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<br /> -r - .�>
<br /> , o. ��;.�:
<br /> �%�7�y. yRf ..:Gfl.�4�-�
<br /> . ..I T • � . �'+'Y.�'` • I�ff�}�M'x4�^°�U1��T "
<br /> .. . � �'IF r<:'.+ r♦ ♦.�-� . . .i . .
<br /> _- � -.
<br />_ ' , �� �,
<br />-� 's �^ � o�-oa-1899 DEED OF TRUST �9- ��O�'71 �'a�° 2 ��-_
<br /> � �`t� Loa� No d56286 (ConUnuecl) ��=
<br /> .;-
<br /> t�� replaamenis of, Nnd all substitutlons for, �ny of such prop�rty; �nd toyether with aN proceed9 (Includinq without Ilmilation qM Insuranc� E '
<br /> . ..' '��{ proc»de�nd rNunds of pnmlums)hom any sRN or oth�r�lisposllion of Ih�Froperty, �,�
<br /> �� PropKty. TM word"Propwty'ms�n�coM�CtivNy IM RNJ PropKfy�nd th�P�rsonU PropKty,
<br /> '�� RNI Prop�rty. Th�wads'Ae�i PropKty'm�an lM prop�rty,InlK�slf�nd rqhts d�scrfb�d�bow In fh�"Conwy�nco and f3nnY s�c8�n,
<br /> � p�{MK1 DOeumMk. 7M wads 'Rslaletl Docum�nb" rnMn and Incluci�without Ilmitetlon all promissory notes, credit �prNrrNnh,loan .
<br /> .. � �pr�nb,�nvkonrr»ntal�yrNrt»nls,p��sxec�uted In cannallon wllhrtth�i Ind�ib�lsd�s�1 trusl,�nd RII olh�r inslrurrMnts,�prMrrNnh�nd ' ._
<br /> � docurrNnb,whotlwr now a heraaflx exkll �._�
<br /> � p�q. Th�wad"Ftsnts'mMns aN pressnt and futur�nnb,rw�nws,incom�,fssua�roY�Ml�s�Prohls,snd olhw barwfils dorlved lrom tho r�v
<br /> ,�, Pr��Y
<br /> 1 Try�. The word'I'rustw'means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and�ny subslNuU a sux�ssa lrusts�s.
<br /> ,'�,� � T�qpr, Th�wad"Trusta'rrwans�ny and all psrsons and�ndtl�s�x�cutlnp ihb DMd of Trust,InCludlnp wHhout Wmf�qdon�N Truston n�med
<br /> ` � �baw.
<br /> OM 71E FQIlOWIN(i TERMS:
<br /> of Tnnrtn�a tMy become0 tlkue l�nd�shal�McUy atnd naHm�ty mann�r pMotm aM ol Tnntur's obMp�UPom'und�r M,MoN,tnls DNdud nut,��lM
<br /> ;' RM�Iod oocum�nts.
<br /> �': POSSESSION AMD MAINTENANCE OF TF�PROPEHTY. Trustor�prMS that Trustors passesslon��d us�of th�Prap�rty ehaM b�Oowm�d by
<br /> . Ihe foNowinp provislons:
<br /> • pps»sNpn r�d U�e. Until tM occurrence of an Evenl of DehWt,Trusior rtuY (�)ramain In possess(on and cantrol o}the Property, (b)us�, •
<br />- oper�is pr rrwn�q�the Proparty,and (c)coNeci any Rents kom lM Properb•
<br /> Duty to IAdnt�in. Trustor sheN malntain the Property In lenanlable condidon�nd promptly psAorm�N repairs,rep4o�rtNn�s��nd mai^1en�►�a .
<br />_�, .,<' necessary to Preserve its value. �
<br /> Fl�rdoua Subslanc�s. The►erms'huardous wasta;"hwrdous substana^'disPosd,"'rNeas�:and'lhnatensd nNas�,'u us�d In tNS _
<br /> .# � Deed of Trusl,shau have lhe same meanirps as set forlh in Ihe Comprehensive Envkonmsntal Ftssponse,Compensatlon, and LlabNity A�ct of i
<br /> 1Be0,as arrNnd�d,42 U.S.C,Sectlon 9601,et soq.("CERCLA'�,tM Supufund ArrNndmsnts and RaauthaluUOn Ac�of 1BE6,Pub.l..No.
<br />- BO
<br /> gg-4gg�SqM,�,ihe Henrdous Mdsrials Transportation Act,49 U.S.C. SecHon 1801,sl s�q.,th�Rssoura ConsKVdbn and Fi�covKY Ac�� _
<br /> � ti 42 U,S.G.S�cNon 6901,at s�q„or othsr applic�bi�stat�or F�d�rd Iaws,ruMs.a repuktlons�dopt�d purswnt to any of tM fonpo1n0. TM --
<br /> � hs
<br />�_ . . tams'Twnrdous wut�'and'hazxrdo�substance"shaq also Indude,withaut IImHaNOn,petrdsum�nd ps4'ol�um by�-producb a anY k�ctlon _
<br /> Ih�rspf�nd asb�atos. Trustor repns��ls�nd wurants to Lsndar that: (a)Durinp ttw pKiod of Trustor's ownwsNp�of ths Prap�tY.t���
<br /> bwn no uso�peneraUOn�manufacture,stonpe�troatment,disposai,rsinase a 1hrNMned nMase o(�ny Iwardous wasM or�ubst�no�by�ny
<br />? � � penon on,under,�bout or kom tlw Properly; (b)Truslor Iws no knowlsclp�of,a r�lson to beNew thallMn hs�be�n,�xaPt a P�ouSN
<br />- ._._ ..a--,--„ • �.;�une.Mad hv Lender In Wdtlnp, (q nny uss,p�nenUon,manuhclurs,storaps,trsatmNit,dispoad�rdKS��or thneM�d
<br /> u��..�w.d.o�.^.d.:... .� u.� e,r �i)wny
<br />- rNwss of any hazadous wisb or substance on,u�der,aboul or from the PropertY by�ny pri«ow�wrs W�.:.�F:rM a!..^Q'�to and
<br /> ��lwl or�hrwbn�d litlp�tlon or cldms of any klnd by�ny pKSOn rdatinp lo such m�lters�and (c)Extwpt as PrevbuslY
<br /> adcncwledped by Lsnd�r in writinq, (q nefther Trustor na any tanant, contraclor,ap�nt a other authoriz�d usk oi���e Pro{�MtY sh�M��
<br /> = yrn�raU,rtynufaelure,stab�heat,disposs ot,a rekass any h�zardous wuk asubst�na on�under,abaul a kom th�Prop�rty and (Y)anY
<br /> •- such acUvity 5ha11 be cooductad In complknce with aN applfCahfe faderal,54te��nd Ixai Mws.ro0uladoru end ordinenc�s�Indudinp wlthoW
<br />- NmitaHon those Inws, requlaUons,�nd ordinnnces described aba`ro• Trusta autho�izrs Lender and Hs�9�nts to snMr upon ttw Prapsrty to
<br /> �'��.•". meke such Inspeclbns�nd tests,it Trustor's axpense,as Lender may deem �PPrqrlate to detsrmine compli�nc� o►lf�Proq�tY wiM+thfs
<br />="��� sectlon of the Desd�f Trusf. An�Inspections a lusts made by Lentbr shall be ta Lendx's purposes ony and sMN nd b�conshu�d�u crMM
<br /> any respansWNily a NsbMily on the pari of Lendw to Truslor or to any other p�scn• Ths rspresenLNO�s and wuranWs oonW^�d t�nl^u�
<br />,k:. s.. bas�d on Trusta's dw dMpunce in InveslipaHnp the Property Po�haurdous w1�sM�nd h��rdous subSLnCSS. Trusto►hK�by W nNs�as and
<br /> wdws any Futura cl�ims aya�nst Lender(or IndemnHy or canUibuHon in the wsnl Tnnta b�com�s M�bM io��^�P a°���u^��ny
<br /> � such I�ws, and (Dj ayrees to indemnity and hdd harmbu LendK��t any �nd�M ddma.Ioss�s�Y�b�fl�. d�n►W��D��' �^�
<br />_;..'�J - expsnses wAfch Lendor may directly or Indirectly sus4in o�sufbr nsultlrp kom �bn�ch d tNS sectlon d fh� DNd ol Trus! or u�
<br />- consequence of any use,per�atlon,manutacture�storaqs�dtsposal.rsisas�or thnaMiwd nlKS�of a hanrdous wask a aubslena a th�
<br /> -`-._�u'• � properliss. The Provisions of tNs sectlon of the Deed ol Trust, includirp tho opYp�tion to Indsmnify, sh�M SurviMS th�payrtMn
<br /> :'``' .,; `'�' Indebladness�nd the utisfacfion�nd reconw�nnce of the lien of tMs D�d of Trust nnd stuN not be aMsctad by LsrMK's�ctt�ticx�of�ny
<br />"' . •�` � IMerest in ths Ptope►tY�whethM by Ioreclosw'e or otherwfss. -
<br />_ .,...
<br /> ,-. . Nuy�nct,Wpt�. Trustor sluq nol cause,conduct or psrmH any nuisana�+o�comm!t,pe�mit,or suller any shippirq of or w�sb o�a to ths
<br /> ei �' pruperty or any pation of the Property. WilhoW umftinp the penerabty ot the faeqdnq,Trustar wiM no!remove,a pnnf to any othK party the _
<br /> rfyht to remove.sny tlmber�minenk(includirp ou and pas).SoN.qnvsl or rock producls without lhe prlor wrftt�n cons6r�of Lentier.
<br /> wrtttso coruent
<br />'„"c ' Removal of ImprovemeMs. Trustor shall not demd'ah or remove nny Improvements hom the Heal Properry wlthout t►w pda _
<br /> " ' ot Lender. As a conditlon to the removal of eny Improvements,Lender m�y requke Trustor to make ercanpaments utfsfeclory to L�ndsr to _
<br /> ' repiece such Improvoments with Improveme�its of at le+�st equa�value. �.
<br />—" ;,v:•- • Lender's Ripht t0 EMN. Lender and its agents and represantafives rrwy enter uP�ths Red Proporty at aN riasonabie drn�s to�tMnd to _-
<br /> Lender's IMerests and to Inspect ihe Property fa purpases ot Trustor's cort�Yancs wi�h�►►e terms 4r.d cond�tions d this Dswd of TrusL R
<br /> ' '` CompNance with Govemmental Requlrementa. Trustor shall promptly canpry wNh aN laws.adinances.��d rs0ulttlons.now a haroaMer In �
<br /> . ., , �, oMect.of ell y�varnmental authorities ePPlicable to the use or occuPanoY of the Proper1Y. 7rusta rt+ay contest in yood hHh�r�y such I�w, �
<br /> +: pr6inarxe,o�reyu!ation and withhold compliance durinfl any procsadiny.�ndudnp appropdate�ppeais.so lonp�s Truslor h�s noli�i�d LsndK �
<br /> t �n wriHrp prior to ddnq so and so lony as,In Lenders sule opinlon,Lencfei's interes�s in ths PropertY us nof jeopardtz�d. Lender rrwY roquks ;
<br /> �, Trusta to posl adequate secu:ity a e suroty bond,reasonably salishctory to Lender,to prolect Lender's Interest. •
<br /> . Duty to PfOt�Ct. Trustor a9rees ne�the�to abfl�don nor leeve urwNs�ded lhe ProRertY• Trustot ShaM do atl other�Cls,�n addiHOn to those aClS c
<br /> ,� to roteCt and re�.�srve Ihs Property. i
<br /> ' Set}o�h above(n this SeChon,wMCh hom the charecter nnd use of the Prope�ty are reesonaby necessery F P
<br /> � DUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may.et ils option,dec►ere Immediately due�nd peyeb�e eN sums secund by Ih�s DMd of Trust
<br /> upon the sale o�transfer,without lhe Lenders p�io�wnHen consent,of eH or any part of the Rea� FroPe�H.a��Y�^�����n the Real ProperlY• A
<br /> •sate pr trartsfer"means the Conveyance cf Fleal Property a eny rtght,titb�x Inleresl therein:whether le�al,bene6c�a�a eqtrtable;wh8lher vduntary
<br /> or involuntary:whether by outright sale,deed�let➢essa ntment Ca tra sfernof enyrbenefiCfU Int est��o eny land trust Aoidinp dtlsao the Rev
<br /> �lxes(3�yoars,lease-oplion conUact,or by 9
<br /> V�al obnc undest�Cha�9e in owner.Sh p of moreltha�e'ty-h�etPertent(25�6 of theC ofinfl�st0.:kppertr�ersMp i ler�o�Nr�nitad Ii�N ty
<br /> • company Interests,as ihe rase may be,ol Trustor. However,lhis opticn shaA not he exercised by Lender ft such exxclsA fs prohlb�ted by federal
<br /> law pr by NebraSke 18w.
<br /> ��vcc�ut►1 IFYC 7tw fdtowina orovislons relating to the taxes flnd I{ens on lhe Properly are e pert of ihis Deed of Trust.
<br /> ,�payment. Trtutor shall pay when due(end In 611 events pr�o►to delinquency)4���'�•SD������aSSess�e�A•�"g��"�""""~^"°'
<br /> and sewer),Nnes and impasftions levfed against a o^ Trustor sha malnt�ai�eaProperH frt�e a al�liens havinQi p aitY ave►da eq�el o �
<br /> services rendered or matflrial furnished to the Property.
<br /> . interest of Lenrler undor Ihis Deed o�Trusl,except for the lien of laxes and qssessments nat due and excepl as olhe�wise prov(ded In tAis Deed
<br /> . of Trust.
<br /> qiyht To Conlest. Trustor may withhold payment of eny tax,assessrnenl,or clalm In connec6on wilh a good la�th d�spute over lhe a41i9aho�
<br /> to pay,so�ong as Lender's Interest In the Proge�ty is not Jeopardized. If e��en erises or is��ad es e resuli of nonpayment,l'rustor shull within
<br /> tifteen��5)days aRer tno lion adses or.if a iien is filed,wil�in fifteen(15)days aflar Trusta�as notice of the Fling, secure the discharqe ot the
<br /> Iien, or ff requesled by Lender,depos�t wdh Lender Cash or a suffiCient corpae!e suraty bond or other SoCUnry sal;s�actay to Lender In an
<br /> emount sutt�cienl to discha�ge Ihe��en pfus sny costs and altorneys'fees or otner cnarqES Ihat couid accrue as a result of u loreclosure or saie
<br /> � unde�1he T ustor sha 1 amte�e der�as o addeional Iobligee u de�dany surety bo dt1lurnis dda�e e con es praeed ngs t�rcemant egalnst Ihe
<br /> Proaerty.
<br /> I
<br />