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' ' ���_�!�'_.�'Y ' ..�.C.�{.a.� ~_1.--�.-�4._.��.• _'�;� � _-_ <br /> -� V•� � . . .. t _���-c-- .;��` <t <br /> . : t _�- <br /> . fa.1�``�`,4 _ 4: � 5� i _c' - 4 K� . � r: � , - <br /> r� f c <br /> r Y< iF � t, �.,- � `.v�t,c- . ..-Y -.i�..�1,- � ' > t .y �5. . c � �. <br /> h r o"G ?;"z � �, { - �. �-�. . S �. :5 �. ��� -� _ � .;..r: �,.. tT� . � x A - <br /> _ .s _. _'. . . � ._� C _y� ..G� ;F . �.' �. Y — - ___..�" .�;�.r..,� ' r �..a2 �, � n- <br /> r . Z�_•- t- rt, .a d . - i�,:4�;: <br /> �. ���"0°z.ti <br /> .-:f� `'c:: -��.`':c.:� -- <br /> - :c:'�',"�' `�: . '::i�-`.��Y�_.^ =a?'n <br /> , �� �Tau�r 99-1tj�� PBse s <br /> �`,f �,� ' 12-�-1998 :}^ i. <br /> ".�,, �� G08n IdO 555114 (COf1Bltir@� �'�G_e�:°.�:� ' <br /> � <br /> 'II .�LC ��• � <br /> c, � EvMeneO oT PBymML Tnpsta shaU aPon Qeman9 fimilsh to LenQer�ory eutdenoa af paymeid o!the f�ces ar�rds end� �� � - <br /> .`.� � � i. auth�the appropriate gavammerrta!afedal to deUvm to Lend�at ar�y 6me a wrfit�en sffitemerd ot the laxes and essessmenb egeir�st fhe :t � ` <br /> Q � ,F. <br /> ;� �s. pt�o�ertY• '`,`;'��,;�";��• <br /> , : ;�,_�;' ,` tROttOe o9 COns�l�tfOn. Tr�stot ShaQ noffiY Lender ffi t�6ft�n(1�aay9 hefore arry vraiic IS�otrurte�wed.enY servf�s ere t�anfshed�e�f► "; rF;.,,,-'.��,�„`' <br /> ' � ?� matocla�s are supp�ed to 8�PmDeitf►.N any meehauo's�n. mafertatmer�'s aen.�ather Usn catRd he asserE�d on acoount af�e vuork. < ��:: :,'.;a``;�,.�: <br /> .��•,,•.�'_;_ serufces.o�matetisTs.Tn�r vrm upon�e�uest ot Lender nanLsb to lender advanoe asswanees�dorN to Lenderthat Ytustar e8n and wa ��j.u.��,�`.�,... .. ,- <br /> -- 0a9 the�St of sttCh IrlDtovame►�s. � ` . c�' <br /> _-:<< <br /> _ - � PROPS�TY DANlAGE INSili�AI�ICE 7�8 t011OWtrt9 PlOY�[�11S t2��tD UISUAI�Nt9 ROp6Ry eie 8 pAlf Ot UIIS DBBd OtT�115t. ., .r,.� `-, •i^,�. <br /> ` � EBa$t�ot tn8tumt=e. Trustor sAatl Proeare and mai�in poRdes cf ihe tnsurance wfih standatd mdended cavere9a endorsame�ts on e ,_ - <br /> '- ' �plazemert besi3 for the ftffi Instuet6�9 vehte e�v�tn8 aH fmpr0vemert�an tE�Real Pr�lY�t an emowd st�td t4evold epplteeUon o�enY 4 4-s k : <br /> .r-.:X 4'-�"•�•:� ca�taartoa�d witl�a stendard mef�agee dause in ffiv�of I.ende,tog9thar wM st�ch otl�er hemtd an0 Reb�tY hs�uartae as Lendar . <br /> ` .�`�"� may�esonacti�ea�e- Po6des shatl be�n in brtn.amourAS.eavera8as and basiS reascnaDtY axeAtabfe to Lertder and Iss�md bY a ''=T:�;.-x-;:;•`'`;- :.'-:. <br /> - � �' comysny cr eomPan�s reasonabA►aooeP�to tsnder. 7n�stor.uPon�equ�t ot lender.wID d�ivm to Lender iram tlme to ttrre ihe D� `'=,_`_, .`; ; ' <br /> 1 ar�oi ft�urance in form s�ory►to Lsnd�.indu�n9 sBSndatlor�that eoverages wID nat be canceIIed ar��wrthaut at •� �� „ ` <br /> ,,: � .� teast 6an(1�daY�D�►written no@ee to LenQer. Ead�inswance poDeY e�o sfielt hu;tu�an endaseme�pravi�t�Umt wvera9e Ut�iror ot -�Y' 4. <br /> •��-�� Lendsr vum rtot be impahed tn an11�f►bY efi►ed.omBston or daffitilt af Trnstor or enfl ffihm Persoa- 3hotild ths Rea!Roperty a1 enY tlma N,.;;:��.•...�,,,. <br /> � ' beearr�IoCeted M en erea desf9nated�Y the Olredot ot tt�e Federel Emergeiu.Y Mane�gement Agenay 8s 8 sPeda!flood hamtd 8ree.T�tor . 4: <br /> � _, <br /> - agrees to o6taln and meh�ln Federal Fiond ir�suranoe for the t�unPaid pd�pal belence of ttie toan.nA to tl�e mmdmum Oa�N�sei r < tv, <br /> , � un�er8�et�tatian81ROOdIr�fuancePto�ram.ora9othereris�requbesbllLert�,ee�dtomairtleinsuchh�swartceicr9i9fetmotlheta8r�. - 2 - <br /> < ::: �: AppIICa�ton o1� 7nqswta�r stmflOmmD$Y no6ly LenQer af airy Ioss or d�ge to tl�e Praparh►. Lender maY�Naot a!(asa ffTnuta K ' ` <br /> ta �,,,....�.p�� 1M,��.��..(��� r,,.�,.�� ,,,_,t,.. �p�.,�r�.,,. <br /> � ��Q�.�W��{�n��vt�7"��ua.�w"7•����Ii�WO�aaww'�7.�'�'W�"°`�i�w��y�����MItlW+YO�d� � C. �_. Gly <br /> ' the prac9eds af arry t�uu�ance and ePPN�e P�to the reducdon of the Indebtedness.Paymertf of an7l�a�9��•ar tt►e �t*� k�: <br /> ns � <br /> ` - , ° ' restotadon and�eDeit af tlre P�aPeRY• it LenQar etecb to ePON�e prooesds to�estoratton and iePak:Tststar slreA�ai►or[ePlsee the :s; _.,� y_ -- <br /> . .. �:a damaged vr desCroyeO hnPravemerts tn a manner�ctary to Lender. Lend�shall.uAon saUstacto�f►Proat of wcA e�endLue.PaY or : .�::�_ <br /> � •' 4:;.� reimb�Tnuim 8am the prooeeda tar the reasonabte eost of�atr or�tan H Tifatnr�no11n dei�dt underthB�(ss Oeed M Tc�. Nry v;. :�:�., , — <br /> ` . e�,.�..,.�. <br />.c�;!`, �:c:f.::�:-� proceeQs which have nat bean�u�ed wHMn 180 Qa71s after fieir reoeiPt and whtch Lender has not commNOad to iha�eDe�►a�mtaa6on ot ''=',`r <br /> :E qie ptpp¢rty shaD be used fbst to psN e�Y emourd ovdng t0 Lertder undar tAts Qeed of Tntst.lhen to PaY aa�ed�ntere�,and tl�tematnder.N `a �+ <br /> ._- ,�'� enSl.shaA 6sapPiled to t#�s pdndpal belance of the Indebtedness. It Lenden c�ids anyr proceeds after payme�M hd!of the indabtedness.such � ,,�' <br /> . � :� prpceeds Sh811 b0 p8id to TnistOr es Ttustors IntBBSLa m9Y eADear• 'f `� —= <br /> . , ro e <br /> �. : �t (�/18��1{$�r�1�8�.�.^�q u��M${dBnC�$�0�IIUJ9 t���fle�O�8n4 p8.�i$�.the purd�eser M the P+'oDedll oovered b)►Uds � ;Y'ir_��- <br /> ,"` ;yt�'';: Deed af T t u s l a t anY h u s t e e rs s e t e a r a t R e r sete held under the P�or�a of t�US Deed ot T�ust.a et enY foreclosure sala ot such PraPedY- f . '.; �_ <br /> ,'� Fr.;.; CAmpUane.e t�iq�E�dsltttg tnQef►teMess. Durfig the peAod tn wNcA an!►Exts6n91ndebtedness desaibed betaw is b effect.eomp6anoe w8h � - <br /> .�.�.. ,,.��, tha insurance provBians c��ained in the instinune�d evldendng st�h 6ds9n8 Indebtedness slie0 cons6hite comDBance wffh ttt0 kisurance ; � -_ <br /> � ::� ,.. , '� Drovf�ans nnQear Ws O�d of Tnmi.b fhe e�dent comp0anee wfih the terms of tlds D�d of Tnut woWd cor�e du�an ot ingwanc0 :. H -_ <br /> �:•; reqnhement If arry proeeeds irom tAe his�uartce become PeYable on loss,the Provisior�M tlUs Deed of Tn�st tor�on ot Pcac�ds sha9 ; '-.��,�-� <br /> ' ' "" 80PN�Y to that Por9on ot the Droc�Qs nof payable to the holder of the 6�tia8 Indebtedness. < "'� __ <br /> ,� - <br /> ` ,:� E��IDITUREB BY LF?ldSi. If Tn�sfor faIIS to eomp�y wM em►Pravislon ot tNS Qeed o t T n N.t n du�snI►o b H g e B o n t o m a h�h�E�S 9 a 9 I � � <br /> . _ � � .:.' M d e b t e d n�s i n g o a d�S��Q u i r e d b 9 t m v.a i f a r ry a c 6on or p r o o e e d i n 9 ts commeneed t�a1 woutd mater(a&y aftsd Lenders t�tn tt� p._ <br /> ' �_« RaPeM.LenQer on Trustor's behatt may,bN sha0 nal be requhed to.tatce arry ecBan that lsnder deems app�opriate. A n 3►am o u a!d�t I.e n d e r ;�: <br /> '�f �enQs in so doing tr�bear tntere5t at the rate.Vrovided tor in tAe Nata from!he date hiGUrted or paid hy i.enQer to Ne d8t8 ot capaY�n1 bY `. .r,n,� <br /> �;,..:� Tnistor. M s�h e�er�ses,at Lenders oAdon,wiU (a)be payabte on demanE,(b)b0 added to the balance of the Not9 and be app�tloned amortg � _--- <br /> d :f, and be paY��wtth arry h�eltment payments to become due during eitAer W the term of a�ry aPDacabte taswanae Poll�Y or (�the re�1N�r9 t�m � ,::, <br /> .:, . _...•._,�:;:� ot 1he NOte.or {o}be ke8ted es a bBQOOn Pa1►men!vfi1Ch wUl ba due anC palY�le et tha NotB's m8�c(t!R ThL4 OeeO Ot TNS!e15o wID se�ut9 _ . -- <br /> .- .- PaSnneiri ot U�se amowds.TRe righls provlQed for tn tAis paiagraph sha6 be in adQBOn to anY other dgtds or enY remeQtesto wtiiCt�L�maY ba !?.,: ,.��;;��`.-�4.:_m <br /> " eMitted on accauM of the default My such ac8on by LenQer sha0 not be wnstrued as aiAng it�e defauft so as to ber L.ender trom arsy remedy tRat � L �., f ,.��- <br /> .. ' ' f,' :: ri othervulse wouid have h8d. • <br /> . ,i. :�,r..�w.: <br /> . ,:._,�, <br /> • "� S VyARRANTl;OEF�[SE OF TRLB.The to�owt�9 Prwlsions retaUng ta ownerahtp of the Properly are a parl ot this O�d afTiusl. , ' `:`::wi_ <br /> ' ?ittB. TruStor w8rr8nls the� (a)Trtcstot holds 9000 8nd meAceEabte title Of reCOrd to the PropeAy in fee stmDie.tree et�d cf88t of efl Dero 8nd ' �.'$�� <br /> . t . en�umbranws other than thase set torth lo tha Real ProPeAY desaiDUOn or in tAe E�tlng InQebtedness sectlon b�ow or tn arry BSe rnsuranoe ,. '°�s` <br />