Lender is hercbY assigtted 8U mmPensation.8wards.damages end ather payments or relief(hereinatter'Paoceeds') �` ` �.a M�u
<br />. �r` _ k in WrmBetlon with eondemnaUon or other tafting ot the ProAetty or part ihereot,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation.Lender sha11 � -
<br /> '�"• taken or damaged.Lender shaU have the optian in ita sote end absoiute discretion.to appiy ait such Proceede.after deductJng therefrom � : .�t .�--
<br /> -� �a
<br /> eU costg and expenses inwrred by it in�onnect[on wFth such Procaeds,aDon any fidebtedness secuced here4y and in such order as s ;�:� � :
<br /> -- ` ° - ••:, L° Lendbr may detecmtne.or to appfy en sud�Raceed�afte►such deductIona,to the resto�ation ot tha ProDenY upon such eondit�ons as � � �:, � :. :
<br /> _ � •`r:..<.F:°_s`. ,`E�^-
<br /> '� �: Lender may determine.AnY ePPRcaUan of Proaeeds to i n d e b t e d ness s h ffi 1 no t e x t e n d o r p o a t pona the due date of anY Ravme�rts under . 4,;;.
<br /> ` .�- . tfie Note.or caue any Eetautt thereunder or hareunder.My�snaDPfted tunds sha11 be patd to Tniswr. `; ` *-:;
<br /> _ �`� r _ ..:•-.-- -
<br /> '� ` °i 8.P�dam�anee by Lende►.Upoa the occurrence of an Ev6nt of Deiauii hereund�.or it aay act Is taken or tegai proceeding 1 ' =
<br /> . ,_ � : ,
<br /> � '- r ` `�,.' eom�senceA wh(ch materia0y efteas Lende�s iaterest fn the PrapertY.Lendu may in its own discret(on.but wiMout abiigation to Qo so. � ;.t r �
<br /> �a % � •< and wfthout nadce to or demand upon Trustor and without reteasing Trustor trom any obiigatlon.do anY act which T�rustor has ag[ee0 � � °� �.
<br /> --. s� but tmis to Qo end may etso Qo eny other act It Qeems nec�arll to p[otect the seeurity hereof.�sto:shail.nnmediaidy upon demand � � --
<br /> <r L ` -. � therefor bY LenQer.PaV to Lender aU eosts and expenses incurred and sums eaPended by L$db��eonnecrion with the exerdse tsY � -r �
<br /> Lender of the fotegcing righta,togather with imetest thereun at the dafautt rate provided in the Hote, which sha11 be edded to tha � � `'< �:,�, •
<br /> _�:�>����.: indebtedness secured hereby.Lender sh�i not incur anY�iabiUtY because°t art�hing it may da or omit to do hereundar. , � _
<br /> Itt
<br /> :', ,:2�k� � 9.Har�doua dlaterfffi�.Tnrswr s6ai1 keep the PtapertY in oompllance with a0 sppGcable laws,ordinances and�egulations relaUng to � r. Z; �`,�
<br /> �`� � `j' Indusuia{hygtene or environmemai Protectian tcoilecrivehl reterred w heretr►ae'EnvimnmeMet Laws'1.Tmstor shall keep the P9ropertY ��
<br /> {ree}rom alt substences deemed to be hatardous or ta�dc under any Ernironmemel Laws leotlectivetY referted to herein as°Has�rdous �.
<br /> �: � _�_ ; F.
<br /> '�: Material9'1.7n�swr hetaby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Ha�rdous Mate�iat on or under the Property.Trustor ` ,
<br /> - 7 `k, •�� hereby agrees w Indemnity and hotd hartalass Lendet.its directars,nifleers.e+nPioyees and agm►ts,and any successors to landers t � s�'�`� �'
<br /> - ' iMerest,fiam and against anY aed all elaims,damages,tosses and liabi6d�arising in connesHon wfth the P���•�e•�°�or 4• s� � „�,
<br /> �� �. 4 ,-� � transport of any Hazazdous Materiats on,under,fcom or about the Roperty.THE FOAEQOING WARRANTIES AMQ R�AESENTATi�NS• � ,�
<br /> RE � � 4 ��
<br />— -,,�. �'.'" -
<br />�;��- �: •:�. TRUST. _ �. ;
<br /> i ' •�.�`"-:f 10.Assignment of Rerns.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grants LenQer a sea�ty Urterest in.atl present,tuture end efter �{���. F_
<br />' � � ris{ng rents.issues and profits of the Ptoperty;pmviQed that Trustor sball,urrtil the occurtence of an Event of Defauh hereunder,have r ,�,_.
<br />`� ' "` the Bght to coUect and retafi euch rents,issuas and profits as thaY beeome due and payabie. Upon the occurtence of an Event of
<br />�f_�... �-�..
<br />'�? <- � Usfauit,Lender may,eFther in person or 6y agent,wtth or witRou[bri�ging m�Y�"uon or praeeeding,or by a receivei appoint�by a f ,. s �V�--
<br /> ,.�,:
<br /> :�s�< . '' cou�t and withouL�egard to Me adequacy of its securitY, entar upon and take possession of the Prop e rt y,or anv PaR thereof,in ita own _; :
<br /> } ' y� naina or in the name of the Tniatee,and do any seq whict� it deems nece�rl►or desirehls to preserva the va4ua,markecabTrty o� � � h ;
<br /> { - �' rer►tabU"Ry of the Property,or any pa�t thereof or interest therein,or to inaease the income therefrom or protect the securitN hereof and,
<br />�� ..,• � y,: with ar w[thout tatdng possesaton of the Property,sue tor or o t herwisa wllect the re�rts,issu�and pmffts thereof,inctuding those past ` �,��'�
<br /> � ' $;.F due and unpaid,by notffying tenants to make payments to Lender. Lender may apDly�enis•issues end protits.��s coste and e���
<br /> �j:�`- .� �.�'. `� �- of aperadon and collectlon induding attomeys'fees,to any indebtednesseecuted hwelsy,ali in such ordet as tender may determine.The ,
<br /> • _�� esston of tha Property, the coilect(on of such renta,issues and profits. and the applicetion thereof as `� �• u�`��
<br />�`= .--_ .::�� eritering upon and taktng Poss _:�:.
<br />. � �::`.'��°+�.
<br /> �- 7 d e[oresaid,shall not cure or wafve any Qefeuit or notice ot defauK hereundet or invaiidate aay act Qone tn response to sueh deisuft o� --v r � �3_
<br /> �' pursuant to sud�notice of detauR and,notwithstandiag the conti�uance in passessEon ot the Property or the collectlon,receipt end :
<br /> _�?. '�' - .:.z ;_ apPiication of rents,issues or profits.Trustee and Lender sball he entitled to exercise every r�ght Provided tor tn anY ot the Loan _.- t�i,� _
<br /> 3•�. -± Insuuments or by law upon oceurrence of any EveM of Dafauft,inctudmg wfthout qmitetion tha right to exercise the power of sate. �,, ,
<br /> �. - �. . ;�.= .
<br /> , � �yrther,Lender's dghta and remedies undet this paragraph sha0 6e cumulattve wfth,end in no way 8limitation on,Lendefa�IgMa and : �r�s��
<br /> �# �� ' -` � remedfes under�y essignmertt of teases and rents reeorded against tha PropertY.Lende►.Tcustee end the recetver sheil be Ilabte to r• '" ��,,
<br /> "��` 4� account anty for those�ents actualty received. . � '��'r
<br />_l�`.; . ,
<br /> �.r: „,�r ' . 11.EveMS of Oefauft.The foltowing shall canstitute en Eveat of Defauft under this Deed of Trust: rr iz,�}_
<br /> ,.. •, Z ' (a)Fei�ura to pay any installment of princtpal or interest o t any ot haz su m s e c u t e d h e r e b y w h e n d u e; ��:Y�'
<br /> -�`�:F�:� `' ' lbl A breach of or dafauft under any provision contained in the Note,thts Deed of Tnut,any ot the Wan Instruments,or anY _ ,`:,�.,,._-:.::},�.
<br /> �?,� . otber Han or encvmbrance upan the Property; _ ` � '_
<br /> +�.,;.:� • (c)A wrft ot execution or attechment or any similar procesa shall he entered against Truator which ahail become a iisn on the ,�4.��j�`_•
<br /> �, ?• Propetty or any portion thereof or iMerest therein;
<br />..�;, , (di There shatl be Hled by or against Trustor or Barrower an actian under any prese�t or future federal,state or ather statue.law 'k -
<br /> �} '. � ' ' or regulation relsting to bankruptcy, inso{vency or other �eiiet tor debtors;or there shail be appointed any trustee, receiver or ?�_;-
<br /> ,. .�_, �. UquiQator of Trustor or Bortower or of ali or any pan of the Propercy,or the rents,issues or protits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower +.� •
<br /> � shail make any genecal assignment tor the benefit of credftors; - _ :�,;.-
<br /> ,Y'.ti��: .: , .
<br /> ? , (e)The sale,transtet,teese,assi8nment,conveyance or turthar encumbrance of ail or any part of or any irrtarest in the Property. •�
<br /> s•' either voluntadly or involuntarity,without the e�ress wrftten consent ot lender,provided that Trustor shati be permitted to execute ; �°.
<br /> � 1- �� a tease of the Roperty that does not contair an option ta putchase and the term ot which does not exceed one year, `: '�S '
<br /> �,�••� (f! Abandonment ot the P�opertY;or ` ';� �
<br /> �--'�' � � � " (g) if Trustor ts nat an individual,the issuarvse, sale,transter,asal9nment, conveyence or encumbrance of more than itf a . :. .:. --
<br /> . � � �'•:•� coryoratioN a tatal of percent ot its issued and outatending stock,or pf a partnershipl a totai of percent of �,� ,,_
<br /> —��_�� � � . � • partnerahip iMerests,o► e mKed liability company)a total ot p/y� percent of trie Ilmhed 118bility company nterests ot voting
<br />-��.;� '�: '. • ��':. � HgAts Ouring tha pedod thia Oeed ot Trus[remama a lien on the Ploperty.
<br /> �=''`� : � �� 12.Remedies:Aacaleratlon Upan Defeult.ln the svent of any Event oi Defautt Lender may,whhnut notice except as required by law.
<br /> ,.., . ,
<br /> �l3•;r � • declare atP indebtedness aecured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shaii tfiereupon become due and payabte wfthout any . ,',
<br /> �'N� -•.• � reserttment,demand,proteat or notice oi any kind.Thereaftet Lender may: �:" •
<br /> ;...� .. P ..
<br /> - ` � ' � (a)Oemand that Trustee exerc i se t he P B W E R O F 8 A L E g r a n t e d h e r e i n, a n d T r ustee shall thereafter ceuse Trustor's interest •,...,'�,_
<br /> ,i'.�{:� . , In the Property to be sold and tha proceeds to be distdbuted,all in tho manner provided in the Nebranke Trust Oeada Act;
<br /> �;r;•;;..: � ,. _ (b)Exercise any and a t l r ig hts prov i de d f o r I n e n y o f t h e L o a n• I n s t r u m e n t s or b y law u pon oceunence of any Event of
<br /> ``! •�, • • .� � Defauft:and .. ,
<br /> ._�� •�
<br /> ; -� (c)Commence an ection to fOreclose this Deed of Trust es a mortgage, appolnt a receiver,or ap8cificaliy enforce any o!the
<br /> '�`',' .� � wvenanta hereof. ' •
<br /> �4-; ' • No remedy hereln wnferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein, In the Loan
<br /> �� �'•�'• � � , Instrumenta or by faw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereundor,i� .,,
<br /> �.��v� ' � • � the Loan tnatrumants or now or hereafter existing et law or in equity or by atatute,and may be exercised wncurrentty,independentiy or
<br /> �,',;;.. ' • successively. �
<br />:.:�:;,� .'..
<br /> 13.Trustae.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause, and Londer may at any time and without cause appoi�t a successor
<br /> ;',, ,;� ;� or subatitute Trustee.Trustee shail not be liable ta any party,including wlthout limitstion Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any purchaser o1 . „
<br /> ''•'�° ' ' � the Property, for any losa or damage uNess dus to reckie$s or wiilful misconduct, and ahail not be required to take any action in
<br /> ,��•�'�;... � ' � connection with the enforcement of this Deed ot Trust un tess in demn i�e d,i n w r l t i n g,f or ail costs.com pensation or expenses whlch may
<br /> ",;- ��. . 6e associated therewlth. In additian,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of tfis Roperty qudicial or�nder the power of sale
<br /> '_'_%�' granted hereln);postpone the sale of all or any Portion of the Property,as provided by law:ar seU the P►operty es a whole,or in separate •
<br /> -�"� ,' , , • parcels or lota at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> "` � � 14.Feee end F�cpensoa.In the event Trustee selis the Roperty by exercise of power of saie,Trustee ahall be entitled to appiy any sale
<br /> _ , proceeds first to payment of all costa and expensea of exercising power of saie,including all Trustee's fees, anA Lendera and Truatee's ,
<br /> ;:�,� '� • attorney's toes,actualty incutred to extent permitted by appiicabie law.in the event Bortower or Trustor exercises any rigM provided by ,
<br /> - ,�, . , law to cute an Event of DefauR, Lender shall be entitled to recover from Trustor atl costs and expenses actually incurred as a resutt ot
<br /> ,�`�. . ' Trustor's d81auK,inciuding without limitation all Trustee's and attomoya fees,to the extent permitted by applicable law. - - -
<br /> � • • • 15.Futere Advances.Upon request of Borrower.Londer may,at its option,make additlonal and future advances and readvances to
<br /> '-.���' '.� , ' ' Borrower. Sueh advancea and readvances, wfth intetost thereon,shall be secured by this Deed o}Trust.At no time ahall the ptincipal
<br /> :s."' ' amoont of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, not including suma advancad to�rhicheveeis greatet�f thls Deed of Trust. ` .
<br /> .`•. ., � exceed the orlginal pNncipal amount stated herein,or 8 gzz �oo 00 — � . . ,
<br /> , � �
<br /> i.:•;'.; , . . .
<br /> ' 4•,:-� -- -,- - � -- :--
<br /> t�.,e... / .� ;,
<br /> �s"_� � , •
<br /> �` �{', � � NBC3a57B R+o�aonwnura�Ooom ami 6.95 � . _�
<br /> �"��;.� . � 1998 NaGOnalBa�k o1 Ccmrtvrco T�vst nd Sav��gs Assor.�ano�u�oi�.NaMn�a [ _
<br /> F. . _
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