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MNVMLE PMER OF ATTMWY <br />99•;- 104786 <br />nL W W MM MEMIa, that 1, MUM IL VV.M now residing at Park Place <br />Wur%1% Homov Grad Island, Nebra*4 do hereby mminate# conattituta and appoint Alvin Raisers <br />now redxWV at 5513 East 19th, Grand Island, Nebraska, and Vanden Homo%, now toolding at 324 <br />Ent Dodco- Grand Island, Nebraska, my true and lawful joint attorneys In fact# for me and in my <br />nun, place and stsedp and for my use and benaftt. <br />A. To Receive Debts said PayeattaL To ask# demand,, $Us far,, recover, collect 8.rl;k* <br />receive all such =M of mmy, debts, dues, accauntas liagacbm, bs*XMft. Inftrest, dvidMd4 <br />annuities, employee benefits, Insurance benefits and demands whatsoever as are now or shall <br />hereafter become due, owing, payable, or belam <br />9nv to Me and have& use, No take all lawful ways <br />and mimns In my name or attarwise for the: rw*u*ry them?, by attachments, arrests, distress or <br />otherwise and to compromise and agree �'thu suse: .and give acquaintances or other sufficient <br />dischisrgas and releases; <br />IL To Dual with Property. Fcrn. My najeft to make* execute ovLdelivers to <br />bargain, contract, agres for, purchase, take ioxis, anM all or any Interest In <br />praprrty, and 1-igt the possession of all Imo,-Mi4 all or arty interest 'ln property, typ wO <br />6 <br />deeds and other assurances in the law th#rifii4 and to lease, let, d *Iasi bargain, se'.11t <br />relftse, conveyo mortgage and hypothecaft, Aside'. an or any interest In propart,F upon such <br />terms and conditions and under such coca -4oft ag they shall think fit, irrespecti,te cr the state <br />within which said property Is locate* <br />C. To Conduct BusInm% Also to batgoin and agree for, buy, sell, mortgage, <br />hypothecate and in any and awry way and imanner deal in and with goods, wares aryll fimrchandisel <br />chow in action, and other property In, poe6ession = In actim-4 and to ma1m, do and iransact all <br />and aver kind of business ofithatsoevar "nature a6d'kindl <br />D. TO *X11CUtV lUttX4UMRtl6'-- Also f& vw end In my rome, and as my act and deed, to <br />sign, seal, execute, deliva'and a&jwulodge such deeds, leases, mortgages, hypothecations, <br />bills, bonds, notes, receipts, evidence of debt, releases and satisfaction of mortgage, <br />judgments and other debts and wch other Instruments In writing of whatsoever kind and nature as <br />may be necessary or prayer In the premise" <br />E. To OWL Vfth go* Accounts and Deposit Boxes. Also to make withdrawals from or <br /> any bark account or savings or loan accmmt or other cash account In my name; and to <br />enter find ;have free .access to any. safe deposit box. In my name for the purpm of adding prqo=4, <br />thereto cur removing property, Viorefrom; <br />F. To Ratify Acts, Giving WO granting unto my said joint.,attorneys in fact full <br />power and authority to-do and perform every act necessary$ requisite or.pqnr to be dam In and <br />about the promises as fully as I might or could do If personally pmw*, with full power of <br />substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said joint attorneys <br />shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof; <br />(L To 00 Mactive Immediately and Endues Disability. This paver of attorney shalL <br />not be affected by. disability of the principal (Li'71form Durable kwor of Attorney Act, Neb. <br />Rev. State §304-2664, ate <br />IN VrM= VHEWW, I have hereunto signed, my name this day of January, 1969. <br />William Re Math- <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />) $at <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />4�1 <br />On this IL day Of 3amAfY* 198% before me the undersigned Notary Public, personally <br />appeared William R. Wilson, known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the <br />re Win 1f=tr4-_--Wt, ---;d. act: mwisdw-sd "at its executed tin seine for tin purrPOMM tharez, <br />contained. <br />IN WITNESS *EREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. <br />MM WARY-30 a <br />fjots y Public <br />. j <br />­`1 <br />