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, <br /> �.�a.n.. ..,P�rv - <br /> , , .. -- - ._-�_��^-_. <br /> -� � � ..i..Y.'M T� A_`-.. _"'_ .- .—��—_" <br /> _��. -- � y.�..._ ......�.. � <br /> .� __�_.`�._ ..__"__—__"_.�.�. - <br /> � #5t.!-JtiSiQrYE�.Y_w��.��-.---- <br /> !--P'�f.Y�_fAl 'i%S�u/�}�•I�p4.lOC__ <br /> dPS'. _ A�"7�iY�.�:Z:'7?. — <br /> _._____.._ . . _ . _ . . _. <br /> . _. .. . ._ _. __ .. . ..—_ .. _._ . . __ . ._. . . . .._.. ._ <br /> ��'- 10�1.04 <br /> 17.TrAnsfcr of the Property or a Beneticis�l Interest in Borrower.If all or any pan of thc Propeny or any interest in it <br /> is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bonowcr is sold or transferred u�xl Borrowcr is not a nawral person)without <br /> L.ender's prior written consznt, Le�xler may, at its option, require immediatc paymenl in full af all sums sccured by this <br /> Security Instrument.However,this option sFiall not be exercised by Lender if excrc�se is prohibited by fecicral Inw ns of the date <br /> of this Security lnsirument. <br /> If L,ender exercises this aption, Lender shall give fiorrower notice of ncceletation. The notice stiall provide a period of not <br /> less than :i0 days fram the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Sorrow�r must pay all sums secured by this <br /> Sccurity Instrument.If Borruwer fails to pay these sums prior to the experation of this perioci,l.cndcr may invoke uny remcJics <br /> permitted by this Security Instrunxnt wilhout furiher nntice or demand on Borrawer. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right ta Rdnstate. If Borrower meets certain cunditions, Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> cnforcement of this Security Instrurnent discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such ather periocl as <br /> applicable law may specify for reins�ute►nent) befoce ss�le of the Propeny pursuant to any power ��f sate rnmaieiecl in this _,. <br /> Security Instrumenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instntment. Those conJitions ure that Borrower:(a)pay, _ <br /> L.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurrai;(b) <br /> r.ures any default of any other covenants ar agrcements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in e�forcing this Security Insirun�ent, <br /> including, but not limited to,reasonable attomeys' fees; and (d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requ�re to as�ure <br /> that the lieii of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in th�Property �nd Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sc�:ored by <br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this �ecurity Instrument arxi the <br /> obligations secu�ed hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acccleradion had occurred.Howcver, this riglit to reinstate shall <br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale ot[Yote; Clwnge of Loan Servicer. Thc Note or a panial interest in ihc; Notc ([oget)ier with th�s Security <br /> lnstrumcnt)may be sold onc or mo�e times without prior notice to 8orrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> :es the "Loan Senricer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security lnstrument.There also may be one <br /> or nwre changes of the Loan Sen�icer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be <br /> given written notice of the change in xeordance with paragraph 14 above and•rpplicable law.The notice will state the name a�xi <br /> address af the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also contain any other <br /> infarn�ation required by applicable Iaw. <br /> 2p, Ha�ardous Sul�stances. Bor�ower shall not or permit the presence, u�, disFwsal, srorage, or release of nny <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Properiy. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, ;uiything affecting the <br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding 1wo sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> storage on the Pruperty of small quantities of H;�zardous Substances that are generally nrognized to be appropriate to nominl <br /> residential uses arxl to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice of any investigation,elaim, demancl, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> governnxn[al or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous 3ubstance or Environrt�ntal Law <br /> of which 8orrower has actual knowledge. If Hocrower learns,or is not�fied by any go�•�mn�ental or regulatory nuthority,that <br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take <br /> all necessary remedial actiuns in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 2d, "Hazardous Stibstances" are those substances deflrx�d �s toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmentil and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or tuxic pelroleum products, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents. matenats cont�ining asoesws ur iunnsiuci�y.K. u�w�VUIVY�.U���:i�!�. 4s�!�!in <br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws a�xi I�ws uf the juriufiction where the Property is tocated that <br /> relate to health, safety ur environmental protection. <br /> 1�iON-UNIFORM CO�ENANTS. Borrow�r and Lender further cuve►wnt a�uua agree�.s follows: <br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedks. Gender sha��SiYe iwtice to Borrower priur to acceleration folluwing lbrrower's brcach <br /> o[Any cove�wnt or agrrement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to s�ccele�tion under p�r�r,raph 17' unless <br /> 9�1I�bIt IAN' �N'OVI�IlS O��ICI'M'IS!).The �wtice sl�ll specify: (y)the default; (b) the action required to cuee the default; <br /> (c)a date,not ks+than 30 days Yrom the d�te the notice is given to Bonower,by which the detrult must be c.ured;and <br /> (d) that failure tn cure the default on or before the dyte specified in the notice rnay result in �cceler�►tion ot Ihe su�as <br /> secured by this Security Instrument and:ale oi the Property. The notice shaD fuNher inform Borrower of/he right to <br /> reinstrte after ycceknition s�nd ti� right to bring�court action to�ssert the non•esistrnee uf a defa,ult or rny utlxr <br /> defease o[Sorrower to accelerxtion and syle. I[the detault is m>t cured on or before the date specitfed in thr ratke. <br /> Lender, at its optian, my)' requirc immediYte payment in full of�II sums secured by this Security Iastrument without <br /> further de+nand rnd m�y invuke the power uf sale and any r.thcr remedies permitled by app�icaMe law,l,en�kr s1w1�be <br /> entiNed tu rnllect all expensrs incurred i�i pursuing the remedirs provided in this paragraph 21,including+but not�imited <br /> to,m��n+�bk Attorneys' kes�nd costs oi title evidence. <br /> If ti�e po�ver of sile is invoked,'I'rustee shall m�rd a notice u[ default in e�h cou!nty in which any po�rt ot tht <br /> Prvperl� is located s�nd shall m•ail copies of such►x►tKr in the manner prescribed by ypplic�ble law to &irroN•er�►nd to <br /> the other pecso�u pre�cribed by applic�►ble law•.EiRer the timr required by�p�►lirabk IYw,Tnutee sha!{gire public tatice <br /> o[sale to thr persons and in the manner pres�ribed by applicable law. Trustee, wtthout slemand un Borrower,shyll sell <br /> the Pruperty�1;publk�uctiuu to the highest bidder�t the time and place and und�+•the terms designated in the notice o[ <br /> s�le in one or more parcrls and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee m�y p�xtpone sale of�II oc anr pYnei of the <br /> Property by public announcement at the time and pl�ce of any pre�iously xhedulecl sale. Lender or its design�may <br /> purciuse the Property at�ny sale. <br /> form 3028 9/90 <br /> a�Un 5 of 0 <br /> a� .. <br />-— �....,..._—_.____..w. . . __._'_—. -_- <br /> ........�y«:� � <br /> -A�1�01 .. . ._ . .� ' . „ ' Y�?,,. . -� .... . .. ..-. .:'%.,". - ... <br /> ., �/ - .. -' . ' .. .. <br /> � ' . . - . .. .� � .. <br /> , . , '� .. � .. _ . ._. -. <br />