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. .., <br /> . __ :A�:F.%. .i . \ . .,5� �J� L _ ��.ha-.. Y� e. ��1 � . <br /> �'r��r . . 't...t<..�.��„ � . o� �t 'si <br /> �_�..4 F � - :. �f� t , ' •` � „s . , � n._�: : c�.`�5` . � ..V 4'-. '6 ��.. <br /> ;. . � .a _ . _ . c E � � <br /> ..w i< z.�_�._. - .. '- r. ( �< < c '+F'C^4 s.' - --6-. ��1G: , . -� ��q' �- t _. <br /> -�,. � r ' ��k. �,�_€ t u-- =c. � h � c�k e `s, s� � �- <br /> � :`�� -t Y t _ c � � .� r Yi � � c � e : r. _ '�t�. -c. x e 4 �. <br /> •�„r� � } '`c - � � �� � r � <br /> .� <br /> Y Th..__ �t- �;- . . r,c ti - . Y =. � �� � � - 1 � � � <br /> .''`�.<'�...< r7� �.�y<4Eo ..� � < � �5.� :a}4 7G3 . �:t'i' t.a'� °.4..- d'' .i...�... F°-: Yv-��.,� i �: <br /> t•._ � I :•iy�,. 1_ -.t- ,y,,: k � ' <br /> a .. .� t <br /> ✓ � ,g� <br /> '�r� �µ= � �.JI. `Y`� z' - <br /> -�` �` � �� �I' O� � ,� � 3 <br /> S '` S�i <br /> ( -���.t'���.� . .� 4' <br /> •,. .x. .�.:__�.� �•4` The Fuuds shali be he[d in an institution whose depasits ar.; insured by a fodeial agency,. iru-numentatity. or entity ;<� � . <br />_ _ . � � i4:;� <br /> - � ` ,� tinriudi [xnder.if L.erider is such an institution)or in any Federal Home i.nan Hank. Lender�haii apply the Fund+to the ; :�:?�,,`•,¢ _._ <br /> " t,w��.: � Ps}' . <br /> � Escrow Iterias. Lender may not charge Borrowec for holdiag and applying ehe Funds.annually analyring the escrow account.or ,.� <br /> ` ,,--,� ` - °, <br /> verifying ttte Esccaw[teins,unless ixnder pays Boma�ver�aterest on the Funds und applicable law permit,Lender ta malce sacd < < r <br /> °_�-`; .�•;s a chatge.However.l.ender ma �quire Bortawer to a one-time cha�e for an indepertdent real estate rax reporting service f <br /> .;<b<<.•,=��„ .:. .._,� �' �Y �,'°<<.< <•. _ <br /> .. vsed by L�der in connedion �vitd this toan. uniess applecable taw provides otherwise. Unless :ue agreement is made or �r. , � � <br /> �,:�.� <br /> �: -� Ic law oequire�interest to be paid. L,ender shall not be required to pay BormwcK an) inter{ess or carnir�s on the Fwids. �`,�f ,,,a�.. <br /> :�^�: ..,,_., ..:-4.:; aPPlicab <br /> � - : -•e' .:� a Borrower and l.ender may agree in writins. ho�ever,ttrdt interest+hall be paid on the Fundv. Lender shall give tci Bc�mower. �t�'..�s <br /> fi -`'�=-�-`:.�;'•'�: <br /> . _ c-�`- withuut d�arge, an aauual uocountit�of tGe�Fuads. showing credits arid debits ta the Funds arid the purpose for whidi eacti �� <br /> �` '� � 4"'�` debit to the Funds was ma�e.The F�utds are ptedged as additional�ecurity for all�ums.ecurrd Dy this Sesurity Iratrumeni. t 4`.,,'�` •.-: <br /> �:�"< `` -?`�: If the Funds ltetd by Lercder eaoeed dte amaunis permitted W he held bY aPPliunble la�v,t.�uder shall accoont to&xrower s �.L <br /> � -.: <br /> ` ��` '• for the eaeess Funds in accorda�sce wi�h the reqwe�tt��of applicabfe iaw_tf the amnunt c�f.the Funds held by l.euder at any � <br /> t :,,,�-�'"�- time is aot sufficient to pay the Escraw ltems wden due.Ixnder may so nutify 8osroAer ns asrriting.asr�.in s�ch rasc Borrower r _ <br /> �-�--'�`}'-'js• to make the defeciency. Bonower shall make up the defiaency in ao more than ., `F`,. ��. <br /> ��.--.�, ,.. .� shall pay to l.ender fie amnunt �cessary oP . � <br /> `` t�vetve anonthlY i.ender;s sole�iscretian. � t <br /> � . ~�` EJPoA PaY�t in fWl of all sv�secured by this Security Inttnunent. l.ender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any Y i <br /> _� :�•• Funds held by i�er.if,under Faregraph 21.iertder str�l!acquire or sel!the Ptoperty.[.ende*.pnor w the acquisition or sate _ � <br /> . �° .•�'� �� o-`f th(e��'..peety.•swh•Mall��a.pply arty Fund�hetd by l.endet ai the timr vt acqui+itinn or+ale a�a ccedit�ain+t by a:� <br /> -'L x .�" U,IS JRWtty I�liWllYW. Y i4 CF .-. <br /> Q 3 � - <br /> ' • 3.App!lc�tiou of Paym�ts.Unless spplicable!aw provides otfierwise.all paymeats rc�ved hy txnder under para�aph+ "fa`� .,_ <br /> �` "=�"'�` �? I and 2 shall be anY pmpaYment chacges due under the Note: � amou�ts payable under parag�aph 2: . <br /> �- �. _ <br /> �. . -��. interest d¢e:faurtl►.to Princ►Pat due:an d l a any laie c h a r ges due ander the Natc. . _. <br /> ',; � x 'Si' 4.Clraige�; I,I�.Borrower shal!pay all taces.assessments.ctiarges.fines arsd imp�xsiaoru attributahle to the Property '_ � � <br /> .«: ---,i: wbich may attait►pteority over this Security Iastnunent. artd lea5ehold payments or ground rt�t�.if any. Borrower shal!PaY �n <br /> .:` � .�-�•':'::' ' these obiigazions ia the marmer provided in para�,�aph 2.or if rtot paid in thai manner.Eorrowrr�hatl pay them on time dimctly .`:..��. j <br />`:.�'�~�_ : f .�°� to the peeson os�ed payment.Borrower shall promptty famish to Leitder aIl notices of amount�to be pa�d under this p�ragraph. '���:�:�, <br /> ` � �° � If Barroaer makes tfsese p�ayments directly.Borrower shafl prompdy famish to l.ender receipu evidencing the paytnents- <br /> F•x ' rc �. ���'S , <br /> Borr�wer shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry insirument i�nless Borrower: (a/agcees in � : <br />- - _:���.:-._:•�_`_�:: writiug u►Ute payment of the obligation sec�ted by[he lieu m a manner acceptable to Lender:Ib)cunusts in good faith the liea _.'.�, �,- <br /> ,. ..,.. raceod wt�icb in the Lender s apinion operate to prevent the ; <br /> by. or defettds agaitut enfonemeni of the lien in, legal p ngs - <br /> _�y 4_;: �� � ' enforeeme�of the lien:�r(c)secures from the hoide�of the tien an agrreement satisfactorY to Ix�der subordinating tlte lis�n to s ,; ,` <br />. . ,...r� , �:�r-. this Sec.vrity Insw�teent. if l.ender d�irn�that any part of the Prop�ty is sublect to a lien whicb may anain priority aver �` `..L <br /> ,°, . �: :. this gecarity Ittstnunea�l.ender may give Borrower a nouce identifying the lien. Borruwer shall satisfy ttte lien or take one ur .. <br /> � �« more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. f� <br /> �`� 5.�rd or Fro� Iawrauce. Borraner shatl keep the improrement+aow existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> � �; ,. �.. � �;�:�- <br />_� .d�: Pr°PertY iasured against loss by fire.haza�+ds irtctt�ded within the term"eutended coverage"and any ather hazards. includinS „ --- <br /> ,..:srr: :: ; ttouds or ftooding.for which Lender reguim inwrance. 'i'his ins�uance stzatl be maintained in the amaut�ts and for the periods <br /> _ _F:.�.•'::'. <br /> ::..�: that Lender reqoires.The insuranee carrier pruviding the inspiance shall be chosen by Bosrawer subject to Lender's approvat ,�- <br /> . �� wlucb sdall not be unreasonably withheld. If Bomawer fails to maintain cove�age descriUed above. l.ender I.en�fet's ,;,: — <br /> ��. <br /> �; •• oprion.obtain rnverage to pmtect l.eicder s righu in the Property in accordanc��vith paragraph?. �, , <br /> � :���`:� AQ inwrance policies and renewals shall be acceptabte to L,ender and shall inctude a standard mortgage clause. L�ender �, �;, <br /> '�'.���:� ._ . . <br /> . . ` ,..�'•' shatl have the right to hotd the policles an�t renewals.If L.ei►der requires.Borrower shall promptly give co Lender all receipts of _- <br /> -. _��•.'::" paid pr¢miams and tenewal aotices_In the evzn[of[oss.Borrower shall give prompt aatice w the insurance carrier and Lender. <br /> - - :-�, ' �:"i' L�ender may matce praof of{oss if aot made pmmpUy by Botrower. _ -- <br /> • .�:`�• Llntess L,ender an�Borrower otherarise agree m wnung,iusuraiice prooceds shall be applied to restoration or repair oi the .� <br /> °;,:;; property damaged,if thr.rescordtion or repair is economicaUy feasibte and Lertdei s security is not fessene6-If the mwration or ;:� , �. <br /> r ti <br /> , �-;,�. ° � repair is rtot econamicnlly feasible or l.endei s sec��rity woald be leasened.the insuTancr praceeds shall he appliod to the sums r;�- <br /> • secured by this Securiry Instiument.whethu or aat then dae.with any access psid to Bortower. If Borrotiver abaudons the .°`„ .;�'.• _ <br /> � " . � prop�ty,os does nut answer aithin 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance cauYier has offered to settte a etaim..then :�.___;: <br /> ; Le�tder may ooUect the ius�rance praceeds. Lender may use t6e proceeds to repair or restore the Property os to pay sums. , :�t ,;`: <br /> � " °'� secured by this Securiry iatstrument.whether ar nnr then due.The�0-day period wifl begin when the aotice is given. _�_ � <br /> ;�' 'F u��ss l�der and Bom�wer otherwise agree in writing, anY aPPlication of proceeds to principal shall �roi extend or '. <br /> '•'� possgone th�dtse date of the montAty pay�ts referre�i to in paragraphs 1 artd 2 or change the arnount of the paymetrts.,if �,-��'., .. <br /> _ .Y'';,, under p�ragraph 2f the acquired by l.eRder. Bomnver's nght to any insurance poltcics and pmce�ds resrstting from , <br /> ' ` � , siar co the ac uis�tion shali cs to l.ender to the extem of the cusns secarad 1ry this Senuiry lnsuume� ' �: <br /> . ;; s:�'�� d3niage w the Pmpen}�P q F� <br /> " : .'a.:`..;.. immediaceiy prior to the acquisiuon. . ;- <br /> ' �:� ' 6.Qacapaacy.�r e s e r va t t oa.l�i a#rt t e n a rt c e a a d P s o t e e�o n o f t h e P ro p e r t y:B o r m�e r's Laao A p plIrallon;l.easeDotdg. , <br /> . � ''.1.-,��. : $ortower shFill oecupy.estabtish.and usc rhe Property a`Borcutiver's principat residence within�i�[y days after the execution af ;�'�j= <br /> il <br /> _ . ; . ".�' this Security lt�strument and shall contiaue to occupy ttte Property as Bormwer's principal msidence for at Icast one year after -- <br /> :}'•- , the ek�te of accupa�ecy.urtte��Lxtuter otherwi5e agrees�n++vriting. wiuch cortyent sh:ell not be unreas�mbiy withhetd.or unless ;; _ <br /> -� eatenusting circurnstances exist whicb arc beyortd Borrower's eontcol. Borrower shall not desuoy. damage or impair the ,'�;i+ � <br /> °i�°::��'�' ' Property. allow the Pru�rty to deteriorate, or commit wawte on t he P rope r t y. B o r r o w e r s h e l l b e i n d e f a u i t �i a r s y forfc�ture <br /> =- . ,° ac�ion or prcneeding.whether civil or criminal.i. begun that in Le�►dei s ga.�d faith judgment coutd r�ult in fort'eitum of ttte : ' <br /> , . ' property or otherwi,e material{y impair the lien crcated by t:�u Security instrument or Lertder'�security interesi. Borru�:rer may x•,'`} �� <br /> '{ �• _ ::. �,�,-' curc sucb a de€sult anJ pruvided"en p�.�ragraPh unusing the actiun or proceeding ta be dismis.seJ uith a ruling - <br /> � - ''; Ihat. in l.emiei+ gnaf faith determination, preclude+ forfaiture of the Bortoacr'+ interetit m the Propen}� or other materi:d ; . � <br />_ " ;• impa�rmem of the Ieen crrst�y! hy eh�.Secumy imtrurnrnt ur Lxndei� +cYUnty int.-r.�t_ B��n��uer +hal1 atyo he in defaule if ,.�,•�- _, <br /> . 8oatowcr.durie�the luan appYn�auim prexe,..gave m�ter�:�lly f;ii,e or innc.urate mn�m�ati�,n us.ta[emen�ti to l.ender�ur faileJ .. <br /> Y�=� � to provide Lender�vith:►ny m:rtereat information►m connectian with the toan eviderteed A�r the Nute.inctadinp.but aot limited <br /> '�' � � to, representatiuns cuncemirtg Borrawer',uccupancy of the 1'ruperty 3s a prirtcipal r�sidertce.lf thic Secusicy lnstniment is on a <br /> #�;;; � „' � , tr�seh��ld. Borr�wer shall comply with al! the pruv�,ion. of the leau. li Buauw�r scyuire�+ fee title to th: Property. tlie . <br /> Ica�ehotd and the fee Iitle shal!not mergc ante>.lxndzr agrer:s to che tnerger in writing. <br /> - - ' 7.Ptote�clloo of Lender's l�ighty in the Propert}�.It&im�wet faitti to perform the raxensnt�:�nd agrecment,4onlait�d in , <br />_• � � ' � thi, Secunry In+trument. ur lhere i.a I��_al pnxee�img that mry tiigni�cr.mlly atitect l.e�:�t<r'. ri_hts in t4te Pt��peny Itiuch:ts a ,, .. �• <br /> �'� � . prac�tdin,in hantcauptey.prub�te, fvr condemnatiun ur forfeiture or t�enf��tre latis�ar reguiatiort�i. �hen l.�rtder rtrey di�:utd , <br /> - � � • . asy fur whatever is nece�.sary u,prnhct tht value nE the PrE�perey :u�d Lender'c ri�_ht� in the Pnrp�rEy. l,endcr';ac.-tioa.rroy , . <br />- � � �• incfu�le payin� any cums �c�:uce�! by a hen which ha.s pn�mtp uver thi. Scxunty Ic�titruntent. aF+peann�: �n �e�urt. p�y►ng ', <br /> e! . <br /> ' � . . . . rra.un:ibte attarney�'feth an�!entrnng�,n thr Pn,prrty ta mak�rcpaen. Alth<,u�h L�nd�v may rilce:+ctiun undrr thi+para�sraph • ��, . <br /> "` • ' . 7. Lender�iue,n�,t haor tu d��,o. . � ",. <br /> '�4.�;. � � . Any :►mount, d�.hur�ed by Lertdrr un�fer t{�i. para�raph 7 .halt [�ea�mr .�ddm��n:c! deFt af B�,rr„u�r ,ecurc,yi hy this , . <br /> 5ecunty in;crumcnc. Cnic*. B��nuw�r.►nJ lxnder �_rce t�,�,ther termti e,t��yment. the� amnunt.�hatl heac �nt�rr�t from 1he <br />- -„-- - , .-.. - �ce of�'t.E+ur.rn�nt .0 th� �utr ratr arrd �II:III C1t p:l}.lF1Ir. with �ntere.�. upon n�,u�;: frniTT Len�i�r h, B�m�tuer reyucynn_ +�- - --. <br />'��ti:. �sy ment <br /> 'r�� . : A.tlbrt�e Inrurdtue. {f Lrnd�r rcyucrcd �su�rtL�_c mrutince a�.e c��nSiEmn uf���.�Nin_ thc I�wn.:�urc:�b}thi.S�tiurity <br />- � �. Imrrum�nt. B"rr„�er .h�i) F*�} th� prcmium, re�urc�K) u.� m;tirttatn thc m�,Rk:rzt rn•ursncr nr ettcrt. if. f}�r :ttly rw.wn. the . . <br /> . • • in,•rt_.��� in.ur�nc� :n��r.�_c rcywr:J hu 1���Jer t,�p.��.„r c�a•�� tn be �n��fect. B�,rri,ncr�h:dl pay thc �+temttsmc t�yutt�ti N , , <br /> ° _. � .�ht,un.�,��r:�_� .ubtit�ntt.niy cµur�alcnt tt,!h, me.rt�a,r �i�•uran�e pn'�«�u•!i �n;tt<<t. ac �<<,•t.uh�lantinlEy ee}ut�'atent t�,the . <br /> • ' .�nt ��� H��rn,•x�r ,�t tn� nu�rt,�_�c �n.uran« Drc•.t�+u�l�, in �tt��t. fr„rr .ir .��t�rr.�t: rs��rt�_r_� m.utet .iprr„ccYf hr ff . <br /> :;:.,...,_ ._, . ..,.. <br /> . ,, • �: _` " -- --- <br /> ' . . ' «.. . , Form 3028 9,90 •. <br /> , . <br /> - i 4 ' � '� ' ' �•. __'—_'_'' ' '..._.__.. ...,• _ _._.._. .. _ ' _ __ _ .._... [ �4��"'C- '..LZY a.._.--. <br /> _ ._.. ,—�._ -- ......_ , <br /> _,.�T._...----- . _-.r—. ... .. . . <br /> . T. . <br />