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: :� . . ... . . , ,, <br /> . .. - -�'n - .. � .. .� F.a,�•-'___ <br /> ��x'.l. . , . .y� . ..�.��w.;ww�. .,•^ " A .. ! .. � � —�- ��� _. <br /> . ,. ;�"_ � . � ::7�„'?�;K�,`,�:'.= .. . f J r.:a <br />• � . . . ,yp _ . .a._...i...._.......-. .........._..... . ..._.......�...._..__...7s�..�..�----„e._..- <br /> �- ` , r,YPr✓�l . � <br />-��_����.� . . ��� - i(1O0t32 - - <br />_�.:._ <br /> rl�• :',�.� � � <br /> - •f����. <br />"••', •. •r circurr�stances. Borrowcr shall not comn►it wustc or destroy, damage or substantially change the Propercy or nllow thc ! <br /> ..�,,.�a •� - 'Propeny to dcteriorate, reasonable wear and tear excepted. L.ender may inspect the Propeny if the Property is vacant F, <br /> .`„ . or abandoned or the loan is in default. l.ender may take reasonable actian to protect and preservc such vac:ant or <br />-+ � � abandoned Property. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan applicHtion process,bave materially — <br /> false or ineccurate infom�ation or statements ta I.end�r (or failed to provide Lender with any material inforn�ation) <br />���.����' "•• in cocuiectioi� with the loan evidenced by the No[c, inclading. but not limited to,representations concerttiug Borrower's <br />- � cecupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a Ieasehol�, Borcower shaU comply _ <br />�' wi[h the pr�visions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to thc Propeny, the leasehold and fcc title shall not _ - <br />' ��� . be mcrged unless Lender agrees ta the merger in writing. <br /> s;v� - <br /> 6. C�• 'me Pra�s of any award cr cleim for damages, direct or conseq�iential, in connection wu <br /> '-�,„����-- any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Propercy,or for conveyance in place of condenma[iou, are hereby <br />�' �• assigned and shall be paid to I.ender to the extent of the full amount of the inde6tedaess that remains unpaid under <br /> �� � the Note and tliis Security Instrument. Lender shall apply such proceeds to ths reduction of the indebtedness un�er <br />- � � ' the Note and this Security Instrument, first to any delic:quent amounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3, ___ <br />_l+.F• } �.. � <br /> ,, ,,,,.. and then to prepayment of principal. Any application of the proceeds ro the principal shall nat extend or postpone <br />- • the due date of the monthly payments, which are referred to in paragraph 2,or change the amount of such payments. <br /> • • , Any excess proceeds over an a�nount required to pay all outstending indebtedness under the Note and this Security <br />��;. � Instrument shall be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto. g�ROwer shall a all ovemmenta! <br /> ... �, (�arges W Bocrower aod Pt�ntoc*ioa of Y.eadcr't Righls in tt�e Pmpaty. P Y 8 _. <br />- • or municipal charges,fines and impositions that are not included in pazagraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obligations <br /> '.' on time directly to the entity which is owed the payment, lf failure to pay wouid adversely affect Lender's intctest in <br /> ik " — <br /> . • the Propercy, upon Lender's request Bonower sliall promptly fnrnish to I.ender receipts evidencing t ese payments. _ <br /> lf Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform any other <br /> + coveaants and agreements contained iu this Security Instrument, or there is a legal prceeeding that may significantly <br /> ��`�` affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, for condemnation or to enforce laws or <br />��r``'?'�`''' reguletions), then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights <br />'�*x� ' '' in the Property, including payment of taxes,hazard insurance and �ther items mentioned in paragraph 2. <br />�ti... <br />-, Any amouncs disbursed by Lender under this paragraph shall become an additional debt of Borrower and <br />"' � - secured by this Securiry Instrument. These amounts shall beu interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate, <br />"r�_ .t .;? � and at the option of I.ender shall be inunediately du�and payable, <br /> Bonower shall prompdy discha�'�e anY�ien which I�as priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) <br /> _ ' agrees in writing to the payment of tk►e obligation seaured by ii�C iiei� �r,a n�a:,:..:= a:,:� <br /> j.t.^.b�� TO LEn�1�r� ��,i� rnntrcta - <br />= • � in good faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal prceeedings which in the Lender's opinion <br />�"u ''' � operate to prevent d,e enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreecnent satisfactory <br /> -� `�,"',' "�''f to Lrnder subordinating the lien to this Security Instmment. If Lender deternunes that any part of the Property is <br /> t:.�� , , <br />_� ;. :�4, subjxt to a lien which may attain priority over this Security lnstrument, Lender may give Qoaower a no�ice identify�ng <br />��`�•: � the lien. �3onower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set fonh above within lOdays of the giving <br />�.._. <br />�_,..-`.� of notice. <br /> �._` . <br />— ��:�'�� g, Fea. Lender may coAect fees and charges authorized by the Secretary. <br />�:���``� 9. Gc�xu�ds for Aooelezation of De3�t. <br /> -3=`��"�'` (a) Dehult. Lender may,eacept as limited by regulatioas issued by the Secretary in the case of payment <br />�;�:��•`� defaults, require inu�x:diate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry lnstrument if: <br /> •--�`'�,.,..��� (i) Borrower defaults by faiiing to pay in full any monthly payment required by this 5ecuriry Inst�u�xnt <br />_���� 1 prior to or on the due date of the next monthly payment, or <br /> z�.,n..W._. � (ii) Bonow�er defaults by failing,for a period of thirty days,to perform any other obligations contained <br />-`'`�'_'' � r: in this Security Instrument. <br />_ " �� ��y��u� Cndit pppmva7. Lender shall. if permitted by applicable law (including section 341(d) of <br />-== the Garn-St. Gemlain Depository institutions Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.1701j-3(d)) and with the prior approval <br /> `' of the Secretary, require iriunediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: _ <br />~�:';�,,,;,,,._„� (i} All or part of the Property, or a beneficial interest in a trust owning all or part of the Prapeny, is sold <br /> �.+::<" ::� . or otherwise transferred (other than by devise or descent), and <br />_ . , _ � (ii) The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal resiJence, or the <br />�� w. purchaser or grantee does so occupy the Propeny, but his or her credit has not bezn appcoved in _ <br /> accordance wich the tequirements of the Secretuy. _. <br /> , (c) No Waiva. If circumstances occur U�ae would pernut Lender to require imlmediate payment in full,hat _ <br />- � L.ender dc�s not require such payments, Lender dces nut waive i[s rights with respec[ to subsequene events. _ <br /> c (d) Regul�tioas of HUD Secretuy. In manp circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will limit ,` <br /> Lender's rights,in the case of paymcnt defaults, to require immediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid. � <br /> . � 'il�is Security Instrument does not authorize acceleration or foreclosure if not pennitted by regulations of the <br /> Sccretary. <br /> (e) Mortgage Not Insuiod• Borrowcr agrec:s that if this Security Instrument and the Note are not deternune�.l <br /> to be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 60 DAYS from the <br /> �' � date hereof, La:nder may,at its option require imnxdiate payment in full of al! su►ns sec:ured by this 3ecuriry � <br /> " Instrument. A writren statcment of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to f <br /> 60 DAYS from the datc hereof, d�clining to insure this Security Inscrument and the Note, shall be j <br /> ._ . .- .. ..... .. . ... .._�:__ .�_ r_......:.... �A3o....�:,... .nov nnt Fw arNrriu�rl <br /> _ _ --�_l <br /> dCCRlfd CORCIUSIVe proot ot sucn mcugioui�y. ��uiw�u���,u�u���S a,... �.,..�.,...b�.....,.,r...... .•—� ---- ---•-°----- • <br /> i by Lender when the uuavailability of insurancc is solel}•due ro I..�:nder's failurc to remic a mortgagc insurance <br /> i <br />_ ' prcmium to the Secretary• � <br /> • ; <br />- � <br /> INI'ARASKA-1�lA D�l3D OP TAUST � ; <br /> I w.,��:� s�s4�.i���am o�¢iwi Page 3 of 6 <br /> � i <br /> ; <br /> � , <br /> I• <br /> � i <br /> I <br />