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<br /> � �� execute eny eddiCionnl. li.nencing stetements and ather certificates
<br /> reviead �o reflacC� the chenge in tradename.
<br /> �v'� i.?.i �1�����-l• Tha�t Bon��iaiary may at it� option
<br /> obtain et Gr+�ntar'� oxp*n�e, once in e�ch yedr (or as . ntherwi.se
<br /> � .`a requeatod by Ben�nl�.��i++rY) r�► �+Ppr�+�s�+l o! �he Premises o� any par.t
<br /> .�j ther�of pr�p�►r�d in �oaorde�na• with written inatructions fr.om
<br /> ,� Henetici+ary by A third-p+�rty a�ppraieer engaged directly by
<br /> �a Henetfaiary. kaah euch �ppraiser and appr�isal shall. be
<br /> _--'�= sa�tisf�ctoxy ta B�n�t�.oiery. The aosts o� each such appraisal
<br />-�•_� ehall be e part ot the seour�d Indebtednees and shall be payable by
<br /> __ � Gxantor to Benef ir�ir�ry on demand.
<br /> - 1.22 Fi�anaial Statsm�l'1�.• Tha� Grantor agrees to comply with
<br /> - to�thnnFinenaidl statemantse(�s e ohht rm ie defined therein)�t� be
<br /> - provided �o Beneliaiary thereunder.
<br /> - = 1.23 xes�.. That in ths event of the
<br /> '' pagsage of any state, federdl, municipa�l.or other governmentainlan�
<br /> _,__:3 order, rule or ragulation, subsaquent to th� da�e herQOf, Y
<br />- = mannsr changing or modifying the lews now in force governing the
<br /> __� taxa�tion of debte eecured by deeds of trust or the manner of
<br /> collecking taxee (excluding income, franr.hise or capital taxes
<br /> � imposed on the income o� Benefioimry) so as to advers�ly affect
<br /> BeneEiciary, Grantor will �romptly pay dny such tax. If �rantor
<br /> -=��9 fails tA ma�ke �uch prompt pc►yment �r if, in the reasonable opinion
<br /> _� of Beneficiary, eny suah etate, federal, municipal, or other
<br /> governmental law, order, ru].e ar regulACion prohibits Grantor frorn
<br /> '' �Q��n� �,a�� p�l�,er* �r ig, in the sole opinion of Benefiaiary, the
<br /> �: making of su�ch peymen� woul.d reeult in the imposition oY interesi
<br /> � beyond the maximum emount permittsd by npplicable law, then th�
<br /> '! entire Securod Indebtedness shell, ak the option of Beneficiary
<br /> - become immediately due and payable.
<br /> ARTICLE TZ.
<br /> Z.1 �gat�on of Securi�v I terest. Grantor hereby grants to
<br /> � Beneficiary a security interest in the rents, pro�erty rights,
<br /> contract ri hts, claims and Persona�l Property (all of which are
<br /> � hereinaftergcollectively referred to ae khe "Collateral") located
<br /> -� on or mainta!ned at the Property or Grantor's principal place of
<br /> business, includinq witriout limitatiom m�y and all property of
<br /> �� similar type or kind h�reafter located an nr at the Property for
<br /> - � the purpose of �ecuring all abligatians of Gran�or contained in any
<br /> � of the Loan Instruments.
<br /> --�--� 2.2 Warranties, Re�_e_8enta*i nne and Covg�ante of Cran�or,
<br /> ��"� Grantor warrants, represents and�covenents ag follows:
<br /> �`��� (a) Except for the spcurity interost granted hEreby or
<br />'��,"s�� . Grent�r is, and as to
<br /> ;;,;Y,�,�� as otherwise permit1:ed b� BenePic��ry,
<br /> -��y= portions of the Collateral to bo acquirec� after the date hereof
<br /> � wi].1 be, the sole own�r of the CollA�eral, frao Yrom any adverse
<br /> �.,.
<br /> 1ien, seCUZity in�erest, oncumbranca or. advarGa claims theraon o
<br /> .•� �� any kind whatsoever. Granto� will notiPy f3eneficiaxy of., and will
<br /> defend the Collateral agatns�, ..�11 c.l.aim:� and d�mands of all
<br /> . ' persons at any time claiming the same o.r any interest therein.
<br /> •>� �:
<br /> {�� (b) Grantor will n�t lr�ase, eell, aonvay or in �ny
<br /> 1 manner transfer the Co1laCeral without the �riar written consent of
<br /> Annafici3YV.
<br /> � (c) The Culla�eral i:; not uc3�d or. purchased tor
<br /> personal, family or ho�asehold �urpoc�oo.
<br /> � �-13�
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> � _ _ _ _ _� __.
<br />