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<br /> . :.� 14.sic.
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<br /> � , ., � ...:z� 17.'iltansP�of tl�e propety or a B�dfdai Inteest ia Bo:rowar.If ail or a�r Part of the Property or any inteceat in it � ` � '
<br /> :�. `�t;��{. is sold or uansf�ted tor if a beaefidal interest in Boaower is sold or uansfecred aad Boaawer is not a nauusl person)without `;s , ,�,_
<br /> `<< � .:���` Lend�r's p�Ior wrltten coaseat, L�dec may, at its option, �mediate PaYmeat fia fiill of atl avms sa�ced by this �' �� �` �
<br /> ` �"�`�``= SerurIry I�t.Hawever.dus aPtioa shall not be exesdsel�y L�det if e�rase is pmh�sited by fedaal law as of the date t" � `,
<br /> , { ' }:=�. of this Se�uriry Instram�� `� � ` `: -
<br /> '�_ `-..z �f Lender exercues tbis optioa,Leader sbail give Borrower nottceof acceteratioa.'IUe aottce shali pmvide a period of not r ,,
<br /> -, .. les9 thaa 30 days fmm the date the aotice is ddivered or mailed within which Boirowes must pay aIl sams seaued by tbis :� �..--- -
<br />- =:'T �:.�:'=;_�r� SeQUiry Insmmner�.If Borrower fails to pay these sumg priar co the expiiation of tbts perial, Leader may u►voke aay cemedics r��-�:_ - .
<br /> .�--` pe�miued hy this Seauiry Insnvm�t wlttihout fanher notice or deAOand on Borrawer. `u � _
<br /> • :�' 18. Borsow�'s Rigi�t W S�r;tate. If Bonawer meas oenain conditions, Borrower shall �ave the right �o bave ,� -
<br /> ,. ,`;: `_`�-�"�� euforterneni vf t6is Sesauity Instcunnent discanriaued at aay time prior w the earlier of(a) 5 days(or snch othec peciod as • � ; '�
<br /> �� ��F` � r"�:r for �t)befoze sale of the Fi puisu�t Uo any gowa of sale oontained ia tl�is 4: t _r, ,
<br /> 1_ applicabte law may specity �'Ihose oondiuoas are that Borrower:(a)PaYs r _ , �
<br /> Seaulry Insaa�or(b)�+of a judgmeat enfurciag ihis S�uniY �, ,,_"
<br /> � -: L�ender a11 spms whid�then wootd he dive uader this S�riry lflsuumeat aad tI�Note ag if no aax�etai�oa had oa�ed;(b)
<br /> � wres u►Y defaelt of aay other oav�ants or a�ments: (c)paYs all eapeases incaned'sa enfonyng this Seauit�t lnsuunaent. °{ '� ;�'.-
<br /> ` `` induding,bat not liadted to,rrasflnabte auorneys' fers:and(�ta�s such actioa as I.�der may reasanabth s=�um�s secured b �R � .?. �, �
<br /> s -. that the tiw of dris Seiaulty lnstrument,L�der's rights in the Piaperty aad Botrower's obHgauon to paq Y f .
<br /> ° t&is Secariry IaSdnanent sball continue unc�auged. Upon ieinstateraent by Botsower. t�i5 Seauiry Ins�moe� and the ,G; t � ��r;
<br /> _ •� _
<br /> ` .�,: obligations seraued hereby shall�emain fdty effective av�f no accelerarioa had occuried.Hawever,this right to m3astate sha11
<br /> t `� .>,.�� aotappIy iu tlne case of acceleratian under paragtaph 1�. . "r�"��^
<br />__:,.;- ,` ,.' ,�c, 19. Sate of Not� Chauge of Loan S�vIo�. The Note or a partia1 interest ia the Note (tog�her
<br /> with this Secauity �- •�- ,`
<br /> Iast�uraeni)may be sold one or mnie t�s without prior nadce w Born�wer.A sale ura3r msult ia a cLange in the eatity(Imown `_ � y�` ��
<br /> � '� � V� as the"Loan Se�vicer'1 that collects moathly payments due aad�the Noce and this Sewrtry Instmmen�'i]�e also ma9 be one �
<br /> • `��; or more d�aaSes of the Loaa Servicer uumlated to a sale of the Note.ff the�p is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bamnwet wiU be u "' <
<br /> �i ven writta►nodce of the change in accbrdaace arith pazagraph 14 above aad applicable law. 'lhe notIce w�71 state the name and � t �`
<br /> �,� . ���F � add�es,s of the new Loan Se�vicer and the address to whic8 payments s ho u t d be m a d e. 1 1 i e n o t i e e w I l l a t s o w�a i n a a y o t h e r � ; ..�-�-
<br /> �e '2:' µa >~ IA�O�D����iC id'W. t y � �r_:
<br /> ` �8�� � Z0. Hezardou9 b'ab�.Bosrowa shall not sa�ue or pecmi t t b e p:e s s e n c e. u s e.�p o s a l,s t o r a 8 e,o r r e l e a s e o f a a y �,�
<br /> e
<br /> • ''�,�� Hazatdoas Substancea on or in the Pmperty.Bomnwer shall not do. nor aUow anyone else to do, aaything affe�a8 the y�. �=.:
<br /> - - ' pro P e rt y thai is ia violation of any Envimnmemal Law. 'The pseceding two senieaces sbaU not applq w the p�eseace.use.or , �
<br />— --` . ....." .`"`, �L,��y..� af smaU quantIties of Hazandoas S n b s t a n o e s t h a t ace g e n e i a U y r e c o g n i z e d t o d e a p g m p r l a t e m n o i m a l ,�--_-, _�,y�,yc;.�
<br /> n� _ $���r Q�Yi� r�i�V� p G�� .
<br /> :��.� .,,m� � IC.4��QRCS�IV�12�IIIC03IICC Ol f�C�j1eRj►. ' � n,y:
<br /> . ..4.;::'.; Borrower shaU P�mPUY 8ive Leader wnuen nodce of aay iavestigation,claim. demand,lawsuit or other acdon by aay �;�;,,.i4. _.
<br /> ` .,. govem�aental or r�egWawryag or privaic partY iavolving ihe Pi+openy and suyr Hazardous St�bstauce or Euvlmnme�al Law : , • �,:�
<br /> Y:, •`, _ ; • of arbich 8omower 6as atxual�wledge.If Bomnwer tea�as,or is not�d by aay�on�sa�►.Bossa��sLa 1��ta� �'��- _-
<br /> auy�noval o:other te�diarion of mty Hazardous S�bstance affeaing the Propecty l �-
<br /> • all ne�essaty remedial aaioas ia accordance with F.nviroameatal Law.
<br /> � .. As usod ia this pazaSraPh 20. "Ha�tous Substancea' are those substances defined as wxic or hazardons substan+ses b3► . ':. + ,;,:�..���,€���,=
<br /> , .' .'�°. Emlronmental Law aad the foltawiug substances: gasoline. kerosene. other Aammable os toxtc peuoleum produc�s. wxic , : �.�
<br /> _, - pe�tictdes and herblddes,volatile solvents,materials oontalninS asbestos or formaldef►yde,aad tadioacxtve matertals.As used tn _ -�:
<br /> , ' > ,_.; this h Z0, 'Eavironmental I.aw" �eans federal laws and Iaws of the judsdtcdoa whese the Property is located tlias , i'� .:
<br /> relate�th,safery or eaviromnental pmtection.
<br /> NON-UIVIFORM COVENANTS.�ormwer and Lender funher oovenaat and agtee a�foAows: „,' ;
<br /> .. � ,-: 21.Aa�!¢ratlon;RemeQtes.Leader sball glve notice to Borrawer PrEor W acederattoa followtag Botsow�'s breach '',v
<br /> � of eay covenant or agreemcnt in tLls Secarit9 lns�m�t (bnt uot prior w aooeieratton under h 17 tm2c�v .' ,:"
<br /> ,.. .
<br /> r �� '
<br /> , ; . . app ll c a b le l a w pro v i des o t h�).T h e a o t i ce s h a ll s p e c�r: (a)4 h e d e f a u l t. N)t h e a c U o n to cmre the deYant� .> �, ��„.
<br /> (c)s d�nat less tban 30 deys from the date the notice is gtv�W Borrower.by wfitcL the defanU mnst 6e cured:t�nd , ,.� . ,':�r,�:°-
<br /> = y,,::. .; (�that tafi�e w aue ehe dePadt on or before the date specifted in the notioe mey resvit in acoef�ation of We s�s ;�.�
<br /> ��.,;:. sec�ued by this Seaurttq Ins4rmneat and sate ot the Pto�erty.The nodce shalt fm�tbee fnfosm Boaower of the right to �, �
<br /> � �• , sdastate aft�acce2�atton anti t�e esight w bring a cmnt adioa to assart the nonc�st�ce of a de4adt or eny oth� , ,� :
<br /> def�se ot Borrower to aoceleeatton�nd sate. IP the dePanit is aot c�ued on or before the�te spedReB in the not[oe. �� �
<br /> - ,_ �.eader, at its opSoa.maY re�e immedlate payment in fuU of all sams secm�ed by 16L9 Seeariity Tnsdvmeat wiWaut .: ' •'�`__
<br /> � ' fttrtltpr demmmd satl mey invoge the yawer of sale and aoy ot6er r�eilttes perm�tted bp appttca6ie law.I.�d�sAal!be , i -
<br /> 0
<br /> ''�'� ' � entiued to co�IIect aD expeases inaat�in pmsotng the r�edies pravided in thla p�tragreDb Zl.indudmg,bat aot limited ��. �
<br /> ta,rrasonable attomeys'fces and cos¢s oY title cvideace. of We
<br /> � � - If tha power of sate is invok�l.Tras2ee shaU record a noSae of defanit in each oomty in whlch auy part .
<br /> -.;. � ' , ..;' PraPert9!s 3ocated end shail mail aoples of sueb nottce im the manner presedbed by appllce6Ie 1aw to Horrower aad to
<br /> r� , . . the other persoas prescribetl Dy appllcab2e law.After the time requImd by applIcabie taw.Tsustee sheII give publle noflce �
<br /> � o!sate to the peisoas end in the manner prescribed by apyUcab2e law.'D'cu.�tee,without dewand on Borrnw�,shall sell a...,' '
<br /> �'= the PtoDeriy at pnbllc aucttoa to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the termq deslgneted in t�he nottee of
<br /> -_ . . . ' sate in aae os more parceis and In eay ordar Trustee d�ermines.Trustee may postpome sale of all or any parcd oY the .- , • _
<br /> - • , "•i ptoperty by pnblic announc�ent at the tlme and place of any previou5ly schedaled saIe. Lendc�or its destgaee may :. .
<br /> _ • , . p�vchasethe Property at at�y sele. .�-
<br /> �, per ;.,
<br />_ =.+� i • _ . .
<br /> _ .•t. .. ,
<br /> _��7 � Form 3028 9190 � �
<br /> - ' � �-6RtNE1 ts�u�.at �s o}e �. F l nwmr�• �.�
<br /> , -- -•-,- .. . . .. . � . . . . . , . , . , . - .- ;::.. � .. �
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