<br />M
<br />) ss.
<br />90-- 100323
<br />On this 18th day of September, 1990, before nte, the undersigned, a Notary
<br />public in and for tho said Commonwealth, residing therein, duty commissioned
<br />and sworn, personally appeared Donald A. Hosea to me personally known,
<br />who by we duly sworn, did say that he s an Assistant Treasurer of JOHN
<br />HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, that the seat affixed to the foregoing
<br />instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said .instrument
<br />was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board
<br />of Directors and as the free act and deed of said corporation.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heretinto set my hand and affixed, IWX, Offic'i,ai
<br />seas In said County the day and year in this certificate first abgy,449- t01p ,,��
<br />My comei:ssion expires: Mare C. O'Brien •" '
<br />August 9, 1996 Notary Public in and for sai4.'lZo monv�pA tth
<br />At a meeting of the Board of Directors of JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL. LEFE
<br />'INSURANCE COMPANY held December 14, 1987, a quorum being present %L was
<br />VOTED: That the Chaiman of , the Board, the President,, any Sector
<br />Presida.n.t, the Chief F :i;rra,ncial Officer, the Gen.erafl tounsof any
<br />Executive Vice Presid 'try any Senior Vick Pr"erT d ett, any nice
<br />President, any ,Second VJce President, the T+reasure_r. any Assristant
<br />.Treasurer, any ireasury" Officer, any Senior lovestwntt Officer-, any
<br />Investment Officer,.. any "Senior Mortgage Investment .Officer and any
<br />Mortgage Investment officer of the Company, or any one of them, are
<br />hereby authorized- " ' 4ti•-• .enccuto and ssa! !"t th the corporate seal.
<br />acknowledge, and .deliver any and all instruments required in
<br />connection witrT any investment, sale or loan authorized by the
<br />Committee of Fia..;nice.
<br />I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a vote passed December
<br />14, 1987, by the Board of Directors of JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE
<br />COMPANY,, that the same At"i. Wt. remains in force, and that Donald 1 90
<br />is an Assistant Treasurer j3t' the Company, thus. 18th day of September,
<br />Barry P. Sanborn Assistant et
<br />ecrary
<br />r wnent was prepared by: �+
<br />Donn Haacoca PL, P:O. Box 111, Boston, MA 02117
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