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<br />Mwe" Fran letie(T O Revenue Code
<br />a.{<1
<br />Sec. 6321. 'Lien For 'aces
<br />e afy palffxf Gable to pry Wry tax Mvects at fats" ra ,:opt
<br />IIr gang aft dafeard, dw WM hb.113AO g any adanaat, Ad'
<br />droll =A A M M b air, of WMIN" pa *V tog"
<br />arm WV am ter nay an" In aura+ VWMW) go be a
<br />f♦ law n fWOr d ftha tAiad Saaaee reign Y propary and tight b
<br />ptepany, W%feer AY of Paattl. ba wpv to such Mason.
<br />Sec. 63+21 [period Of Lien.
<br />lnbaa anasiar der y p�c�(), Srad by law. tM lien lm•
<br />plead by saabn 6321 sND acwo e. IN ling the 411MU3111ent
<br />k made std shat oahlnul uai teen riabaty I"antotrM ao
<br />fatraaaa0 (a a Ndpr ml a)atLf a tM talaw atlslnD M 01 sum
<br />® �IsmWWarbapxmsw4dorcubtebyIaasn pse
<br />oofta
<br />Sec. 6923. Validity and Priority AgairTst
<br />p) Pun�taeer'e ii0l4tdSa' CFR �e�lly In-
<br />�rMt�, WdiN(nb'e iJA(n�•.. RICT� .trltlg•
<br />t� Illerir Llell GrldttOre. —She licit anMas2C bf, t►zcsn
<br />IM seal not tr no as ayamst any purelm'.. 7:.rla: '9 a
<br />aaM^InI ffACM *llianor.orpxtg,T,arn to- zz=
<br />moss 9* whkh meat Ufa rcq .remens of subec -c l�)
<br />Ma bean feed by der Saottary.
<br />m Place For Filing Notice; Form. —
<br />(1) Mw For Fiiq • The Woe Warred to in ubseaca
<br />(a) afid be fled -
<br />+� (A) t)rdlt sba taws
<br />(1) RW Frowa • to e4 fxaa a mob propery. In one
<br />a s • oleos wnhn ft Sur (or f1w ca,my. or other gaemmartal
<br />atitdititabn), a dWombd by ttw Laws of such Safe, in
<br />wMdh dw p opany shbjact to tta Gen is s tua.'ad: and
<br />(10 Pa(aanat Pro" • In the Cafe of personab prop•
<br />afy, rrew W hrga a or n:arigiblo, in ore 0!fce within d:e
<br />Star (0- eta oohrdy. a other gocemnentaf subINVIU ), as
<br />daaiprwr. by ttte taws of such Stale, to wh4h To property
<br />00d to dta ban is staled; a
<br />(9) Wa Clerk Of pig_ -a �,%Vn ua olhse of tie cerk
<br />a ifw IAtAad sm" dtst*id armtim w ?A" di" m Nfuah
<br />rya popry,ogee( to 6a is dsw- Lq, rtwe er the State has
<br />not by kw ompated am of:tco rra i n insets the rep'tements
<br />of atwag ib IA). or
<br />(C) 1ryyi.r?r�tdar a Deana Of SIw Oistria cr CaainOia•
<br />in ft Witp,,fd16 Rmordtra Deals of the Distinct of Cobra"
<br />a ill popanY abject to to So is sbbW in ft Dist 4t of
<br />Catft
<br />..rep
<br />�J
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<br />aQ•
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<br />a
<br />r�
<br />a. r to
<br />•tie _ _ -_ - --
<br />P
<br />(a) Snus Of Propaty Sa rim To lien - For (xfrlfoaaa Of
<br />�, ,
<br />parog iii; (1) and (e), MroPflf)r chef by deaniidto be ubratad -
<br />(A) Not Pro" - to 1're, (M a leaf prepary, at ft,
<br />Er 1ldadh such ra1)dYhta is beard �
<br />pyyfL-al bcafah, a
<br />::,,,�1, •'? yri -1 , ,. R
<br />(9) ParptphilPrgAadf•- 17 fsc u� a pifnnortal propwy.
<br />,
<br />KNOW 1NV* fM1i'�) ee'I IrS rMidb%* of the tat•
<br />q, N9�rd ;r'21%o@;kgetiG:ct:i•,ianbNad.
<br />For tMMUSIC* daMora"
<br />of
<br />IX pat:xslSfia !C•ult 4atlaenrAdto be the pieta at iCh ttw prh-
<br />?•.;;.; j,
<br />c1pd ex=-Ae office el tffslt'slmae a bated, and the taal-
<br />denoo of a taxMayer a(lrM nWence 13 'htW tta united
<br />Suter shat be deemed bd ev v tM fJistrict of CaNn>bia.
<br />(3) ram • The form W sr.,ant of ate 110504 mfanod to
<br />in sut=,in (s) sMI be preserbed by the Seaeury. Such
<br />nabm 8'm'1' 4a veal nO wAstandn0 any Other provision of law
<br />ngatuj re tam Of WWR of a notim of Ion.
<br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection
<br />for certain interests even though notice of
<br />.
<br />lien urlaoVd by section 6321 is filed with
<br />,
<br />rew$7GCC it:
<br />w.
<br />•, l �3:s :Ea
<br />•�.
<br />. !•.rj;- van _- es ..
<br />'
<br />d
<br />3. Ferscnel property purchased at reta 1 I
<br />a. Personal ;rcpe x ;u:lase0 in Must sa'o
<br />5. Pewat prope'd bf:�.ecWed W possessori Eon
<br />6. Real ;raWj tax eri spoctal anessfrert revs
<br />m '
<br />of
<br />7 Ras:dencal poperV s feed to a rreUZl'29
<br />Fen for eerta:n fegra a.1 Impro.'a:-a_.rb
<br />8. Aromay9 Gaits
<br />s. Ceile.n h5urmas corlra :s
<br />10. Passbook Wars ,
<br />(�) Reflling of Wfia. — For ;umoses o! Nt:s
<br />seCSr
<br />�i7 (`i.weral Rule.— urress hate of i:vi is reeled
<br />in th4 7�Ct-z ;- %abed ir. paragraph (2) dung IN nigAred
<br />re`eing pence. such notoe of Fen sail be treated a, fiad on
<br />the data on wftch r. is Ced On aoGadar" with subsection (f))
<br />a'.er ula e**.m o 01 such retcatg Penal
<br />ti
<br />(2) Place For Filing: A notice of Len reL;ed A;r-
<br />ing tke requ.red re5:'y ponod s^at be e!!aM.a ary -
<br />(A) If,
<br />re
<br />(.) suCh notice of Lan is tWed ; tea C-40 n %tLch
<br />L"
<br />the pier nodCe d flan wag fbd, and
<br />la
<br />(a) in the rasa of real property. Za !act a refdag b
<br />he
<br />erte•ed and m=:tiaed n. der^ Index to the ewers reg;;7ed by
<br />su�ecbon (1) (a). -1
<br />(8) in any cafe n Wro, 90 es" or mere prior to the date
<br />of a te`.ifg a wwo of I.en u't0er st.°Jpa'a;wh (A), tha
<br />r�
<br />Saeralaty haW w in scam wflaf ((rt fM hamar DNr
<br />0atbad In reguW" MAID by da Saawry) GonoarttlrQ �
<br />�, ,
<br />uCIM. atotbataorfiftneida +osilamomaSmiont 1
<br />1�
<br />Er 1ldadh such ra1)dYhta is beard �
<br />� - :
<br />::,,,�1, •'? yri -1 , ,. R
<br />Romig peftAr!"MCMIP
<br />airy noYOa�a (�Rrt,(Nns tsarkad tyM�I�1nG irltotY�m�yw�te�' It;i'+
<br />(A) to one'Yaar paled ortdire 90 ft” oft t(a
<br />of6yendwf *earafMassUMMatf+aase'� ++;;.'
<br />(9) dw orw•year Mlod andirip with 4e nrptaoon f r
<br />r t • .
<br />yaamatbrtlhadoeadetepaeadigraairaetafingpatiod( •
<br />?•.;;.; j,
<br />far sure r.06oa of lion,
<br />Sea 6M Release Of Uen Or,'
<br />-Discharge Of Property.
<br />14 Reieaae Of UM. — SLW b auM mpia• '
<br />r , as dw Saaaary bray Valli ew SaaWry *4 barn i
<br />t �
<br />I
<br />j
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