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<br /> t r
<br /> , �. ��.,<`�4.1 +�i- k�� � ; f '1�.. � ...� Y •f c _. F. .y -��,i .: 4 . �Y��P ;.�F 4`� +,F'E_E.G'r'�.. r'.c .� � r . �.4� "
<br /> d t�G Y C Y"�f� _ 4� <-��.. � �.�. �5 .�.�.�w�Y._�'�.J�3�a....�:�.�� �.....,.._ ,f1
<br /> 2-.�C/ i.' -•t L_ h� �,�•,
<br /> ¢� , , r` .� ' " � ���� 4 � ���o�
<br /> . �44 -� . ( � l: _
<br /> f•, t "' COV91WNiS , , -.
<br /> `<_� ° `.``.{ F'� 1.P8ym8rfta. Borrower 8gB8S to ti18 �t when dua tJrtless Borrov�er and Lender e�ee othetwiae, airy �`��` ?` ' �
<br /> • ;�k.,. paymertts i.ender receives from Borto 8 0�6�t w71 ba appGed first to any amou�ta Bcrrowar owes on the seatted Qebt �`
<br /> L ` � �- exclusive ot ir�mrest ot prindDal.second and al.if a Drepayc�t ot the sacured debt acwrs for anY reason.it wHl ��..�` Y _e`'
<br /> ft!e ,L �� r4 � �tOt(BdUt�oi 6%W88 8fly 8dtedUlBd P �Ijit�JB 6 ������� • , •- 1
<br /> i . � � r�it �.i�f�rA�� �.
<br /> c � + � ,t Z A�hnt TiH0.Bor►OWer wal atmbtiteble to tt�e Da�rtV when due end wdl defend tiUe �s E t � . +-,
<br /> T
<br /> t �p�rty�q�in�eny dairna whicA woWd impa�tha Gen of tNs deed af trust.LenEes may raqutte rrower to assign efi►d9tus.daime or
<br /> - �_ c. ��,. defenses which ffarrower may have against parUee who stWDht tabor or mate�ts to 6nArave or maMtatn tl+e proDe►tY- .s , ,� .� vl
<br /> , <:� 3.trts�uatteo.8ortowel wiQ keep the P�K1l inscmed tai�tenns aaeptahie to lender at Barrower's expense antf fot Lender's 6enafrt.AII `°' k t � '
<br /> ; �, insuranee pnpcies shaU inctude a standard mo�gage dause in favot of Le�dar.LenQar vu�U be named as toss payee ar a�the inssued on arry sueh f, •�t ,,,c,
<br /> -- [.�._:�• . ,^<�. Insurmue Por�H•A�►Y ins+asnce Proeeeds may 6BapptieA,within Lendei's�suedon.to eitAer the�atlon ar repais of tlia dama9�0►aP�Y � �`_,;i.-,:_�
<br /> or to tl�e secured debt ff Lender requires mortga�i�surance.Borrower a9rees t°m�r�i�such ins�uanee tor as long as lender requhe9. ` .
<br /> , � . , Ji , !t n ..
<br /> , =` in ood oondition and mate afi►epaira reasonably ae�ssary►- _
<br /> �; 4.p�pperty.Bartower wilt keep the praPertS► 9
<br /> -r -
<br /> � � t' >�_:_ 6.6cpensea.Borrov�er a es to paY all LenQer's��<•*A including reasona6te attomaXs`fees,if Borrower breake any cavenartts in this deed ,�f- 4
<br /> �. .`: ., of trust or in mry obGg on seaued by tt►is Qeed of trust.�ortawer wfU pall these emoums to Lender as provFded in Covenart 9 of this dsed oi _ ..,(,,r-
<br /> � : ,•�', 11U84 _ i , tr
<br /> ` 6.Prior Seautty 4�teresta.UnTess Barrower fttct obtaina Lendefs vvritten consern.Bortower u+n'U nat rstafce or permit eeY dtan8��anV G�� ` r �� . ,
<br /> •..� ' '" sewritY ir�rests. Borrowe►tnn11 perfomt all at Borrowers obligat3ona undet a�y D�mortga8e,deed of trust or adier sswrity a�eemeru. ;, �.
<br /> ' ` includin9 Bonowera cavenarts to matce paymerns when due. .. y
<br /> ' � � ,y�� : � u
<br /> t:. k -- x-` t�-' 7.p�T�rt W REDiB Md PIORZY.BOffONfBI BSSiQf18 W LBf1E8f U1B tBtiiB 8fld OfO�Ot 1T18 QfOQ�iy.uid8S6 BOff0VY8f 8[1d L@JIQBf h8Y8 8$f8@d '� -
<br /> o�erwLse in�wridng.Borrower maY eoUeet and retain the�er►ts as long as Barrower is nat in d�iL If Bomwer delau(ts.LeaQer.Leiidei's `.� � ,
<br /> ` • �' f�f�s�. agent,or a comt appoiAted cecetver may take possession arid mana9e the propsrry and coifect tAe rems.Amt re�Lender co0ects sha0 be y: `r `� k
<br /> - �,.,,:� _ aDOifed f a s t to t h e�o t mana9 i ng t h e p r o p e rt y,i n d u e o�u t e o s t s e n d e tt o m e y s'fees,eommtssions to rer�mi agerns,and a�►y other � ;
<br /> na�►�elatad e�e�nses.The rema i ning amoutrt ot��I then aAAN m DSYme�on the seaued debt as provided in Covenaat 7. s�.
<br /> -�',t �"" "�•i c q �:.1:
<br /> . f - 1��'.'J� /�; 8.l8�9'�:�ffi7118d UI�QGVB�i�t�.e�ffOWB�8�es t0 CAJIf�IY VYFlh 1119 pf O V 1 8 ZOtIS O t 8tty I82t59 I!1 h�S Q 8 8 d O�fi L 4 t I 8 6 1 1 `' t . ,:. ..
<br /> . . � ,: ��_. a ieasahutd.�T Uiis tlaed of wat ia on a untt m a conaomutium or a pianned unit aevetopment,Botrower wiL pertann sil ot Bnrtawer's dudes ';;� � '' �4..�
<br /> ,� f � � � under the covenartra,bWewe,or regutations of the condominium or planned unit Qevelapmerrt. t
<br /> c �� 8.AuB�artiSF of Laedei to Perform far 8arrowor.(f Bortower faiis mperTorm arry of 8orrowers d�Nes under this cteed of uust.t�nder may _�r
<br /> � pertarm tAe duNea or eause tfiem to be pertormed.lender may sign Barrower's riame orpay a�r amourrt if necessary for•perfortnanee.H as►q - -
<br /> � 1. por�stiuctlon o�thaproperty is dtscotR(nued or nat cmried on in a reasanaLie marmer.lender may Qo wqsrever ia necessary to protect Lenders ' c '
<br /> -�.; ;.�. " �'x' securiW Unerest in tt�a property.Thia may inciuEe eompietlng the constrtiction. � ` 4 .�
<br /> � . �..
<br /> - �..-.5' 'L�-;-.ff.M.:Ya.:.
<br /> -� ' <s ' i,snder's taihae to peAorm wi��not predude Lender trom exercising arry of tts other rigMa under the taw or this dee0 of uust. .�•; :,r.-.
<br /> � _ � j� �-:. �_
<br /> � .. Any amouMs paid by Lender to protect I.enders searttty irterest will be seeured bV ttils deed of ttuat Such amowns wtU be due an demand � .,
<br /> ,�,, _ ��� an�vin'II Oea►i�ess hom the dete of tfie payment until Daid in full at the Interast rata tn efteet on the sec�rced deb� << �-=-_
<br /> ' `�r,;.: td.Oef�At uul Aaelerat3am N 8onower feils to make anY DaYme�t when due or breaka er►�►covena�rcs under this deed of uust ar any ��:.
<br /> � obflgatton sewred bV ihis Qeed of trust ar arry ptiot mwtgaBe o+deed of VusL Lendermay accelerate the mawrity of the seaaed Qebt an0 "�� �+P�
<br /> �'L � "� damerM immedfate psymeni and may inwke the power o!saie and eny other remedies percnitted by apDticabfe Iaw.
<br /> �+ _ }..: ��`
<br /> 11.Re�est for Notlee o4 OetaidL h is Aereby requested that copies of tAe noti�es of defauit and aefe be seM to eacA person who is a pany '- �'
<br /> � •� ,iE��
<br /> ;+� ,e i� he�eto,at the address of esd►sueh pereon,as set torth herein.
<br /> ���, •� f: 1�.4ower ol Sate.it the LanGer inwkes the power M eaie.tha Tn,stee shail t�st record in the oHiea of the register of AeeAs of each cauniv •::, ' _
<br /> � whetein the dust O�oDe�'N o���►e P�aT patcel thereof is aituated a notice of defeuft coMainit�the iMormation requited by law.The Tn�tee ,�
<br /> � � sha11 atso ma(1 coAies ot the natice ot Qetauit to the Bortower,to eseh peisan who is a party fiereLO,and to othe�pereons es presetibed by .���� �-,-
<br /> �"+ � °' apphcable Iaw. Nat fess than one mornh afcer tl�e Trustee recorda the noUce of defaut�,or two momhs if t�a trust property is not in eiry
<br /> � incorporate0 cRy or vHlage an0 ia used in tarming o��r�ions oarrled on by ihe trustor,ffis 7tiscee e�an�re vu�rc novice ot�e m me oe�o�s �;�` e�,�
<br /> � , � �{�� and in the manner psesaibedby app�oebie faw.Ttustee.wlt�out demand on Bortower.sha118e0 the ptcperty at pubila auctton to the hfgh�t. -
<br /> 1ic -�" - bfdder.H reQuited by the farm Homesmad R'oteation Act.Trustee shali offer th¢propett�l in two separate seie9 es re�uked by appiieBMa iew. L ` `�_
<br /> -?. . ,�.:_y'. Tnistee may Dostpone sate ot ail or acry pareel of the properN bV e�he announeement at the ttme end pleee of a�ry prevtoushr Seheduted sate• ----
<br /> �ys,- , �� lender or ita Qesignee may purchase ths propeRy at any sate. :;: '�
<br /> � ; •��
<br /> j, • 1�. Upon reeeipt of errt of the pr(ee bid,Trustee sAaii Qefirer to the purchaser Trustee's deed comreyin9 the properiy.The�eeitiais caMafied in ;;r _s .
<br /> -.�� TNSieO'e d�ed sh�be pHma facie evidienee of the tnAh ot the statemertts coineh+ed theretn.Tn�stee ahall appry tt�e proceeds of the sate in the � r :�
<br /> :�'; � . . following order. Ia)to a11 expec�sea of the sa►a, inctuding, but nat limited to,reasonabta Trustee's tees,reasonable attomey's teea sn4
<br /> � • �;;. reinstatemeM feea:(b)to a11 sssme sseured by thin deed ot tiust,anA�M the Aatanca.if a�,t�the person9 Iegaily eMftted to►ec81vB it. ,°,,,�.':-��{,,er
<br /> �4- �. - .;Y' 13.Forada�rte.At LendePs optton,thts deed of vust may be toreet�sed in the manner provlAe by appiieabte taw for foreclosure of mortgages -:�
<br /> �,;, . , , , •, on real proDe►N. . ..�� � , �`
<br /> + c ' �q,�p�,Lender may errter the property to Inspect it it Lende�gives 8o�►ower notice betorehand.The noUCe must state tha reasonabte � ��
<br /> � - • =:.:�� t�use for Lender's inspection. _
<br />' �:{, •: . _<,r; •?�:.:�,:
<br /> - ib.Cw�ra�o�Borrower asstgn�w Lender the�roteeCs of any award or ctaim for damaqes connected with a eondemnaUon or other takirtg .':'�, �. ;, �
<br /> ��:�. ' `��� at a0 m arry Part of tAe ptoperly.SucA ptaceeds wi 1 be app0ed ae provtded in Covenaat t.This agsi8mnern ie subject to the Lerms of esrit ptiar _.�•,,;�-
<br /> .r=-r: securitl►agreemert. :�: . .-.
<br /> ��y.:r� '.. . . , �r. .„.
<br /> ��` , . :'-''•�' t8.Waiver.BV exerdsing a�ry remedv availaDte w Lendor,ienQer does aot give up anV�i9hts w tater use ar�y other remedy.BV not eueteising .'."
<br /> t -� r.�•,::
<br /> �.` • arN remeCy upon Bortower'e defauif.Lender daes not wahre amr rlght to later consider the everrt a detault N it happans again.
<br /> r�s: .; , � 7y.JairR m+d Sevarel Ua6ffit�e Caa�siig�ers: Sueeesaars and Assigne Bo�md. NI dutlee under this deed of vust are joh�t and several.My . '�r
<br /> C
<br /> ii`�::> • � � - Bonower who co-slgns thia ed of vust but daea not co-eign tAe unde gQe�t rnstrumenttsl doea so onty to gram enA eomrey that •� . '�:�`
<br /> B o t t o w e r's interest in ttte pro p e r l y to the Tniatee under the terma oi thla Qee�of trust.fn addiNon sueA a Bortower agtees that the LertQe�end
<br /> '�•`�'•` ' any othor Bortower unQer thia deed o1 uuat may exte n d,m o d' or ma k e e►ry o t h e r c h a ng e a i n t�i e t e r m a o t W s d e e d o t u u s t c r t h e s e c u r e a _.
<br /> .$;.:, .
<br /> c-�., . � debt wKhaut tfiet Bortowers eonsent and without refeasing that�rtower trom the terms of this deed of trust • -
<br /> �.`��. .
<br /> ��,: � The dutiss and beneflts ot this deed of Uust shail bind and 6enefit the sueeessore and assigns of Lender and Bonower. _
<br /> � � 18.No8c0.Uniesa othernisa requtred Dy law,eny notice to Bonower sha0 be given by Qelivering it or Ey mailing it by certltled mail adCressed to •
<br /> �� 1� Bonower et tfie Oraperty aEdresa or a�ry otfier adQresa that Borrower has given to LenQer.Borrower vwi�tiva�y�e�noU�to le�nder s�hBaD � '
<br /> ve .
<br /> :;�,f, •>..' • . , .. ',+ be 8 ent o Lendeete'e add�rese aa9atatad o i0 See1 of th�Ls�deed o1 Vmu� er address whieh lender has desi . •
<br /> , : i • . : ,,� ...•.;� .' ..
<br /> Any notice sha0 be deemed to have been given to Bortower o►Lender when given in tha manner stated a4ove.
<br /> ��: � • ' 19.Trmafer af the P�ape�ty m e B�teflda!trRerost in die Boitawa►.H aU ar anyt part of the property or a,+v u,ceres�m n�sota o�va�stenea : �.
<br /> ,:�,:, witlxmt Lender's prior written consem, t+ander may demand immeQiate payment of the sec�aad debL Lender may etso demand immed'iate
<br /> •��'-?. �� payment it the Bonowor is nbt e netr:ral persan anA a benefieial intereat in the Bartower Is sotd or transferred. However. Lender may not
<br /> � , • Qemand Dayment in the above sttuallons if n is prohi6ited dy federel law ae of the date of thia Qeed of trust •
<br /> .�''`'�," . � 20.Reeomroyaneo.When the obligation secured by this deed of trust Aas been paid,and Lender has no*urther obligation to make aavanees .
<br /> �.:���`. under tha instrumenta or a eements sewred Dy this deed of trust,the Trustee sfia11,uyon written request EY the lender,recomiey the mist _ ..
<br /> �.•�-:� � ' property.The lsnder shelt�etiver to the Bonower,or to Borrowe►'e successor in irKerest,the trust deed and tne rtate or other evidence of the .•
<br /> "s�e, :t . � � � obl�gaUoo so saUsfied.Bonower shatl pay any rewrdstion eosts. • .
<br /> . •+ .. { .
<br /> �:���- �� � � Z1.Sueeeasoi 7niatoo. Le der, at Lender's ooNoo, may remove Trustee and appoiM a successor vusiee by ffrat. maiting a copy of the
<br /> �:'��`.. ' • � � substitution of.trustee ea fe �d Ay epplicable Iaw,anA then,Gy fitiaQ the suhsOhttion of m�atee for reeoid in the oHiee of tho register of QeeGs
<br /> � � " ' ot each county 1n whleh tA�st propertY.or some part thereot,Is artuatad.The suctessor trustea.without ccnveyence o1 Ma propeRy.a�a0 � �
<br /> �..�.>: �• ` . aueeeed to all the power,dutias,authoriry and tMe ot tAe Trustee named in the Qeed of mrst and of any aueeessor trustee.
<br />.3 '.".. _' ' _ ". _' -.
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