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D. 11NIinRM S©CIMM IN9MMI199%. GOrtERNlNG LAW. SEVERA1ItL.PL'Y <br />Uniform Covenant 15 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br />IS. VW em witaft Iaatrtra mic. Gereraft Ltiw,- Se+eerriility. This form of Security Instrument combines uniform eovernanu for nadmal use <br />and noa•utdform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security tastruatent covering real property. This <br />• Security Insrumeat sW be governed by Federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in whicb the Property is located. In the event that any <br />provision or clause of this Security Instra*fit or the Mote conflicts with applicable taw, such conflict shall tact affect other proviisidns of this <br />Security Itntturnent or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Security. <br />Itnstrument artd the Noteare declared to be setierable. <br />E. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTV OR A DENEfIC'IAI.1N- TERM IN BORROWER <br />Uniform Covenant 17 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br />af: Trmd*rof tie Vnperty or Beneficial tateresl Is Borrower. If all or an <br />{ y part of tAe Property or an intermit therein is sold or transfcnad ;•> ;.;: <br />(or:if a beneficial interest in Bmower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) without Lender's prior written consent;.: ,;r,;?` . <br />Lender tray, at Lender's option, dechut all the sums secured by this Security Inuturrmt to be immediatety:.(Ibt and payable. However.: th[s = ` ``•_ <br />option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is not authorized by Federal taw. Lender may waivethi exercise of this option if. (a) Botrawes. <br />ca:"a to be %tbmined to Lender information required by I- ender_ to evaluate the intended trn*j i as if a new loam were being made to the <br />: tfiitq ; arA'(b) Lender reasonably determines that Lender', security will not be impaired 6ythilbarr assumption and that the risk of the <br />brtaeh of any covenant or �jgroement in this Security Instrument iti acceptableto Lender. <br />To the extent rern i+fied by applicable law, t ender may charge a reasonable fee as a condition to Lender's consent to the loan+. assumption. <br />Lettdermay also require the trans fereet.: keep all tt: rproni •;e,audagreementsmadeinthet4ut �':n this Security Instrument. <br />"If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, I.c.der shall mail B- zrrower notice of ace,les:r won in accordance mith paragraph 14 hereof. <br />Such notice shall provida lt:b.,eriod of not less than 30 da v, t: ant the date the nutise,i: =agi i I ;&. which Borrower may pay the stuns declared <br />due. If Borrower fails te' 1 such ,ums Ire for to t:1e exr1fat,uu at such period, Lea+ x ire !. :,A- 0:hout further notice or demand on Borrower, <br />invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrumetit.•• <br />— Notwithstanding a sate or transfer, Uocrower t, itf continue to be obligated under the Msm.,,iad this Security Instrument unless Lender has <br />released Liorrow•er in writing." <br />Fl.. LOAN CHANGES . <br />If the loan secured by the Security Instruntcrr, which sets mavamuut lo:w charges, and that law is finally interpreted so <br />that the ituerns or other tuan charges colic -.ud or to be tt ILMCd or.,.otsnrcticn wi.t : iho Wan emceed permitted limits, thin:- it y any such loan <br />charge shalt be reduccdbJ ,te amount necessary to r;ducc thu .hurt, to the permitted itmit:r and (2} uny sums already collected from borrower <br />which exceeded permuted limit•, v. ill he refunded tt: a'.* *ewer. l .enter stay t:hoow to stoke nits reft,nd by reducing the principal owed under the <br />Note or by making a due6t payaleat to Hortouer. I fa refund t educe, principal, the reduction v0tl:(3e neared as a partial prepayment under the <br />Note. <br />IN WITtikSS VfrHM.OF. Rorrtmer hits execuwd this Adjustable Rate Rider. <br />(seal) <br />nrad J. nds a rKK01' K is <br />A n [if) KU 114 <br />_(Seal) <br />HORHOWL(t� <br />(SIGN 0Rl(JNAa_ ONLY) <br />A c ea n N <br />..-4 CA <br />Cox -A <br />IM <br />tani � el► � .r � � <br />r `°= - !� <br />cn <br />Z <br />-� 4 a <br />