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A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of..the Northeast Quarter (N}NE1 /4) of <br />Section Twenty -Five (25), Township Elevan. (11) North.f,,liar7ge iiin'6 j,9) West of the 6th P.M., <br />in Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly deacrilie @ °aa fa3lat7: <br />Beginning at a point on the north Tine of said North.idne- Half.of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NINE1 14), said point being Nine Hiiiidred.,Fifty -Nine and Furth -Three Hundredths (959.43) <br />feet west of the nartheaAfI corner of sa44orth One -Half 6f-the Northeast Quarter (ANW AY; <br />thence S 94 degreg#.00' 00" W (assumed bearing) along and upon the north line of said.-North. <br />One-Half of the 144etheast• Quarter W'NI E1 /4), a dista'*e of Three -Hundred Sixty (36010)).-La-et; <br />thence S OT. ddgrd�s 00' . 00" E a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty (1,230.0W;-;feet; <br />thence N # degrees 00' 00" E, parallel with the north line of said North One-Half of`.;Che <br />Northeast Quarter (NkNE1 /4), a distance of Three Hundred Sixty (360.0) feet; thence <br />degrees 00' 00" W, a distance of One Thousand Two.',96:dred Thirty fl',230.0) feet to tf'ige:.point <br />of beginning <br />L <br />