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202004464 <br />(b) Two (2) years after Declarant has ceased to offer units for sale in the <br />ordinary course of business. <br />Not later than sixty (60) days after the conveyance of Thirty -Three and One -Third <br />Percent (33 1/3%) of the units, which may be created to unit owners other than the Declarant, at <br />least one (1) and not less than Twenty -Five Percent (25%) of the members of the Executive <br />Board of Directors shall be elected exclusively by unit owners other than the Declarant. Not <br />later than sixty (60) days after the conveyance of Fifty Percent (50%) of the units, which may be <br />created to unit owners other than the Declarant, not less than Thirty -Three and One -Third <br />Percent (33 1/3%) of the members of the Executive Board of Directors shall be elected <br />exclusively by unit owners other than the Declarant. <br />Not later than the termination of the period of the Declarant's control, the unit owners <br />shall elect an Executive Board of at least three (3) members, at least a majority of whom shall be <br />unit owners. The Executive Board shall elect officers. The Executive Board members and <br />officers shall take office upon election. <br />To the extent members of the Executive Board of Directors are to be elected by unit <br />owners other than the Declarant, one (1) vote per unit may be cast for the election of members of <br />the Executive Board. <br />7. Allocated Interests. The allocated interests have been established based upon a <br />formula utilizing the number of units in the condominium and it is hereby declared that all such <br />interests shall be allocated in the following manner: <br />(a) Voting. Each unit shall be entitled to one (1) vote in the conduct of <br />the condominium through the association <br />(b) Common Expense Liability. Each unit shall be responsible for and <br />shall be assessed for all common expenses incurred by the association, based <br />upon the square footage of each condominium unit located within a building, as a <br />percentage of the total square footage of the units located within a building of the <br />condominium as follows: <br />Unit One (1) 33.2627% <br />Unit Two (2) 42.1575% <br />Unit Three (3) 12.6829% <br />Unit Four (4) 11.8969% <br />Such assessments are subject to future adjustment each time that additional units <br />shall be created in respect to a building currently existing, hereafter constructed, <br />or hereafter added in any other manner, and shall be evidenced by a proper <br />Amendment to this Declaration to be then filed of record in respect to this <br />Condominium. <br />(c) Fractional Interest in Common Elements. Subject to the Special <br />Declarant Rights affording developmental rights to common areas of this <br />Condominium, each unit shall be allocated an undivided interest in and to the <br />common elements of the condominium, based upon the square footage of each <br />Page 3 of 12 <br />