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L <br />t <br />• f! <br />TRUST DEED <br />t;. <br />89--o 144862 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into tltici> 11th day of September ,19 9 <br />by and between Stanley T. Vavak and BetM., .1. Davaltrustor, and TRW Title insurance Company , Trustee, <br />Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants <br />and Security Pacific Financial Servic4ktL of. f { <br />WiTNESSETH: That the Truster does by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale unto the <br />Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now or hereafter erected or <br />placed on the real estate, situated in Hall: County. in the State of Nebraska: <br />The Easterly 4 feet of the Southerly 66 feet of lot 7 and the Southerly <br />66 Feet of lot 8 in Block 92, Original Town, now City of Grand island, <br />Hall Ccunty, Nebraska. <br />arid: brim f said premises is now delivered unto said Trustee: <br />,::TO HAVE AND TOVOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee, h:s executom <br />administrators, heirs, and ass;�s forever_ And the Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes unto the Trustee all right. <br />title, claim, interest, beneft_,s,� estate whaiever, in and to the above- described premises and each and every part thereof: which is given <br />by or results from all't !i pertaining to die exemption of homestwird And the Trustor covenants with the Tiast m. <br />than he will tbm.,tr warrant i , of r r title to the. same against the lawful -Saims of ali persons whomsoever. <br />IN TROT HOWEVER. for trr: flbawin; described purpost;-s: To secure full and prompt performance of all the terms and condi- <br />tions of that <br />❑ R 'iAp:; ing Loan Agreement of even date herewith (including particularly, but not exclusively, prompt payment of ell sums <br />which are at may become payable from time to time thereunder) and any extensions, renewals, modifications or refinancirgs thereof. <br />which Revolving Loan Agreement obligates Beneficiary, subject to the conditions stated therein, to advance to TtustAxr. vp to <br />$ . plus ftnance;avd-'a>her charges. (or) <br />0 Note of even date herewith. i. . sum of U.S. S 7300.10 payable in monthly installments of <br />hnd interest, with the balance of the indebta:dfn s& if not sooner paid, due and payable on GeVtember 969 <br />it is agreed by and between parties hereto that until filing of Notice of Default. the Trustor shall: (1) pay si:L" resent and future <br />74;-.2s and assessments, general and special. against said property before the same becomes Olinquent or actionable: (f) keep all erprove- <br />`;:If td rats erected on the land insured as may be required from time to time by beneficiary against loss by fire and other hazards, lut,iaalties <br />ind contingencies, in such amounts and for such periods as are reasonable and may be r:rl;s�.red by beneficiary, and to keep ar:' ri3licies <br />of such insurance in force or effect upon the property herein described constantly assigrx; +Wand delivered to beneficiary: (3) pay and <br />comply with all the terms and conditiont4- 4 any lien. claim or indebtedness that may be senior to or take precedence over this Trust <br />Deed as soon as any such payment Gil r.rr of such lien, claim or indebtedness shall become due: and upon failure of Truster, t"i,l- keep <br />any said agreements, benef':I.iar-y may pal a_h tax_ p=ay for such insurance or pay off such liens or claims or indebtedness us 0%-r case <br />may be, and the money so expended, wi;t;::r.terest at, 14';.. per annum, shall be secured by this Trust Deed, and the Trustor agrees o repay <br />the same upon demand, and upon failu.% to do so the balance al'.>he attached note shall become immediately due and payable at the <br />option of the beneficiary: (4) specifically confer upon the Truster: ilht: power of sale as provided in Nebraska law: (5) retain possession <br />of the premises and collect thl: rents and revenues therefrom. <br />Upon payment of all the sums sccamil by this Trust Deed. the Beneficiary shall request the 'Trustee to reconvey the property and <br />I, iha# surrender this Trust Deed and all a,t.2es evidencing indebtedness secured by this Trust Med to the Trustor. Trustee shall reconvey . <br />tllr: property without warrdnty to the person or persons legally entitled thereto: but if default be made in the payment of said note or <br />any part thereof or any of the interest thereon when due (rr in the faithful performance of any ur either of said agreements as aforesaid, <br />then the whole of said note shall become due and be paid as hereinafter provided. and this deed shall remain in force: the Trustee or <br />his attorney may proceed to sell the property in its entirety (it in parcels at the option of the Trustee hereinbefore described at public <br />auction, to the highest bidder, for cash. However, the power of sate herein conferred upon the Trustee shall not be exercised until (1) <br />the Trustee shall fiat file for record, in the office of the register of deeds of each ctfunty ulterem the trust property ar sonle part or <br />parcel thereof is situated, a notice of default, identifying the Trustee by stating the names of the'frustur and names thereii .ofd vjvirlg <br />the book and page where the same is recorded, a description of the trust property, and containing a statement that is breach tit an obligation <br />for which the (rust property was conveyed as security has (.+ccurred. and setting forth the nature of such breach and of his election to <br />s.11 Of 4V.;USC *.0 f-- :,old SUCK PRTC,-ty 10 SatiSfy the obligation; and (2) 3 after the lapsc of tiler ]iii ihartt •ilC ftionih, the Tvw3t e shall glirc <br />notice ul' sate as provided by Nehriska law. After notice of default and lapse +if not less than title mouth. the frustec shill give written <br />notice of the time and place (if sale p.uticulady descrihing the property to he sold by pubhcatfoti of such notice. at least rite blues. <br />once a week for five consecutive weeks. the Ici_st publication to he at least Ill days hilt not more than iO d,lys pnfn a+ the %.11r fr: %,talc <br />newspaper having a general circulatwn in each counl4 tit which the propertw to be sold, or some part thereof 1. ,afletrtl 1 doff s11c11 <br />sale, the trustee snail cRecute and dehver a dated of c(msc)ence All the property sold to the ptircha %er fir t:t•le1't ,ord .nlr <br />StatL'ISiC(tt or rcutal of fart ill such d,ed in icla;uui Ar thr e>,erL f,e +'1 tFc pnucr =ft .afc,u:d *.itr of ; hr tai+ pct t .! llu rrnf na infhtig <br />1CCItd1� r f'nic111111t ally li1a11mg. personal delivery alid ptihhi:ativil of the twtt,e I4 00fatill alit r ;l,ftlttit_' ,utt1 1110 t+lllltic'11101i ,0111 111INt1tig <br />'If lt: ftit: t.-M' 'ilr_lfldthrckittifui:t(/fSalc. andG uch recital 1113110 'rl%tlltitCpl"InK t. iC, C_1U: d0! CtI't1, 101tr• 111111tonCc ,tt111if'l4'tfi %i:,<<rtl ;,ltt� <br />ahcfei',{ ':f t,i..'t r{ ht'll,t flite t`LlrthdyCN illid rlieumbrancers lot f.dlut:• drd tsttttf'Llt :F "lilt' II -v ]r'_%!£e� dc:.t 11.111 I'th'i.ff: L %L.'111c, <br />r; <br />x <br />t• <br />s .. <br />., <br />