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202004406 <br />Three Hundredths (89.83) feet; thence S43° 21'32"E, a distance of Four <br />Hundred Eighty Two and Two Hundredths (482.02) feet; thence S01° <br />02'41"E, a distance of Five Hundred Forty Nine and Twenty Three <br />Hundredths (549.23) feet to a point on the south line of said Southwest <br />Quarter (SW1/4), said point being Three Hundred Five and Thirty Seven <br />Hundredths (305.37) feet west of the southeast corner of said Southwest <br />Quarter (SW1/4); thence N89° 59'58'W, along and upon the south line of <br />said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), a distance of One Thousand Four <br />Hundred Fifty Six and Six Tenths (1,456.60) feet to the ACTUAL point of <br />beginning and containing 89.276 acres, more or less. <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the N1/2SE1/4 of Section 9, Township 9 <br />North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said <br />N1/2SE1/4; thence running southerly along the east line of said N1/2SE1/4; <br />on an Assumed Bearing of S 00° 00'00"W, a distance of 684.91 feet, to the <br />northeast corner of Mary Smith Subdivision; thence running N 89°49'28"W, <br />along the north line of Mary Smith Subdivision and the north line of Mary <br />Smith Second Subdivision, a distance of 185.76 feet, to the northwest <br />corner of Mary Smith Second Subdivision; thence running S 00° 00'00" W, <br />along the westerly line of Mary Smith Second Subdivision, a distance of <br />299.79 feet, to the southwest corner of Mary Smith Second Subdivision; <br />thence running S 89° 49'28"E, along the south line of Mary Smith Second <br />Subdivision, a distance of 185.76 feet, to the southeast corner of Mary <br />Smith Second Subdivision, and to a point on the east line of said <br />N1/2SE1/4; thence running S 00°00'00"W, along the east line of said <br />N1/2SE1/4, a distance of 337.52 feet, to the southeast corner of said <br />N1/2SE1/4; thence running S 89° 20'46"W, along the South line of said <br />N1/2SE1/4, a distance of 2616.42 feet, to the southwest corner of said <br />N1/2SE1/4; thence running N 00°28'58"W, along the west line of said <br />N1/2SE1/4, a distance of 1335.26 feet, to the northwest corner of said <br />N1/2SE1/4; thence running N89°37'56"E, along the north line of said <br />N1/2SE1/4, a distance of 2627.56 feet, to the point of beginning, except that <br />portion presently occupied by public road right of way, SUBJECT TO <br />easements of record and use and restrictions of record. <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(W1/2SE1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10) North, Range <br />Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska <br />The South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S1/2SE1/4) of Section Fifteen <br />(15), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Executed: ZI -a<- as , 2020. <br />David A. Luth, Grantor <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />Marcyut�r� nto� <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on .144."_ - Z5 , 2020, by David A. Luth <br />and Marcy J. Luth, husband and wife, to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />j‘we GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />a MYERS <br />My DENISE Comm. Exp. November 20, 2022 <br />Notary Public <br />