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. <br /> ":.. <br /> r� . , <br /> .� . � ��:.���96ntia�'+Ie3�fir.��t�i ' ,-,�. f'!�••`� ' <br /> y,.,._, <br /> ..,.� •.. ,.. . . ti •.,. . <br /> .. �. <br /> f <br /> .-... � Y�M�Y���a+...+a'hYa1BbY-^Lta+rW-'r--.. ••-Y�+••:}ar����'�w.. � .. . . . .t,,�. <br /> . .. 1, -- - �_'.-. <br /> . �'� <br /> i�t , . . <br /> .:�� <br /> q 9. gc,00�s �: <br /> N `�� <br /> ; ! at least ten (10) daye, but not more tha�n thi�ty (30) daye, prior ,- <br /> � ' to the sale; and the Trustee ahall. then aell said proper.ty at the <br /> � time and �laco deoignated in the notice, in the manner provided <br /> '� . � by lmw in effect at the time of filing eaid notice, at public _ <br /> ., , auction to the highest bi.dder for cash and shall delivor ta euch <br /> purchaser a deed to �he property sold, consietent with the law in <br /> �� �'J'f`'� � effect at the time. �'� <br /> .4,r+.r+rr"!t' �-;,s_ <br /> :�.�,,,,,,�,,,� Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee ehall de- E.� <br />="� liver to the gurchaeer, Truatee's deed conveying the property <br /> � sold. Recitale in the Trustee' s deed ehall be prima facie evi-- <br /> z donce of the tru�h of the statements made theroin. Trustee shall �_ <br /> app].y the proceeds of the eale in the following order: (ay to <br /> � al� reaeonable coets and expensea of the sa1.e, including but not <br /> ' !` limited to, Truetee'a feea o.f not more than 1.5$ of the gross <br /> �' �ale pxice, reaeonab].e attorney fees and costs of title evidence; <br /> (b) to all sums aecured by this Deed of Truet; and (c) the ex- <br /> �. cess, if any, to the person or pereona legally entitled thereto. <br /> _ � Any person, including Heneficiary, may purchase said property at <br /> eai.d sa].e. <br />. � � The person conducting the eale may, for any cauee he or she <br /> ��� deems expedient, postpone the eale From time to time until it <br /> � ehall be completod and, in every such caee, notive of postpone- _ <br /> ment shall be given by public declaration thereof by such person <br /> at the time and pl.ace last appointed for the sale; provided, if <br /> • the aale is postponed for longer tha.n one (1) day beyond the date <br />_ designated in the notice of sale, notice thereof shall be given <br /> - in the eame manner ae the original notice of eale. <br /> 3,. .. 14. Remedies Not Exclusive. Trustee and Benefiaiary, and <br />_ ��;..' each of them, ehall be entitled to enforce payment and perform- <br />= � ., ., ance of any indebtedness ar obligation secured hereby and to ex- <br /> - , ercise all righte and powers under this Deed of Truet or under <br />_, '. � any lcan instrument or other agreement or any laws nor or hereaf- <br />_�� �: �. �.�,� ter enforced, notwithstanding somo or all of the indebtedness and <br />_� � obligations secured hereby which may now or hereafter be other- <br />;�� �, wise secured, whether by mortgac�e, deed of truet, pledge, lien, <br /> assignment or otherwiee. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of <br />�•� � Trust nor ite enforcement, whether by court action or pureuant to <br />_�'``"��"",' , the power of sale or other powers herein contained, shall preju- <br />?��»�.•���� dice os in any manner affect Truetee's or Beneficiary's sight to <br />������• �� realiza upan or enforce any other security now or hereafter h�ld <br />_:� :� �� ���,= by Trustee or Beneficiary, it beinq agreed that Trust�e and Bene- _ <br /> ` ficiary, and �ach of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Deed <br /> ;��: • of Truet and any other security now or hereafter held by the _ <br /> �. ' Beneficiary or Trustee in such and manner as they, or ei- - <br /> ther of them, may in their absolute discretion determine, No <br />�,:�r�' � �' � remedy herein conferred upon or reBerved to Trustee or Benefici- <br /> :'"��� `� ` ary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herPin or by <br /> � " law provided or permitted, but each� shall be aumulative and shall. _ <br /> ~ � be in addition to eve�y other remedy given hereunder or now or = <br /> � hereafter existinq at law or in equity or by statute. Fvery = <br /> power or remedy qiven by any of the loan instruments to Trust�e m <br /> e' or Beneficiary or to which ei�her of them may be otherwise enti- <br /> _ ,� tled may be exsrcised, concurrently or independ�ntly, f•rom tima _ <br /> ' to time and as often ae may be deemed expedient by Trustee or <br /> Beneficiary, and either of them may pureue inconsietent remedies. - <br /> Nothing herein shall be conatrued as prohibiting Beneficiary from <br /> seeking a deficiency judgment againet Txustor to the extent such <br /> action is permitted by law. <br /> 15. Reauest for Notice. Trustor hereby requeste a copy of <br /> ---_____- . <br /> _� LL_L �. ���':..e .,f aale hereunder be <br /> any notice ot deiauiL a.�u �iia� a�:i •• ---- -- ---- - <br /> mailed to Trustar at the addrese aetvforth in the first paraqraph <br /> of thie D�ed of Trust. <br /> . 1�. �t�ointment of Successor Trustee. Benef iciary may, <br /> from, time to time, by writt�n instrument executed and acknowl- , <br /> edqed by Beneficiary, mailPd to Trustor and recorded in the <br /> Gounty in which �he property is locatpd and by otherwise comply- <br /> ing with the proviaions of the applicable law of the State of Nc�- ; <br /> , <br /> 5 <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> � _ _ _ <br />