ltasft ! o TM�34 DEED OF Pugs 4
<br />90-106434
<br />4
<br />eacw and dipo" with Larldar ouch ec a auNicfont no pOtale surely bond Or OMser srtiafarycry b lartder.
<br />MCMITY AtiRla: Mr. FW=MfO WA MENTS. The fofowkg proven nlewg b this Dead of That se a saaxly apsetenl on a pan of
<br />this DWal Trrat.
<br />saeuify AOreertrart. This insi urfant and conalblt a eeetxay apaanlyd to his arrant rty of the Property 001a Lulea *an* cc otter parsosel
<br />pmpery, and utxxw shell haw M of tlta ri r a of a serial W y u0sr We Nebraska LOW= Conw wdd Code as ar maned *= line b stns.
<br />Semoly lifts f, Upon request by Lander, Grantor shaa aaatu a linanch afYarrwMS rd take whatever other action t. rapueelad by Lender b
<br />parllnt and owilnue Lander'* secut* inMnal in the Raub and Pawonal Ptoputy. In adMW 10 raaordnq thin Dwd Of TPA in the real propuy
<br />records, Lamle may, M soy iktts and wMoat Am Mr WhortraMon ken Grareor, fee rnmftd counlerpwa, copies or reproductfore M Mtfe Dead
<br />a TnO w a ttna d a alMartwnL Manw shd rdTdx lie Lander ford @*ve ism irc unM in perMryintp OF Oorwrmkg M>m caddy kderest Upon
<br />dit A Grutaor etal s aarnblo the Personal ftpary In a memner and d ter plsoe ressonaby convenient to Grantor and Lander and maw M
<br />atYaaebla t0 Laasdtr vtiihht thrw (3) days Mar reoatpt a wrfasrs M-w from Lwdar.
<br />AdRw M The aairlq addraaeaa of Gran w (debtor) and Lander (accuse party). torn which ktlamWion concerning the act uny ktlenaf
<br />granted by Oft Dead of Tnal may be obtakted (each am r gAod by the Nebraska Uniform Corratarde Code), are ae stMad on the final papa of
<br />this Deed a TnaL
<br />of Tr� �; ATTORNEY-116-FACT The k&YAp provhbne nk*v b Anther assurarwea and awnwy -in-fw are a part of tae Deed
<br />Eurlber Assurances At wy tam and from *no to tkr>w upw* rawae of f andar, Gra W will rnak% exacter and loiter, or wN =M to be
<br />made ancufad or daMsnred. to Lander or to LarKWO dieWmw and when cequgal d by lender, cause ter be llled. rsccvded., raffi*4 or
<br />remagcIed. as the case may bas at such *nn and In such oefcas and planes W LsrKNr r>ttatt dawn apprWale, any and all each rrv%MGM
<br />deeds of vus4 sanely dealt srlcuft ageernwt% ikw mkg ataAernetr. cortitnua Lon stalamwnln Instn mmia of flu thev mwrenc% rarMMc %
<br />and ottwr doiammots as aft in tlw m b opinion of Lender. be moony or &*#m2ia In ordw to alleetuaan aomptebr parfec t r utinuw or.
<br />preserve (a) the alYodom of Grantor under the Nola, this Dee! of Trust arxd il7e melded Dint mb. and (b) the ace rd aaoyt��jr h OOft
<br />craaaad by Mrrt Dena of TOM as fitst and puler sere on the Properly, whWw new fm-,W or hel?ti AM wqurad by G anbr. Uniaem Ire ".~ bye
<br />W or +greed to the conft y try, Urodw in writing. Grantor ahM 1ttATftm fl pOa flea d eosb,mrcl expenses Incurred in oortSta iw? wkh the
<br />ntadm referred to In tltia pawaipli.
<br />IWlraamr it-Fa it Grww VOW, Jgg do any of flna� CArgm roilK,'larf 10 in Me VTa�ing paragraph, Lender may do so for w4 U.,t t v roue a
<br />Grantor and at %a7JliQi's manse. fen such pvrp+xam Granby hereby Mvoc&y gmoNtb Lander as Gr *Wo attorney -in -tact iron the purpose
<br />of melft aoa aft, d*mrkg, ling. ra00rain"$. Wib dokg ON olhw thkgs am rr,ay be necessary or devreVe, in LwxWo sole opkd m, b
<br />accomplish the mne n referred b kn the prac*fircgl Iy"a-dtg vph.
<br />FULL ti?'fOMMANCE n Granby pap all the indebaedrraea, WAWIntg wNhott MtriRali m all trsrxs sdmwew when due, and otherwise penfom» all ate
<br />odigaltt+rre kr1) a e A upon Grantor under this Deed ell eruct, Landon she wisaafe and delver to Trustee a request for full reconveyarm and *M
<br />execute and delver b Grantor su8tabla Malanerte of l nrMation of any *Nrdro s%ft w o on ft entdex>Mtg Larder's security I bores in to Rente
<br />and the Personal Pmparh. Any rownyayance fee req uMW by law shall be paid by Cmift, M prn*W" appacahia tau.
<br />DEFAULT. Each at ih* fsfao AM. so the option of Locher, shall convillule an avant Cl eletauh ('1:verd Of Dafar M ur&'W ftft Deed of Tnat
<br />Dehrall on Irtdelftft m Failure of Grantor to nuke any paynwA when due on trio Indeboadness.
<br />Oeftel on Oder Prpw to FaVe of Grartor within the time mgwrmd by this Deed of Trust b mete any payment for totme of Itrtsmtia M or any
<br />other pafuners necessary to ptS+xmmilling of or to efler:t discharge Warty Non.
<br />Comp9mm Dww& Fa am to comply with any other term, obilgmion, coverers or eondltion contained in this Deed of TITist;, My N,ahr or in any
<br />of the Related DOrx4xoilm. It such a tlsiaure is c r&M and M Grarmor has not been given a no*9 of a breach of to sum l? • of tHa Desd o8
<br />Trust within the pus add, twelve (12) rnonft K may be cured (and no Event of Default will have ocaxr*M M Grigar.. +dffar La7der Sande Wf Mrt
<br />notice drrwnding cure of such fahm (a) cures the faaure within Mot t (,$) days; or (b) N the cure requirb s 13m m am fawn (15) drys.
<br />krmadraely InlMales saps sul le we to curs the falkxe and thereafter continues and completes d reasonable and reDeeary WWS 0 11111P emt b
<br />produce aortpiruw as aom lie m arrabiy pra:a"rs
<br />Oreschas Any warranty, rapresavlalion or stMana. mode or hmr*hed b Letdv by w on bd M of Grardor under thie Dais a TruK the Nom
<br />or tha Rdded Documwrb b, or al tit stns made or tumbhad was, fates M any nrtaI el raped.
<br />heoivanry. The lrwk rxy of Grantor. appokteram of a recelver for any pan of Grantor a property. arty assignment for ft. 190 All a aaSO N
<br />the court s oertwnt of any proosetang under any b"ruplay or Irwohw icy Was by or igairw Grantor. or Me clieaok4on or /animation of
<br />Grantor's existence a, a going business (M Grantor Is a buskwes).. Elooapt b the ascent prohtibiled by federal kw or fVebraracs Itmrr. thee death of
<br />Grantor (d Grantor b an kxMWsi) alto shit consliauls an Event el Gal" under this Deed of Trust. of
<br />Grantor against cry of the Prop". o ti s subsection ioEsCnaia ma is the event of aaggoad ism dkppum � am by any the � or
<br />newer- M-4pe"• of the tin which is the bs4a cut tie eta 0ded Ma Grardor glues Lender vKMterr crmfc3 of such Nakfu and tumriUrse
<br />resrws or a surety bond for the daim satislactory to Lender.
<br />Breach of Oder AgrwrAnL Any breach by Grantor under the Owns of say other agernew beemeen Grantor and Lender that Is not remedied
<br />within arty grace period proA ded therein, in*ckrV without IkrtiMtion any agreement concrring arrp Ihdeblednew or other obligalion of Grarrlor to
<br />Later, whether ertisting now or lair.
<br />Evade AfRecllrg Guranbr. Any of the preoedng events occurs with reaped to any Guarantor of any of Um bdablednees or such Guarantor
<br />dice or ixaocntes kwompetern. Lwow, at as option, may, but shall not be requited to, permit the Guarardoft re1s7e31a assume uncondillonally the
<br />obligaliome arfeMug under the guaranty in a manner satbfadory b Lender. and, in doing so, axe tte C•`eceem of OtAWL
<br />insecurity. Lender In good faith des. heed insecure.
<br />RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence of wyc C-'cem of Default and 0 any vne thereafter. Tresses or Leadar•, al, Its option, rosy
<br />exercise any one or more of the folowfrg rights and remedies. In additn to any other rights or rernades provkled by law.
<br />Aooearalion ripen DebAdt; AddlbW Ra ns des. tl any evert of default Occurs Lender shall sera a written natim of dgM to axe b Gramor,
<br />and N Graydon fates to cure the defaul within the titre pertnMed bp law, as per the to.. Of the Nom Secured hereby. Lander may declare ale.
<br />Indebledress secured by this Deed of Trust to be due and Itmra[M and the sure shall thereupon become due and payable without accy
<br />presentment, dertwnd or protest of any kind. Thereafter, Leadw mq,-
<br />(a) Either In person or by- Mp nt with or without bringing &M action or proceeding. or by a tucoirrer appointed by a court aced: wdrhfout regard
<br />ID the adrequau_y of lb security, enter upon and take possession of the Property, or any part thereof, in its own name rte In the name oft
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