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<br />e faaostprs Fran k*" O r nWM Code
<br />isl
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes
<br />O r a1y Oeletal tttbea b M xv Iko ngecd a mks" 10
<br />M errtnle enter derr*rd, M rnolea (thcAltitlp sty rr0eraek d
<br />�or1e1 attlelae, ertien b Ih1e IIr aMeaaebb plhmlery, bQM4r
<br />we pry Ober r1Ta Tf" aepue In erltlian Lthereb) TrMr be a
<br />Im in I mr d M LWAd awes upon d p w" and Vft to
<br />prepay, Wiwi* real a isereeFA O I'M npig b *Loh pertM
<br />Sec. 6322. Period Ot< Lien.
<br />O MM OWW IW Is opulfcery fired ey Ift the bah M
<br />MW by iDM am "red r tha tine tha ""WWI
<br />IS *beach and she aon*W aei ttr l I)MY b 111.0 amouhl 80
<br />e NNW( Ora)Ja (Rnertepu'hreha%gWWVWVoutartclh
<br />arpt) YtalEsfeforr >toanwtatrAat+rehMbrreaonalepse
<br />6323 Vaffd'(ty and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />(a) Pureftm Haldsre Of Security in-
<br />tsrests, IMcWW; Lien ire, And Judg-
<br />Irlant LJerl Credi M —r* wn wmw-ed tv se_aaa
<br />W sled not be valid as agairat rmy puduser. holler 0 A
<br />row f W wrkh man tM raq;L•emm41 of subsoctm (1
<br />Mr been tied by 1W Seae`ary.
<br />m Plke For Filing Notice; Form.—
<br />I1) Pace For FAA • TM notice referred 0 in &Zm5 wit
<br />W Taw be fad -
<br />t� W sniper ens taws
<br />@ R• A 4" • In fits cne of real pvp", f7 vma
<br />.i I afros wtlihei na Swe (a Me Garay. or odher govemnVal
<br />■b61Min), as doW&W by the taws of such Stitfe, in
<br />whidh fits property vJ*CI to the Lien is S.M. d: and
<br />no Personal Prop" - In the case of persona, prop•
<br />ery, alhatkr tangaa or Mang in one oue waRA -.a
<br />SIM (a to omshty, or other gmvmnwtal sub7'tir4i3 :1 • as
<br />duignhued b the Laws of such State, in wr di the PxAmi►.
<br />RMW to tint ben is aibubd: Of
<br />(B) 9Urtr OA Of oisM tip Sao tfhe Cato u'. t �a•�er<
<br />d 1M unaW SUMS CUM :put fY b n t w7std 4 x�d b �NSah
<br />b W"ay *abject b !en Is shoaMd wfamral fib• Sam has
<br />O a by lea 34) ell one of5oe vrir err moan rra tprnrb
<br />(c) W41 R (eavPrtr 01 Dods Of The DSW 01 f VAmna`
<br />b the otrioa td,txa Ratader d Deeds ache DW4 a Co :i mba.
<br />I tte pre OM. W.W b the Tien is situated In the District of
<br />CAMML
<br />uhf•
<br />f
<br />M
<br />L.
<br />P it
<br />r.
<br />r`
<br />r �f
<br />rn K t�
<br />:n L
<br />IZI
<br />M an of A*" *APO TO uiul - For puipntvtq OP
<br />pereDreDhe (1) end (N. txc0efyrNYDa bMnedb betit�lJtXI•
<br />w nw napery • h sit au a tw iXCDMA m
<br />pflyefal IOCeYOmL Or
<br />(B) PagorW naprb - In r4 oM a pereaw prop��
<br />slOW r atgR>ta O HhprlpA>ae,1d this f$e rhoa of llra pit•
<br />peyr d Nhe tfrN the Thorn a W is tied
<br />F�rptppoeaeawraOrapn In �), thataw*taaaaaparatati
<br />a pettehatalp tf her a deans b b tha pleas Td MICA the �
<br />cow axeeuM OW of rr bull" is BOOK end rte M*
<br />Om of a n*rya Mau as&" is wftf t em utited
<br />Stove fdhal be awned a a h oa DW4 a coat�
<br />(3) Form • The form rd comers Cf to WAG fftred to
<br />in utsect m (a) MW be pm5crM by 0% SecetRy Suds
<br />rata eau be veld notw,dutarhdng any WW prftwon of Mw
<br />regrtR to tam a CahMrht oI a noBoa d fen.
<br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection
<br />for certain Interests even though notice of
<br />lien imposed by section 6$21 is filed with
<br />respect to:
<br />T, trrwtr�s
<br />2 WU •+elides
<br />3- Fersonal property padwod at remi
<br />a. Personal propeny purchased in casual We
<br />5. Personal property subfeaad to possessory Lea
<br />a Red; PPWmr1 tat mu drlWO; 000e5yndin tieia
<br />7. Resdenbal property sub d to a me0a'tx s
<br />Len for Certain repass and rmMvrnen,4
<br />S. AComeye Lens
<br />9. Certain inwara contracts
<br />ID. Passbook bans
<br />(g) Refiiing Of Nosh. — Fer pr: `osas ci ws
<br />sefson -
<br />(1) CafN' WW- aF loo reSAd
<br />in the mains** river -Z%-T r -n ;mr. £eward vr=`174vC4
<br />taf:ng benat, stzth xtYx C' +,- 3"0 :e Umd• p-, rated 2"
<br />the dat9 on wfl:th d IS 5:91 .,- a ::Cr -one9 with UWSMarl 11)i
<br />emr t-9 eniraton of SUCtt cSirr,).perhbd.
<br />(z) Place For Fi tq.• -etc nobco of ten refred M.
<br />ing the rM'rod refi':rg perio7 a a: f e effactm cny -
<br />(A) d.
<br />I.) such nc :a9 of Lon rs ,4ed n rs a'fjm 7 +.**..zv
<br />ifs Prior, of ben was filed, and
<br />C•) in the case of real property, me'act �f rotors is
<br />entered and recorded it an index to ft ecenl -mirw rs
<br />subsection (T) (a), erd
<br />(B) !n any Gee in %%-A. 93 "Cr mere prhor to tthe dale
<br />of a re:ing of notice of Len weer sutarag a;.t (p)• the
<br />r
<br />� R]
<br />c7
<br />ca
<br />cn
<br />.4tteulry Ie01Ne0 erwll bisratlMll (h ta MW 1W
<br />in MWWWO "" by M ewMry) eflhowelq
<br />n"Winftupo MMWA%r�nole.a=1M f..
<br />ii! 11d h at001datae haM alseectltn (7 h 1M � �•`• "
<br />Y bolYd•
<br />. '1f ,U r ,,•.`.. -� j.5 r�er
<br />;� � :•�: tt � ;s�'r`•'
<br />to lrlt`�,1 *fdI tddroe
<br />. S
<br />�
<br />Q� nwl.^w. •...wr.q PeffOrl. M M seep
<br />. its -`r Y'r.
<br />et,e�r„ ISO .aw�n.atn�.o�redr.arowrba'n.w•
<br />W
<br />z M
<br />•
<br />8,.er, ever M aisle a tr aeaeeTn+ere of the tr>< a+¢
<br />My tr on"M WW Wft with to
<br />-
<br />,
<br />� R]
<br />c7
<br />ca
<br />.4tteulry Ie01Ne0 erwll bisratlMll (h ta MW 1W
<br />in MWWWO "" by M ewMry) eflhowelq
<br />n"Winftupo MMWA%r�nole.a=1M f..
<br />ii! 11d h at001datae haM alseectltn (7 h 1M � �•`• "
<br />Y bolYd•
<br />. '1f ,U r ,,•.`.. -� j.5 r�er
<br />;� � :•�: tt � ;s�'r`•'
<br />to lrlt`�,1 *fdI tddroe
<br />. S
<br />�
<br />Q� nwl.^w. •...wr.q PeffOrl. M M seep
<br />. its -`r Y'r.
<br />et,e�r„ ISO .aw�n.atn�.o�redr.arowrba'n.w•
<br />' :� � •, r_
<br />:i;�• :,;,,. -.,;
<br />c�ti +.«+ .y.rw�oda+a�oaoarr.w►+»«�w'n�+f
<br />•
<br />8,.er, ever M aisle a tr aeaeeTn+ere of the tr>< a+¢
<br />My tr on"M WW Wft with to
<br />yw.dWdl.Sotoatheveoefa+ohawedm . tirro111M
<br />for weh notlte d GM
<br />Sec. M. Release Of Lien Or
<br />Discheuge Of Flo",
<br />(s) Reiem Of Lim. — at im b such tsguia
<br />taro Y the Seawry mry ptswbe. M Seaeary eT'af iMUe Y:
<br />' .
<br />a ce"15cate of row" IN any fen flow with respell b eny
<br />.t"
<br />a". a'tgvwhw to not Leta to 30 days pew Me dry on
<br />►.
<br />'•�'��•
<br />Yom,. -�.
<br />tt) Uab 48efsfedorunen ro"NO- TheseaWryfraL !
<br />,
<br />tut ft idx y br Cw amount Mona together WM of tit
<br />,'
<br />serest h respect therea', hoe been ihty satisfied a haS becanM i:.
<br />. -. r . ,,, ,r` •
<br />IOV (N Bad ACCepMddfrere iS furtlletNtl b fAe Seattwy rd t
<br />�.r ;.: � .
<br />d to rmlaatl assessed. "W r wire ,lie inierNl In rasped ,
<br />shred, w" tM time p rted by Law frcktffng *y ex* ,
<br />Sian of WC h iwne), ant to b in aicc WMW VA Sufi MWW '
<br />ments stating b tbrrru Corh SHM M and fpm a tfr bond rd
<br />sureties thereon, as may be sperAed by Sxh mgteafone.
<br />Sec. 6103. Coniidentialiitr and
<br />Disclosure of Returns a�
<br />information.
<br />Qiseiosfn d Cartain Returns and ,
<br />Mrtrm inforiviOdw) For Tax AdminMw
<br />f%vPorea.—
<br />y e scbSUe of emowt of artsbr&q WL•t a ratios of
<br />r!ar.Im been feed PA U" b aeebcn IS323(n, the amour of r. be
<br />vo4hMhohwretrnee� wtb'n
<br />rid r� a right h the pmpaAy atgrrt b *1st err a ir'Mrrd1 b .
<br />Cat 12•a right N rWrh properly-
<br />• �...
<br />! - - -
<br />