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' >���.:.,� t _ . �"Y i' ,�f. t�'�.ti,.Yi:!': .] G - <br /> _ r F. s .Rp ,.t: . • .. � `��-.- _ • -� � s';`•.:. �'r=�,.:i� K-sf�'S� `. h ��y��r� - <br /> �—�-�-1..4.- f`��' ' ' , , C `v C.' '.i4 .R,�[s. 1. .�. ��J4 ��...,�� b_ -fy. _` __�- `�'.�7'�' �� yh a. <br /> . cs .`�.i .- � . � - a�' re Ft �•� — Q �.�.�� � � r c `� � C �J � ` t4�` �a 4S `._. <br /> � � '�'':�ys f 4. y � .�'�.;S _ . y 't . ..,4 .'i c �'� � _�{ �..r._....? F�- � t c-���._..' �(.�-.. _ .�.J�F- Z° 1�� �. t,� pc'r,k�,. <br /> „_.,.F '�_.� �`- 'C v ` K , . .�-� �d 'E ��,t' � .t_J l ' . k. . r Y\i� <br /> 1 <br /> ��.. t ,r. � � �-�- -' r-=...ja�i -t� �.i��_. S.c �...._:.,� -- 6-... yz �,..T+.^ <br /> �-` �f .c�:���� ;G-> 'Fg: <br /> _ <i� '$� � �Y.. `t <br /> l .y �'� t .�r" �. ' . t CGS ( � ,��� <br /> .t ;``; T;P�otecllon of Lsader's 6ilghts in fhe 6�rope�Ry. tf 6o►rower faits to pmtoan ttre cove�ards ead e�eemertb _r �r V-: <br /> ? - .�.,.�� aHeet lendar's rfghts in the Ptopely{sueh es .�._ . <br /> :`:;---�'s`:.rc��.�-� �ot�irt�fi ttfts Sec�triry D�shwne►L or ffiere is a Ie�a!Proee�n9 that may►stg��a1► --= ��:.,�;�"�..�'. <br /> -_=��-.,�.",;<���� ry�{��p�,y,pra�te,tor cond�nnatlon cr forfeRure ar to eata�ca laws ar ceguiattons�tRen Lender may do and pay tar :`-�'�,"�_-�:��.g_:,:' <br /> h► <br /> L�ders adions may tneWde paytng r,;,.�.,�r ., <br /> y='� '„��`� ;.`�:`` •a g ta roted 1118 vafu9 ot the PrOpettY And l+�sd�e ftghis In the Roperty. . . _ `•,i <br /> �.. wlreisn�ts neesss�Y P InsLnun�t.aPP�9����R�lMB�sonable amome�s fees end .� y�"Y vr�. <br /> ��`{. .' �.�:c., �y smns see�ued b1►a Den whtch hes pdority ovr Ws Seau[tq � .:, i�.:.,: <br /> - :�°i,:�.� e�tng an the Roperiy to make c�abs. Nthougd Lender may teice eotton under thts ParagrapA 7.lend�does not have to do so. .;':,:,.. :,`_.r.�,,.. <br /> � =;�t. p�y �d�ased by L�der under thb p�a�aph 7 shaU bemme ad�ionaf debt o! Borrawer seatred by thta Seadcy � ��:.•,�2,:' �:; <br /> Flf.^si.: <br /> _ �.�s�; :�?;_ �mv�t Urtt� Bortower end Lend� a�ea to otl� te�ros ot payment, qiese emo�mts shafF Dear irtwest iram the date of � L•`t�,'y ���"�.:�; <br />'"��:`,�''� �-� < ��rsement ef the l�tote rate and shal!be payeb[e.wSh IntaesL upOn notlee hmn lend�to Bortow�re4�+�9 PaYm� � _ ��� -� `• <br /> ;- �:x _= <br /> �'� s " � S.�[0ltg�$&t�aeur8ttt�@. B tend�requu�red morO�Se��as a eonddIon of maldng tAe loan seEUred by thb Sewr�l � • <br /> '' °, �'" eQ to mabtmin the morDgage Insueanoe tn eHeet. If,tor anyr reason.the moRgage � `'- �.r�- �,:: <br /> .. '�-: U�strument.Bomowa st�sA PaY the Prmniums re�Wired to obmin eoveraSe <br /> i� ���4ed h7f LenAer lapses or�ses to be tn efieW.Bortower sha11 pay the preml�nns required .� � _ , �3`_ <br /> �k�� w me�rrortgaqe Insurance prevtausty in a eost subst8rrt�lr e�ateTK to m¢oosc,,t,o,,.}B�orrower ot me � <br /> .r �f{t �� �QiJ2d �jl �PJ1�J. �SUbS�cq"••...�(RQ�[��9 : '. �c =.. <br /> . �.` f,r .+, �:. ����previausty in efteeR Uum an eRenate mortgage ins�rer app F .� �'s- J ;-•.;'. <br /> �` � �.i (nsurance oov�age is not avaIIahta. Bamwer shaU pay Lo Lenda each montl� e �m equal to onatwelftJ� ot the yesrty maetga9e - ; <br />-- � �S:%`;� b� Bor�awer w�hen the ins�ee aovaa3e taPsed or ceesPA to be in eftect. Lender w�aaeP�uss artd :.�:�"`_ _._-Y;i <br /> < �. ins�uanoe prertd�un 8 PaW bl► w� <br /> .:��:' re�h�these PaYm�s es a toss r�erve in Ueu ot mart�a9e In�u�c�. Loss ces�re RaYments maY no [onger ba ��at the '� � x: <br /> 3�' <br /> ' ' '��Rt opflon a! lender.U mortgage U�u�cca ea�reraSe M the ertmurtt and for the patad that l�der requtres) provTded bll an tns�mer . �r_.:�:a;,,_��.,�;.% �' <br /> the pre,rrdums requlred to mafitain mortgage s •"� ` " • <br /> f '�''��:. BPP� �ll Lend� egaln beeomes ava�Lte es�d is obtehred BaRawar sha�pay y:.. t a �, <br /> .r $ <br /> _ ��. ` x. tns�uance In eSeG. or to provtde a tasa resenr� urtA tAe r�uirernertt tar martgage instuance�ds tn aewrdanee with aTry w� , _ , .��a , ,:'" <br /> �� _ , <br /> , '`:��� ayeem�t 6eNVeen Borrower and t+�[da or appUrabie(aw. � ; "` <br /> "�` 9. h18A@CtIQl6 L�tder oT gs ags�t rtury twalte reasonable�trtes upon and fisPec�s M the Ptoperly. Lender shaU glve '�(F t ;• <br /> ± .c` � _r'�.F p sp �wsonabte esuse tor the inspedlon. � .:.:``;�i:`.: <br /> ,i.::. Bo�row�notlee at ffie tlme ct or rtor to m�in ectlon aPedtyGt9�w ;.`-,.. <br />* � ��G'` 10. CondemnaBo�e. The pfaceeds of 8try award or dalm tor dama�es. d�ed °��ete hs�Y a�t3�ed and a1taD be .:-•>. ,-'� `��v..>� <br /> 1 :�:d;: of the Pto or trn wmreyence '- <br /> - ;;;�:;.:. _ mndeie�ian ar ottla feld�tg tst enY P� �� ' j•�, <br /> .;;� .�- <br /> petd to Lender. ' ., _ <br /> ot ffie Ptope+[y.the pmceeds sheA Ee appBed to tha snms seciued by�1s Sec�riy! fnstrume�tL , <br /> � _ -'_.•�T, whdher ar t ot�then ��8 moeess pald to Boaawer. (n the sv�d of a peNat tetdit9 of the Propedy i�whlch the iab�market f ;: � �';: <br /> i.. � , :�&��-�� . a1 to or�►than the smawrt ot the sums secured by 9�is 3eeurity �.2-�-` -,�;� <br /> _o_-,,: <br /> vadie ot the PtoPelty►.�N beiore ffie taking is e�u .� aQ`*�': <br /> - ��•==+ dis0u�1 frtun�f/bdcre the taidnp,tmtess Barrowv end letd�ath�wtse agree in w�lu�g.the sums seeuted by this Seanfty - <br />- ' ����:>�' - <br /> tr�me.nt shaD 6e �ucad bll the amrnu�i of tha proceeds muhtp@ed by the toQowing firaction: (a) the tota! amuwit of the sums .,�_r.(.,� <br /> ` „ otu <br /> ` � ` �'�`" sewred hrnn�Y 6efare the tatdng.�vided b]►0�)the tatr ma►ket vafue of ffie Aopaly 6rone�aU�y OeEare the teidng.�� � ,� _ <br /> E'��- .i."�`'�'• sfiaU be peid to Hamowet in the event at a paAfal teking of the Properiy(n whtd�the falr rt�arlCet vatae of the Prap�ty �,�„�..y.. <br /> 68f0I8 th8 ffikbt$,t7I1�838 BORCW�►Qtd L�tdEf 01fiCIWIBB �,-F k� +�.. <br /> �` � ,:"�;�' before the�ICbtg is dess than the amoimt of the sutns sear�fiur�atd!► , ��,,�—: <br /> :e,`��`` � `:�,:°i; a�ee tn wrftln9 or tmless aDp6cehle faw othe►wise P�� tAe proceeds aha0 be appQed to the sums seaaed by Ws Seautty _ .�'�'�_�-'�-°--��, <br /> � 7a.��,'t�F'yiii: <br /> f' �.-' '` �,� . ; InstrwReM whether or not the sums eue then due. � • <br /> y,`. -.•=:;..:., '°::;�.-'. M the P�oP�f!is ebandcned bll Bartaw�or H.aft�aoUce by►Lender to Barmwer that the conde�mor oftas to make an award ar -;�.r-� <br /> �'.""i•' — <br /> { ' ;� ';y._ seffie a embn tor�ritaga.Batrow�ta0s to respond to tendar w�hin 30 dsys sft�the daRe the notlea b given.Lwsder Rs aulfta�Zed ••,,.:. ._: <br />:, ..:...` ` ;! ;'�:'', to oott�t and aPVh�e V�neeeds.aY fts opt�on. either to�estaraticn or repatr of the Propa't5►or to the s�uns seared by this Securf�► �"�. , _-- <br /> � • _ ,".` Instrum�t,wh�ther or not th�du� ' �"�'�--= <br /> . . - _ Untas Lender and Borroww othewise a�ee in wdUng.a►ry ePPBc�un W proe�ds to Pdndpal stmU not eac�d or postpone the :�• t� <br /> :::::,, -�- <br /> _ � '. due dale o11Ae morthly PaymeMS reterted to tn para�aDhs 1 and 2 ar change the amowE!af sucfi paymeMs. -•. �_� <br /> ° 11.Borrovuer Not Retease� �orbesrd�c0�f►�-ender Not a Waiver. 6aenston ot the ttrne tor payment or , : <br /> � ` fistrumertt grarrted�y Lender to ar�l suceessor(n in2erest of Borrower � .F;,_-'"` <br /> �',: •.�� � `.'%•,i. mocTdtratton ot amortiffiIon o1 the swns seeured by 1hLa Sear(t�l �-�'�`� `• ::'.. <br /> •.� ..,:::, ::- <br /> �'' � sha0 iwt operaQe to ret�se the Oabifily ot tt�e odgtrial Bortower or Bo�s succe$sars in d�terest. len de►shaU not tre re q uhed to ,- ., -�; <br /> �. � . a sueeessor(n irtetest or ret�se ta extend Ume tor paymert or oth�wtse mo�ty amortimttun o1 the �. _�- <br /> � �'�j Cotrurtene9 proteedings 9ainsl enY `' ..;�'; _ <br /> � sums sewred b!f th(s Sed�r(t�f tnstrument by reason ot arry demand mada by tha ort�nel Bortawer or Boi►owe�e sua�ssars tn ;�� <br /> ai - <br /> :I ', - trKerest. Ac►Y b�6earsc�ea by lender in exe�dsfn9 enY dgM or remedy shaU not ba e vraNer ot or preduQe the exerdse of a�►right ar _ __ <br /> '•� <br /> � '.. . :,•_ '::' ��. .: - - <br /> " ` -..� .�� 12.8aeeessore and Asstgna Bound: Joint and Sevetal Uabll�y;C�stgneea The covenanrs ana ,:;•,�• <br /> � ` .:+: .�:: �'_:;%�' � agreem�ts of Ws SeadN tnsW�nerA sheD bbtd �td benefil the aueceasars antf asslc�e of Lender end Botrowa subject to the . :'•.`_. •. <br /> • . r ,�� p rovtstons ot p a r a�b 17. Bortcwe�'a covenar�and a�emam►ts sh�l ba jo6U ered sereral. MY Bomower who eo�slgns thfs 8ewrdY r... �.. <br /> �� <br /> ' instruma�l bu! does nol exearte the Not� (a) ts eo-slgnEng thls 3eaAty (nstrume�t only to moRgaS� �anb en d eamr e Y t h a l r ,•! <br /> - � :.. � .,t;:;:, Bortouvefa brteest in the PraPe�ty uader the terms of 1hEs Security InsDUm�(b)is not PersaneIIY obUgated to PaY tha sums seaaed •�.,,.•:..:�' .c:: <br /> ''i Dl►thts Sewr(H 6�str�umenC and(a) a9�that Lender end acry othv Bortowa maY a�ee to c�en0. moddY.torts�or makB enY - <br /> `:i;;.'.•,. :; � '; r ' a�eammodations wrib regard to tams o1 this Seartity►tnstrument or the Hote wilhoul that Batmwde conseat . . <br /> ,.•:.r �' 18.L49t1 Chsi$88. N the taen sec++red b31 tht9 Securiql InstrumeM is subjeei to a taw which aets m�dmum toan char�ge.9. ; <br /> ' and thai taw is Rnally tr�terpre4ed so that the fiterest or other foan eharge9 co0ected or to be eolleGed tn eonnectlan witl�tha loan •::,:;{ <br />�::;. • .,..�• ex�eed ihe penNtted 6mtts.therr, (e)a�►7� sucA loan charSes shaSl be•redueed by the amount nece.ssffiy/to ret5�ce ihe eharge to the - , <br /> . ' •:,, � .-: permilied Qml�and(b)enY svms efready coIleeted irom Bortawet which exeeeded Pennftted Umtts wiU be reflmded to Bortower. Lend� <br /> .�;.,:: , . . <br /> ' �,;; may choose to make this rehmd b1►red�eu+g the pMdpal owed under the Nate or by maJdng a mreet paym�t to 8ortower. H a . . . <br /> refund reduces Pflrretpal.the reduction wiD be treat¢d as e Parttal prepaymenl without anY VrePaymerrt c�9e und�the Note. � <br /> ��::;, • 14.NatIC99. A►ry nmlee to Borrower provtded for In tbis Se�ur(tN In�ment ahaU be given by dedvering ft or by maDtng B by , . . <br /> � first cfass maU untess apP4ca�te(aw tequhes use af enother method 71fe nattce sdafi be diteeted to the PropeKy Mdre�er ar►Y <br />';�`},y, . : : • other address Bormwer dest�ates by noUee to LenQe�. �tnY natrce to LenQer shaU be given b1►fust�ass matt to lender's ad�ess • . <br /> s�ted herdn ar a��y other address Lender desl�ates by no8ce�o Bartower. My rtotlee pmvtded for in thfi�Secufity InsLrumerrt sfia0 <br /> j�:;. � be deemed to have been given to Borrowe►or lertder when given as pravided In thls paragraph. , <br /> .-�=. • .. 15.Governing La�nr. Severability. Thfs Seeutily InsVUmet11 shaU b� govemed b11 tedetat faw and the law M the ,.�:�.� <br /> ."j=; � ��" judsd�etlon in whieh the Prapefty Is lae�ted In the event that erry Provislon or ctause ot this Sewrlty Instrumern or the Noto cantdda ., . . <br /> •4 :� ' .. ..•� with atpppeabtA taw. sueh eanflict shall not eftect ather provlslona ot this Security instrument or the Note whleh can be ghren efteet <br /> � vytthau!the eonpicHrtg provision. To this end the proAsiora o1 this 3ecurriy h�strumenl and the Note ate deelafed to be sev�able <br />'�i. ' � . '�'� 16.Bot►OW6►'8 Copy. Bortowe►shafl be given one cantortned copy o1 the Note and of ihis 3ecurityt Instrument. ' .. . <br /> .�==. � . . :..{ 17.Transter ot the Property or a Benslictat interes!in Borrower. n au or eny pan of the Ptoperiy or ar►y <br /> '��,i° ' � � 1 �Me�est In it is sotd or transferred (or d a bertefldaF interest in Borrower Is sotd or transterted and Bortawer ls not a na�rel person) <br /> � � � without Lenders priar wdtten consent.Lender may, et its option,requUe Unmedate paymerrt in tu�ot eU sums setwred by this Seaflry . <br /> .''_ : ' - � ' InstrumenL Horrevet.thts option shaU not be mcercised by le�der it exendse is ProAibited by tederal law a9 01 the date o1 this Seeurlty -, . _ .__. <br />, �.�'. . . Insbument. � . <br /> Y��; � � - H lender�cerdses this option.Lender shail give Borrower nottee ot acceteraUon• The rtoUce shaU provlde a period ot noi less , <br />';�;,;: than 30 days from the date the noUce is delivered or maited wRhin which Me Bortower musf pay aD sums searred by this Searity , � <br /> �• ` � ? InsvumenL i1 Bonower taits to pay Ihese sums prior to tha exprtaUon ot this perlod,lender rrtay imoke any remedles pennitted by this <br />, . � Securiry InsUument witAOUt further notice or demand on Bortower. Form aaze sHO � - , ' . <br /> -- � .� - . - ' Paqe 3 of 5 E��_...--.- <br /> �__ �.---� -�<,......�:r; � -. . <br /> _ . . : .>> . <br /> � �.� <br /> `.i..:.- : ,occao+s � . , <br /> �. . . . .. <br /> ; _ _ _ . <br /> , �.. . <br /> . .. .,_...._ _.. ..__. <br /> .. <br /> _,:. - _,,__._.__.. <br /> .... :,� <br /> ,._: <br />--- ' ' ". -'--' '_-..._ —��_-._._�--•— --- • . . .. _. . ,.. . •..s�•. ...".. � . r'•.'t.ta ..., � �,-. <br />