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<br /> � . . •
<br /> EXHTBIT A
<br /> ��ouNr,r 99- �cjooss
<br /> .A tract of land locat�d in part of th� Southsast 1/4 0! th�
<br /> South�ast i/4 of Section 2i, �ownship i]. North, ita►1q� 9 Fl�st of tha
<br /> 6th P� M. , in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> do�acribed as follows: Baqinning at the Northeast corner ot Zlomko
<br /> Subdivisi.on; th�nca runninq wsstsrly along tha nAr�harly line ot
<br /> Zlomke Subdivisian on an assumed bearinq ot N 89 21� 48" W, a
<br /> disYance o� 260.69 feet, to a pointi on the �eastarly right of way
<br /> lix�e of Eddy �treeti; thence running N 00� 00' 00" E nlong the
<br /> eastezly riqht of way li�e of Eddy Street, a distance of 133.87
<br /> fent; thence running S 89 24' �0" E, a di�tance ot 260.C7 fa�t, to
<br /> a po�nt on the wes�erly right of way linG ot South Locuat StrGet j
<br /> thence runzsing S 00 00' 42" E, along th� wester7.�+ right of way line
<br /> o� South Lacust Street, a distanc� of 85.SO fnet; therace runninq N
<br /> B9° 21� 48" w along the Weetarly riqht ot vay lix�a ot dSouth Locust
<br /> Street, a dfstanca ot 3.50 taet; thanca running S 00 00' 42" E,
<br /> along tha weaterly right of xay �.ine of �outh Locuat Stre�t, a
<br /> distanaa ot 6.0 �eet; thence runninq S 89 21' 48" E, alonq the
<br /> westerly right ot way line of South Locust Street, a distance of
<br /> :�.50 feet; thence running 5 00° 00' 42" E along the west�rly riqht
<br /> of way line of South Locus� Street, a distance of 42.50 feet, to ths
<br /> placa ot beginninq.
<br /> �
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