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<br /> . � • circumstances. Borrower shall not commit waste or desiroy,damage or substantially change the Property or allow the _
<br /> .+-��.r...�i-` Pro{xny to deteriarate, rensonable wear and tear�xcepied. I..ender may inspect the Property if the Property is vacant �.
<br /> - : � or ab�ndoned or the loui is in def4ult. Lender may takc reasonxble action to protect and prescrve such vacant ar -_
<br /> . ., abandoned Property. Horrower shall also be in def�ult if Borrowcr, during the loan application process,gav�matcrially
<br /> falss or inaccurate infortnation or statenxnts to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any mzterial infom�ation) _
<br />,r-i;yic:,..
<br /> ;��:.�� •. in conne�:tion with the lout evidenced by the Note,including,but noe liinited to,cepresentations con�erning Borrower's ?_=
<br /> � � oc;cupancy of the Propecty as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehald,Borrower shall comply �1
<br /> � wiih the provisions of the lease. If Burrowrr acqulres fec title to the Pru�erry, the lraschald and fic titic shall not
<br /> .��,�:,. be merged unless l.ender agrees [o the merger in writing.
<br /> - _ 6, Co�natioa. The proceeds of any award orclaim for damages, direct or conseqt�ential, in connection with
<br />=;�--- a�ry cond�mnadon or other taking of any pare of the Propeny, or for cunvsyance in place of condemnation, are hereby
<br /> �� assigned and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of�he full amount of the indebtedness that remains unpaid under
<br /> the Note and this Security Inslrument. Lender shall apply such prceeeds to the reduction of the indebtrdness under
<br /> ,. the Nate and this Security In.atrument, first to any delinquen[ amounts applied in the ordcr provided in paragraph 3, -
<br />_,-�,{ : and thrn to prepayment of principal. Any application of the proceeds to the principal shall noc extend or postpone
<br />_,. ., _ . the due date of ihe monthly payments, which aze referted to in paragraph 2,or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> `' Any excess pzoceeds over an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this Security
<br /> , �.;;�,+ {nstrurnent shall be paid to the entity legally entiAed ihereto. go�awer shall a all ovemrnental
<br /> -°::,':. 7, t�rEes W Bormwer sod P�otection of Lcader's Rights in We Propeity. P Y ' B
<br /> or munic'sp�! charges, fines and i►n�ositions that are not included in paragraph 2. Borrower sh�ll pay these obtigations
<br /> , un timz directly to the entity which is owrd the payment. If failure to pay would adversely affet:t Lender's interest in
<br /> �� � the Propeny. upon Lender's reqaest Borrower shall promptly fumish ta l.ender receipts evidencing these payments.
<br /> If Borrower fails to make these paycnents or the payrnents required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform any other
<br /> .��.•-s' covenants and�greemec►cs contained in this Security Instrurnent, or there is a legal proceeding chat may sigaificantly
<br /> �' affect Lendtr's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in hankruptcy, for condemnation ur to enforce laws or
<br /> -"'•'���j ' regulat(ons), then Lendec may do and p�y whatever is necessary to protect thc value of the Property and Lender's r'sghts
<br /> • �-�.�. � in che Property, including payment of taxes,hazard insuraace and other items mentioned in paragraph 2.
<br />_ ,. Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph shall become an additional debc of Borrower and be
<br /> � secur�ci Uy this Security Instrument. These amoun[s sh�lL bear ineerest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate,
<br />.•�=. and a[ che option of Lender shalt be immeciia[ely due and payable.
<br /> '`^` � RnrrnwPr shall orompdy dischar�e any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Boaower: (a)
<br />_-y,;;'. ' a
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabie to i.endrr; (uj �uutcsis
<br />_y�;;.��:'4_;:' in gaod taith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceeclings which in the Ixnder's opinion
<br /> =i�- r�� vperate to pnvent the enforcem�nt of the liea;or (c)secures frotn the holder of the lien an agreement sa[isfxtory
<br /> �}'""`�` to Lrnder su6ocdinaxing the lien to this Securiry [nstnunent. If Ixnder determines that any�a�t of the Property is
<br />.=����;;:� ' subject to a Iie¢which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may giveBarrower a notice identifying
<br />�u�.;``'�'i� the lien. Boaower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving
<br /> U
<br /> -_-�.�
<br />--��.,,,,-n.-:=:,,i�.,.'�,;�'� of notice.
<br /> „___"�'�"� g, Foes. L.ender may collect fees and charges authorizeci by the Secretary.
<br /> - : 9. Grouods for�Acot9er�tiot► of Debt.
<br /> 'r �;�y„ (�} Defautt. Lender may, except as limited by regula[ions issued by the Secretary in the case of payment
<br /> `u}.�:�s" defaults, require icncmciiate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument if:
<br /> _.:"_"—'.'�� (i) gonower defaults by failing to pay in f.ull any mon t h ly payment requir e d b y t h i s S e c u rit y[nstnunent
<br /> _r��.;___�r prior tn or on the due date of the next monthly payment, or
<br /> ��.:�w� (ii) Borrower de f a u lts by fai ling,for a perioc! of thin y da ys,[o p erform any other obligations contained
<br />�';;': �'., in this Security Instrument.
<br /> _,;, ., • . �y� ��yit�out C�edit A�pcovat, Lender shall,if permitted by applicable law (includinq section 341(d) of
<br /> -,��, '`
<br /> _—: the Garn-St. Germzin Depository Insti[uaons Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.1701j-3(dp and with the prior approval
<br /> �.:�:��"� of the Secrecary, require imn�eriiate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Iristrument if:
<br /> `�`'�`:�- - (i) All or part of the Property, or abeneficial interest in a trust owning all or put of the Property,is sold
<br /> ��;�•._ or otherwise transfene� (other than by devise or descent), and
<br /> -°=!r,.; � (ii� Thc P:operty is not occupied by the purch�er or grantee as his or her principal residence, or the
<br /> v-•.:. , � � purchaser or grantee dces so occupy the Property, but liis or her credic has not been approved in
<br /> � i accordance with the requirements of the Secretary.
<br /> ,F
<br /> i (c) No Waiva. If circumstar!ces occur that would permit Lender to require imcm�diate payment in full,but
<br /> ; Lender does not require such payments, i.r.nder does na[ waive its riohts with respect to subsequent events.
<br /> ` � � (d) Regul�tiooa of HUD Saietuy In rn�ny circumstances regulations issued by the Secret:uy will lunit
<br /> � � Lender's riglits,in the case of payment defaul�s, ro require immediate paymen[ in full and f�r��close if not paid.
<br /> t � This Security[nstrttment does not authorize �eceleration or for��closure if not permitted by regulacions of the _
<br /> ' Secretazy. _
<br /> � I (e) Mortgage Not Iaiured. Borrower agrees that if diis Security Instr�ment and tl�e IYote are not derermined -
<br /> • � to be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within GO DAYS frum che
<br /> date her�rof, Lender may,at its option require immcdiat� payment in full uf all sums s��cured by diis ��:uriry ;:
<br /> � Instrument. A written statemert of any audiarized ageut of[he Secrerary dated subsequeut co i
<br /> ti� DAYS from d1e date hercof, d�tlining to insure this Security Instrument and die Note, sh�►11 be I
<br /> � deemed conclusive proof of such incligibility. Notwidistanding the torcgom�,[Ris op[ion m•sy nui ue c�«���«. i
<br /> iby Lendcr wlien the unavai!ability of insur:ince is solcly du�: to Lender's failure [o remit•.!mortgage insur:uxc
<br /> , premium to tlie Secretary.
<br /> U�su��xm s,�icins.��x �tau�tr+v.Ue: PabC 3 Ur b �
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