<br />qty
<br />EXHIBIT "A" �, 106450 1 ,
<br />Southerly Eighty Five ($85') Feet of that certain full Lot formed- by
<br />actional Lot Five (5) in Fractional Block One Hundred Twenty -four (124),
<br />Koenig and Wiebela Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; anti
<br />- -t part of Lot Sixteen (16) of the County Subdivision of the Southeast
<br />--irter of the Southwest (quarter (SE1 /4 SWl /4) of Section 16, Townshipi 11,
<br />;nth,, figsage 9,, West of kbe 6th P.M. lying North of Koenig Street, East of
<br />- Easte;IrI '. line of Wrscvhlim@ton Street, South of the Southerly line of the
<br />ley fu amid Bloclz 124, U . the said Street and alley were extended through
<br />-cept 101hat part of L.oz�t;,, -46,- heretofore conveyed to A. J. Windelph l $7
<br />`renty Deed recorded; :.. ;Fan Book 35, Paige 564), and that part of Lot
<br />:anteen (17) of 19:tlk C79unty Subdivision, which lies North of the.
<br />therly line, of 1CoentS Stroot:, and Baste of said Easterly ..line of
<br />shington Street, if extandedt. t
<br />AND
<br />Northerly Forty -seven (47) Feet of .(hat certain ftl,U 1V7.1:' formed by
<br />Lot Five (5)9 in frack.iunal ',R,&?ck One Hundre�!' T*vr.rz1ry -four- (124)
<br />1Foenig b ' Wieb�a's Addition to" tthe City. of Grand Isle.rr,d r tbalt 1 County.,
<br />breaks and that part of Lot Sixteen of the County',!;,Odiv3 =sion of the
<br />utheast Quarter of the Southwest Quart,mrr (SEl /4SW1 /4) o' Section' Sixtiien
<br />6), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.R. „
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, lying North of Koenig Street, East of the
<br />=terly line of Washington Street, and South of the Southerly line *f the
<br />-ey in said Block 1249 if the said Street and alley were extended through
<br />�cept that part of said lot 16 heretofore conveyed to A.., J. Windolph by
<br />rrenty deed recorded in Book 35, at -Page 564) and that part 'o# Iat'
<br />enteen (17), of the said County Subdivision which lies Nort1i' of the
<br />ei,erly line of said Koenig Street and Bast of the said , Easterly line ' of
<br />_d Washington Street, if extend0fl; said three fractional.tracts combining
<br />fora one full lot measuring 66 x 132 feet, having a Southerly frontage
<br />66 feet on Koenig Street and a depth of 132 feet facing on Washington
<br />eet; said aforementioned part of Lot 16 now being known as Lot 22 of the
<br />4ivision of Lots 13 g 16 and part of Lots 8, 11, 12 b 14 of the County
<br />�'`i
<br />•vision of the S81 /4 SW1/4 of Sec. 16, T. 11 N., R. 9 West or • th'e fith-
<br />-..,. Hall County, Nebraska
<br />- "fit,- �i;S•i ;rl�j$�ili5 +r _. _.. , _ .. . - _ .
<br />1l�
<br />1
<br />it
<br />(
<br />i
<br />i
<br />r
<br />EXHIBIT "A" �, 106450 1 ,
<br />Southerly Eighty Five ($85') Feet of that certain full Lot formed- by
<br />actional Lot Five (5) in Fractional Block One Hundred Twenty -four (124),
<br />Koenig and Wiebela Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; anti
<br />- -t part of Lot Sixteen (16) of the County Subdivision of the Southeast
<br />--irter of the Southwest (quarter (SE1 /4 SWl /4) of Section 16, Townshipi 11,
<br />;nth,, figsage 9,, West of kbe 6th P.M. lying North of Koenig Street, East of
<br />- Easte;IrI '. line of Wrscvhlim@ton Street, South of the Southerly line of the
<br />ley fu amid Bloclz 124, U . the said Street and alley were extended through
<br />-cept 101hat part of L.oz�t;,, -46,- heretofore conveyed to A. J. Windelph l $7
<br />`renty Deed recorded; :.. ;Fan Book 35, Paige 564), and that part of Lot
<br />:anteen (17) of 19:tlk C79unty Subdivision, which lies North of the.
<br />therly line, of 1CoentS Stroot:, and Baste of said Easterly ..line of
<br />shington Street, if extandedt. t
<br />AND
<br />Northerly Forty -seven (47) Feet of .(hat certain ftl,U 1V7.1:' formed by
<br />Lot Five (5)9 in frack.iunal ',R,&?ck One Hundre�!' T*vr.rz1ry -four- (124)
<br />1Foenig b ' Wieb�a's Addition to" tthe City. of Grand Isle.rr,d r tbalt 1 County.,
<br />breaks and that part of Lot Sixteen of the County',!;,Odiv3 =sion of the
<br />utheast Quarter of the Southwest Quart,mrr (SEl /4SW1 /4) o' Section' Sixtiien
<br />6), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.R. „
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, lying North of Koenig Street, East of the
<br />=terly line of Washington Street, and South of the Southerly line *f the
<br />-ey in said Block 1249 if the said Street and alley were extended through
<br />�cept that part of said lot 16 heretofore conveyed to A.., J. Windolph by
<br />rrenty deed recorded in Book 35, at -Page 564) and that part 'o# Iat'
<br />enteen (17), of the said County Subdivision which lies Nort1i' of the
<br />ei,erly line of said Koenig Street and Bast of the said , Easterly line ' of
<br />_d Washington Street, if extend0fl; said three fractional.tracts combining
<br />fora one full lot measuring 66 x 132 feet, having a Southerly frontage
<br />66 feet on Koenig Street and a depth of 132 feet facing on Washington
<br />eet; said aforementioned part of Lot 16 now being known as Lot 22 of the
<br />4ivision of Lots 13 g 16 and part of Lots 8, 11, 12 b 14 of the County
<br />�'`i
<br />•vision of the S81 /4 SW1/4 of Sec. 16, T. 11 N., R. 9 West or • th'e fith-
<br />-..,. Hall County, Nebraska
<br />- "fit,- �i;S•i ;rl�j$�ili5 +r _. _.. , _ .. . - _ .
<br />1l�
<br />1
<br />it
<br />(
<br />i
<br />i
<br />r
<br />�
<br />1
<br />