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. r <br />IIN:IMR _ 89-0104702 <br />RELEASE AND A$31JlPTION AGREEMENT . <br />18 _��__ -• •19_89 - -_• betty*en----------------- <br />7.-1T�1tz • of <br />City ofGr_a_nd Island_- _,Covatlr of_ 1jA1.1 ________State of_�j -____ <br />herein referred to as Seller. CENTRAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION which <br />is organized and existing under the laws of Michigan, whose <br />sailing address "is 36800 Gratiot'p Mt. Clemens, MI 48043, herein <br />referred to as Mortgage*, <br />2101 W._ 13th 5;--------- - - ---- . ------------------ ---- -- --- addt°+r<as <br />City of Gr�3 Island 'Couaaty Of--!W! ------- ;-state of_Ne_b_raska _ <br />herein referred to as Purchaser <br />1. Seller is obligatod and liable for the payment to <br />Mortgages of the debt evidence by a promiasory note in the sus cf. <br />Forte Nine TYnA;sand Eight Yured and 00,[100 <br />--------------- <br />Dollars_ x00.00_ _ ,,_,- ,dateF_aE 15 ---------------- l9a7 _ and <br />executed 6- Seller, which promissory note is secured by a <br />Mortgage dated_ Lay 5 - -�_ .19_87__as domrent no. <br />_87 -. .1028 49 in the offLoo. of the Register of Deeds of the County <br />State. of_ N_ eb_raska_______ ____ and Mortgages is <br />now ' the ' ow�aor and holder : of such promissory note and Kortgagw..; <br />Seller has sold" and conveyed or is about to sell and, ` <br />co:tvey the whole" 61 the real property described in such mortgage <br />to Purchaser, andLboth..Seller and Purchaser have requested <br />mortgages." release Seller from further liability under or on <br />account of Such promissory note and /or such Mortgage. <br />For the reasoms, set forth above, and in consideration of the <br />mutual conveyance and promises of the parties hereto, Seller. <br />mortgagee,..and Purchaser convenent and agree as follows: <br />SECTION ONE <br />UNPAID BALANCE OF SECURED OBLIGATION <br />Ali monthly Installments of Principal and Interest provided by <br />such: note to be paid after__ Jul 1__________ -,19 a9__ are unpaid. <br />SECTION TWO <br />RELEASE FROM LIABILITY <br />Solior is hereby released from further liability under or on <br />aaint of �}tcIa'" Mote and such Mortgage. <br />SECTION THREE <br />ASSUMPTIOW'OF LIABILITY AND INTEREST AND INSTALLMENT INCREASE <br />Purdbaser,,gS,ress -to pay such Note in installments at the tin"i <br />end :tin the aenner..therein provided: to perform all of the <br />obligations provided in such Mortgage to be performed by Seller <br />at the time, in the manner, and in all respects as therein <br />provided: and to be bound by all of terms of such Mortgage: all <br />ea, though such Note and Mortgage, and each of them, had <br />originally been made, executed, and delivered by Purchaser:;,. <br />provided, howeverp that the interest on the unpaid Principal% <br />Balance shall, until paid, be paid at the rate of_ Nine <br />___ <br />(9.0) x per annum, inconsecutive monthly installments of <br />Four Hundred and 70/100_ _� _ ��__ _____,g___ 400_70___ -_ -, <br />including principal, plus 1/12 estimated annual taxes and <br />Insurance on the_ ast - - - -- _ day of each month, beginning August i-__ <br />19_ 89 ___ • <br />1.- <br />SECTION FOUR <br />NO IMPAIRMENT OF LIEN <br />The whole of the real property described in such Mortgage shall <br />remain subject to the lien, charge, or encumbrance of such <br />Mortgage, and n9thing herein contained or done pursuant hereto i <br />shall affect or be construed to affect the lien, charge or <br />encumbrance of the Mortgage or the priority thereof over other <br />liens, charges or encumbrences, or except as herein otherwise <br />provided, to release or affect the liability of any party or <br />parties whomsoever would now or may hereafter be liable under or <br />on account of such note and Mortgage. <br />SECTION FIVE <br />INTERPRETATION �• � <br />In this agreement, the singular number Includes the plural and <br />the plural number includes the singular. If this agreement to <br />executed by sore then one person, firm or corporation as <br />Purchaser, the obligations of each" such person, firs or <br />corporation hereunder shall be joint and several* <br />