'-�...y/ ��i:: =as . t.: . �=�<•t;::'^-:`Ilt>�cF�'_ • .. • _
<br /> �+1:r� .✓.�i � '•;yt`' " ' _ _-'___[-_'�.Y:..�..� ' '�•'"-
<br /> t� _'i S. I-'^F�`-_.^__�'1 _r. �- •.�-� �:Z{� Y'��:Y_�'
<br /> •`�, �y� l ' � -. - - � - . t
<br /> ti!.. `i. . . _ '_.F_"`� ._ . , ' C ' C�y .
<br /> . r<Y r ."•'' ` . . - . ' - ' . r- . � � c x ' c�F c . � a. -� - ' �t'. . . U.'�, f- t-
<br /> - - �5 �� :;.. �...;o. sr . � F � ��-. �E . t .R. ` a :} s- � � `t� . . : r t -
<br /> - -,� "4�-c `4c a .. °t . - ' y _ aL�. `+ f. -�, _ � . `� ° � ' ,•��t f nG'� � -s.L ?_��. -
<br /> � K-�-f .,..: �_, u . , r-- � F ,,�c F .�`�, 2 � �i -- c L .�i ¢ " -4 :.�r.f � _s t- . �' � _' .
<br /> � T<.�µ C v s .+-' �. i3+.< t .Z-
<br /> C. �TC _ r c<:z..$ _ - ,f� Cs _ :�..�-F�.a,L� �....-�� ' �� � �
<br /> E� ,�';, k: .�;r _ . F"��
<br /> i . ;..� , -:.
<br /> . F `..'� ,..
<br /> 4 �; <� ` �-�"k. ,
<br /> i� ' � .� -.
<br /> • ._�. .�.;.: . °a? � TOCfE'�H�i WRH aD the�pravemanta now or hereafter erected an t�s prop�ty.and aB ease�ne�. aPPurmnances.and �, w '�
<br /> r�.N-_ _�- ��•.�� �':
<br /> ' �::: �� �� fbQuieS now or he�eafter a P�of the D�DeatY.AO reD�ements and add�tons sha0 a�o be covered by this Se�ur�y Insburtim�t �`� ...._ ; �.�
<br /> `:.`�•":��` �a - ' ` AO ot M8 totBSoing!s refet[ed to On this SeCUn't!I�sbu�t es th0'RrOD9Ay.' '�. �'}`
<br /> ..,.__�;<,;-,..� ,�.,.
<br /> �`�,,.�^��`.�`•x: ' 80WtOWER COVENANi8 tAat Borrovaer ts IawNQy �ed of the ssmte hmehy eamreYed and has Me rigM to grent ane :� . �. .,� `,` ° .
<br /> ' for enambtanoes of recard Bartower wartants end Wm ' ;<'�`' .t°.s;:;'-:�'
<br /> ',:�.�� , comrey tAe Pro�erlY end thffi tl►e PirOperiy b un8tlWmbeted.�t •" ,. ,. <. .;
<br /> Qefend gsnerattY tAe t�to!�0 PcoOenY agalnst aU ctalm�and demands.subJect to any e�eam6�noes of recoM. � •,� Fr .�,,
<br /> a �
<br /> � i,; THtS SE�CURRY INS�RUMENT camDines unHortn covananta tor natloaal use �a narwnEarm eovenams wdt� Fanded �p � `:-�x ;:
<br />- . - ;;�w vartatbns by prrisdictt�e to eonsffiRe a unllarta securRy insCument eover6ig reet property. � �`_¢. <;. .o�:a_.4;.
<br /> � •r ' :_�. UNIFQFIM COVENANT.S. Bot(mer0t ettd 1�1Q9►COv@ASrtt¢rtd SB��99(O�OWS: � oY r. �.
<br /> 1. RByment et PN�Ct�981 8ed I�ite�� PreOatlmertt 6�td l8ts Chsrgee.eorrower snen P►o�M var wn� � 4 :F ;`�`
<br />;�...�. ` . '::' Que Me�n Wpaf of snd inierest an Me Qebt svtdeneed�Y the Note and anY Ot'BAgY�and lata charges Q�h ur+der Me Note. ,.�:-: � - :. °.;
<br /> � � �� �. fFuRdB tOP 4�IH8 81td if1l3tlr81iCe.SLbtect to epp4�aDia taw or to a wrd�n waNer bY Len�r.Bartower shaD peY � �`�T�-•- �`�=.�=-r"
<br /> � , �R�S�-` w Lendsr an tlte QaY trroMAN PaY��ere due�Ihe Pfote.u�st8 tha t�is P�!n d�Q.e sum!'Wnds'?� (a?9ee�Y �`S -u
<br /> r�'; 4 - . ��'..
<br /> .�-r,�„�,..�s te�s end eSS�1S whieh meY 8tf8bt pdOr4Y�v�r thl5 SOeuritY InSdumBrst es a Qen On tRe PropeAY: (b)Ye�AY �hatd � .,
<br /> _ _. �.,-..-:° ,' 08Ym�y►ts ar 8raund centa an Me Property.N er►Y: (cl Ye�Y darerd or property insurance Ofemtums: (d)Ye�Y�ood tnsurance � � , F. �.
<br />- �."`�:i. `;..�'..s ;..,.k„�,�•;_
<br /> �, premyur�s.d eny:(e)Y�N mortgage inswanee Premiums,C eny:an0 lfl�Y�OaYebl�by 8arrower to tsnder�aceardena " :
<br /> 9r,. .� ,.�`_ `� ' rr�i Ut�Provtstons af pes�aph 8. �n feu ot the payme�►t ot mertgaga tr�surance 0��• TAesa $�ere caf�8 'Eserow , n�� � „��
<br /> It�li9.' l6fIQ6/RIBY.ffi 8f1�t�i119. G01�:t 8t10 AOtd FtlftdS UI 811 81�tOUfll OOi�0 87R'8. 8d th8 IM]dfRtRfl 9IIIOWi!8 I�iQ9f t0i 8 • .c,�ti•.t ��•.: F;
<br /> } ,;,:�> federepy �d mortgase t�n ►rtaY �e tw Baaaweta esaow e�ecount und�the tedWal Rea!Estate Seltlemer►t Proeed�pes f �``5 f �� °.•
<br /> :S. Act ot 1874 as amenQed from tima to tene. 12 U.B.C.�280t et se4 (�A").uniass anoth� law that apP�es to tne Funds ,r.
<br />- , ��.: 561s 8�emounL U S0.L�Ider rray.ffi enY thne.COQeet end hOfd Funds h18n em0unt rtot t0�0 the f9ssei emOttni z '. .. � .•.�
<br />_ ��: .�•- -= "y, ._ .'�r `.:-
<br /> ��`<r, " Lender may estfmate tAe amount nf Funds dve on ttie Isasis of wrtent data and raasartabl�estlrneffis of�end3utes of Nture , :; .. '
<br /> .Q � :A � ��.
<br /> ;'.,�. Escrow Items ar oUte�wlse in aceordance wid►BpplicaD�IBw. f . ; ,�,`. .,,v
<br /> ` ,�.',j.� The Fun�stia0 be heW in en inst3WOn wAOSe Eeposas are Insuced Ey a tedetat ag�oll.�nsWrt�ntaGty.or entdy Mctu�9 , Y,�
<br />,. , - ._'t: ��gr� H Lertdet is snoh an btstih�tlon)or In arry Fedetef Home.loen BanL LenQet s�all SOF�11 th0 Funtt9 to pgy ttte Eserow F ;.� -E°s:
<br />� ;. � �:� ttems.Lender may nat t�s� Bortauret tor Aofdhtg end eAAN�9 the Funds.annuaIIY enah�9 the esaow eecounL ar uer�ying � -- ^
<br /> - f'' the E�arow Itsms. unfess 18rtder PaHS Bortower �tetest an tha Fmds and eppOmbb �tw pertn9s lmtd� to mafce swat� a Y , .
<br /> ���6:.r' .� - :' ChBlga. HOweYer.L6ndBr m8y re4�Ue BOrtOwet t0 PeY 8 On9tlme ahar$H f0►ffi1 independsnt �e81 eSt819 f�t tepONrtg seivi�e ;r.'•F'.'``.:--
<br /> � �' ` us�by Len�et in corm�tton w�A thls Wan. untess ePP�CaDi� Pdw provfdes otn�wBe. tln@sa en ag�ment Is made ar �`:
<br />�? � ��°'. eppt7C8b18 f�t�ke9 ht�&4t t0 be pBid.�endet SheD nOt he tequtt8d t0 PaY BOttow�en9 U[terest at eem3t9g on ttte Furtds. �:
<br /> �.: ` "�� Banowm end Lender maY e8�e �n w�8.howsver,thas tnmrest shali be P�d on the Funds.Lendm shaD 91ua to Bortawer. '.
<br /> '•.�`-��•�-r�=•±, w3hout eharBe.en 8nnuel eeeauntfi9 of the Fund9.Shawhg e�edts artd d�b�fs W ttte Funds and itte P�Dase for wAbA eseh '��:*.�-
<br /> � • a..,. -`-� :�-
<br /> __ :.,.•. . .;,;L'�i QO��to th9 Funds wes maQe. ihe Funds ere Otedged as aQQ�tonel SeQrtGY tar 80 sums sedned b1l the�1►tnsbumenG ••��
<br /> S ' ,.°.� 8 the Futeds Aetd by Lend��d the 8mounls permilD9d to be hefd bY aDP6cabb taw.L�d�SheU eCCOUnt to 6ortow� . _
<br /> � s ,-.z:•;
<br /> - --..•.�` f0I tAe mxess Funds in eneordanee wah tAe�equtrmnems of appricable 18w.If the emautrt ot the Funds hetd by L�tdet at anY _ .��,�-
<br />� �: • t�m is not sufff�Tent to O$Y�e Esemw tOems whea due.tender may so not3y 8ortow�r�►writing,enQ fn sueh ease Bor�rower - �`: �
<br /> t r
<br /> : a;.: shaD pay to Lender tAe smaum necesserl►to niake up the Qefietency. Barto,x�shan make uD the defiele�yr N no mme tnan .':��'��.:
<br /> N . j c.:
<br /> , .,�:.�,' 1W6�18 11tGlifh�Y DS�BI1l3.8i L@f1�8$0�dL$Cf6VOt1. �...:--,�°
<br />:;..•�._- �.`:,.�. �.. UOon PaY�t tn tuD O}81t Sums S�CUtBd by Mb Se�utilY mSWmenL t�nder Sh80 VromDtIY tBttmd to BottOxrer enY FurtQs ; :� ±�.a-
<br /> nem Dy lender. it.unQer Oera�aDn 2L�ertCer shau acWire ar ssa the PropeRy.t�►C�P�to me ee�utsitlon or seg ot me ', ,r.y''.---
<br /> �...•��� """� . ProymtY.shaD apPt�►an!► Furtds hetd Dy Lendm a!tAe t�ne of aequis�ton a sele as a ueQR$gaa►st t�e sums ser�ued by ffits -�-
<br /> .. . �4; �? �y�nsbtun6th. ��' � ,�_
<br /> 3. A�pI1C81IOR 01 P8y1ri@iftg. Un�ss eDP�eDb Isw ptovbdes othen�ise. M DaY+�ffi reeel�red bY lend� under
<br /> . ...>:;.,; Varagreptis t ead 2 sBaO be eDD�s� fusL to enY p�paY�t�hac8es dua under the MoteG second,to amounts PaYeDIB under '� '��. n�r4 LlYf
<br /> � '1. . � � �A�1hir0.t+o(nte�est due:tauRh.to pr6tCipal du�end rest.to stty�LB Charges due under the Note. S ' ___
<br /> . �. a:.Y i _
<br /> . 4. ChBag@8: Lf6118. Boirower shaU pay aU �s. a5sessmenLS, aharSes. Potes etrd YnPos4ions a�umbl� to Me _ �,Y?•�A,v
<br /> ' . � ', PtppeRy whia�maY 8t�D��Y over Usis SecufRY Instrumenb end 19a58�Ofd p3ymenb or gtound�ts.H 8ny. BOttow�Sfia11 - _-----_
<br /> ` Pall these obt�atlons In tAe manner PravideA In paragreph 2. or B not paid i�that manner. Bortower sha0 paI►them on t�ne ��,�',�
<br /> ' dtreeUy to thfl Oerson owed OBY�►� Bortower shaA prompty fumLsA to Land�a0 notiees af emounes te 6e Re���this .,• .�
<br /> '- � .� .. pgra�apfi. If Botrower makes MeSe P�� d�CtH. Borsower sh&D DromAUY tum(sh to lender �cetAts evidenCin9 1s�e -, r ,.:..,-�_�--
<br /> c �'..�.:' ( t .
<br /> � pamgnrrp,ger sha0 OromatN�har9e anY�n whieh has P�►ovet this Securriy Insbument unless Bortowm: (a)a�ees b . � ��--
<br /> . . ' wr�tng to t�e DaY�t ot tha ob[tgaYon secured bY the Gen fi a manner eeeeDtabta to Lender: N)contes4a In gaod faRA U►e . •. .�,�__._
<br /> .�,e,._'. . �; Uen by. m de(�tOs against en►orcemmit of the Oon�, legal omceedfigs whieA tn ffie tsnde�'s oPtnion operata to P�t the ":..'�: �'.,��
<br /> ertfotCemeat of the�n:ot(e)se�ures ttom tfiA hold6r of tB9 fien en 8�eet*�►188t�eto�Y to L6n�m st�bOrdl�tt9 the 60n to .�..., c'�
<br /> . - iltb SeardY �S1Mnen�It lende►defertn(nes tA81 enY PeR Of tNe PtoPeAY L3 Su0�0et t0 e fien afibb may attain OtfOrkY aum this -��__�,�_:r}:��
<br /> .. Securiry lnspumen�Lender may g�ue Bormwer e nottee idenb'[�►�g ttia�en.Barraw�sttaB satistyr M0�en or talce an0 or more of r.' . i�w
<br /> . . • , thg getiflns sel faRh abave w�b� t0 Cays af the glutr�g of notiCe.
<br /> - 5. HBi�d O�P�openy ft�stetBttCe.Barrawer snaD keeo the tnarovemenb now wdstia9 or hereattsr�d on the .. '.;:.p;:..
<br /> . . � s �. PropBRy hstsed 8gainst IoSS Oy 1�e.ha�rdS tnea694 wftttin the Lerm'mRBndeA couera$9• e�d m�9 otltet h8�tds.(nt�ldin9 _ . •...: c;_
<br /> � • ' ftaods or RoaE'ng,tot wRieA tand�reQu�res Insurance ThL� insurence sha0 be maintained tn the amou�and tot the pertods �'�„_. �.�,: ::
<br /> ' ` thaf Lend6►re�ices. The InsurettCe c8rtfer Ptovld6�91he atsut8noe sA80 tr9 C�os�bY Borrawm sub�t to LenQ¢/s eOG�� ' -'f`• ;
<br /> ��� � � whtch sha0 rtot be unreasonaby withhe�C. It Barrawer taib to matnt8h covetaSa descr��e6ava�Lender maq.at Lentie�s , . :
<br />_:r..:.�.�,..
<br />?;... . r. .•:.��. .' opUon.obtain Covera98 to protett LenQers rfghts tn tAe CroDeAY in aee0rdenee wah paragrapA T. ,
<br /> ° . • ' AD ins+�anee 0o6etes and rm�ewats shao be aceePtabb w Lender and shail inebde u stendard martgage ctause� Lender
<br /> _ . rm
<br />;�;'� :,�. , sha0 Aave tAe r(ght to hotd the Pollcies end�enewafs. It lenQer iequhes,Bartower stiao 0►am0�►Y 9we to Lm�Qer aD r�eiPta ot -. .
<br /> . ' Oaid prem�urt9 and t�ewai rtotk�. fn th9 event ot toss.Borrower sha0 gMe Ommpt not�e to the msurence ce�rier and Les�d�. ..
<br /> ' L,¢nQer may make proof ol toss if not made promptty by Bortower. �
<br /> � ' � Untess t.a�►der end Barrovrer othervvise agreB in wr�lan9. o�surance Draceeds ShaD be epD�ed to restoiaUen or repab ot the . . ...
<br /> � � ProO¢�ty dart►ageQ a the resto�atWo or repa�b ecancmkaLy teas�b aad t¢nders security Ls not tess�e0. It ths ca5toraUan o► :`.4 .
<br /> rapatr �S nat ecanomicaQy teasiOG�or lBn�Is security woutd be�essened,the Insurance proceads sha0 be appGed to the sums
<br /> . .. sseured by t�b Seeur�y InSDUrtsent.whether or not then Q�o.witA eny exCess D�d to Borror�e►. If Borrovrer a6anQons th9 . " � .
<br /> .�,: • ',. �• PraDeRy.or eae9 not answer wCho�30 days a notice from Lender t�at the insuranee eertler has oti�ed to stNtte a e�ian.then . :� +'•
<br /> � Lende► may co0eet the fisuranee proeeeds. LenQer may use the 0►eceeCs to repah'or r�stare tne Properry ar to pay sums
<br />•;...,i �� seeured Dy this SeeurRy (nstrumsnt,whethet or not then due. 7A9 3aday Derfod wN pegb�when tAe notioo is 9iven- . . • . .
<br /> lJniess lenQe� en0 Borrower othenxise a�ee in wr�g. en9 800�n of proceBds to O��G� shaD not �QanC or � ,
<br /> ' " postpon9 tRe�e dat9 of the manthy paYments reterted to v�D�S�Ohs � end 2 a enartge the ama�an ot Me paymant9. U . '
<br /> . ` under Oartl�aDh 2t the ProOertY is aequaed Ey Lender. Benowers rtght to any insurenee pefcies and Aroeeeds resutta�g from . • •
<br /> � . . damagg to th9 i'roOerM Oftfl�te the aoqu�s'�� shai�pass to LenQer t0 t�9 extent ot ths sums Ey this Secur�y tnstrument .
<br /> � brmiediat0h P�o►to 1hA aC4�isition. .
<br /> ��. � 6. Qccuparecy, Preservetion, Maintenance an0 Protectloro of the Property; BorrowePa Laan ,
<br />'.`�!!' . , Appiieation;Leasehotda eoROwer ShgD occupy.estabG9h, and use the PiopeRy es Bortowef9 pr�etpai r9std9nce wRhfn „
<br /> ?�y� � SE�ry Qeyg aft9t tR8�8tuttOn o1 this SeGU►ity �nStrumBM et�d S�all cOnUrtue to OCCUpy th0 PrOpelly es BOrrOwerS O�CO� •
<br />_= -- - • - rss�tee tor ffi f�]3st One Ye2►e€t8�thA dete ot oCCUpaACy. unfeSS Lendet otherwise 8grees m writin9. whiGh Consent SABU not
<br /> t`������ • be urtreasortaDry wiN�etd,or un(ess e�ctenuatmg eacumstances must whi�h ara Geyand Borrowe/s eonbro�. Borrower shaU not � • .
<br /> :i.. . .
<br /> destroy,damag9 Or impar tt+9 Praperty. aliow tRe Property t� dete+iorate,or eommR wasie on the Propeny Boaovrer sneu Oe n •
<br />. ' , delauR e any forteidue ac6on ot prooseding. w�ei�et tau or criminab is begun that in Lender'S gaod fait�ludgmertt couiC resuU .
<br /> . � . m rortedure ot tne Propc3AY or otneiwise mate►+aily onpan the tien creatsd by this Securily �nstrument or Lendars seeurdy incerast. •
<br /> - � . ' ..
<br /> .. , ,.
<br /> _ • J�.. M.AGs �.�.. - - -
<br /> ' e�P9[�t0�•9.Va� Oap�1 ve 9 - � � . . ,
<br /> �,.. � M� .
<br />_ . � ;. . . .
<br />_�?° . , . � �
<br /> ..', . . vanc i. .
<br /> .4 �•
<br /> : +' '. _ ' . ' . - _ __ _
<br />� _� _ __.__ . - xer-���.�.� _ ''"-'
<br /> . . � • �
<br /> -___ .....":' . ..., .-e-�.a-.�..:�vna.�.-�•,K��:+i•.
<br />