r 't
<br />- TW M ad/Mewi Namnq ynow hwsffrtt /tea b and ow*m "M ftnw'Qru'1r the rtaht, power, and auMewiq►, deri+hi Yfee et Mria Tuurat b
<br />teaaeVirrato ?rlrMOr here ri0i'� prbr 4 mW dpm* -b ON b of
<br />- R -T- boifeG� �uerd raaMtn such pespw� klsaeMe ai N dw4 and Ma1�w f►Fort ii�yy aush defenuft1es'!C'A'AGy ►the aY 07_
<br />by a reoalwr to to ip fabftd bV a oport and wWorA r$Wd to the ariapuncy of any twtuft far ttra iadaiMrr
<br />•`T,NOUrae, erwr upon widt� a Bald te+eMrlf a arY Pr< tltM/aaR ea Me own earns aw far a oNrarwiw cWiscl wcA Property R+GSma
<br />- ° -. -'-_ tl'iat past dt» and un paid; and �D�Y Y+a aanaw Min orate am wipanaw a apKMkn and oaMactia►. Mrar�anaoaw�wons6N abn+*1fr 1a1+4 vpoft +�nr
<br />- -- L - -- fealNad hwaby, geld k1 WN+ OrdM M MwraioMry war dIM�MM�. Th! alNatlfM open and T of laid prOpartY• Mri txt�'doH of
<br />- -� = property kraaNri, and here appircalion Muaraaf as Npeaaid. ahMi real cove w weirs wry ddq+fl or native tusMe's sW MrwndM or kwaHdaM any sCt
<br />:: That should Truswr aNf. con',rgti frarrafar a diepeae.of: or hrrMter tarrarsMer the property, or snit part Mraeeol, witlraW the writer canewu a fwufcivy
<br />,° _Nat had and abtrirrwt, ttnsn desN Mara Mvs riafrt sf ite epMea, b deaWe alt wars ascend heeby imeMSat►ry dui anti pltyebM
<br />Thst upon doeuit by Trsbr M Mri PWIW Of ury NrdsOMdrrssi secured or e periOMANG of any sarew"KA WOW*,
<br />--n: W curs"japes- !o sleeve- K a/RMoaett` dMtsre ate erne ssarrad�r dos and Wyah4 Oy dWwy 1a TrusMi of T fum a
<br />�.irr,s torch Mna rrsture Mweol, and Of elector b awstr to be sold a m proparq� of TruA Bsrnbefary torso ihiM dsPasit with Trwlsa
<br />V"d of Trust said note 4 wd ate daounreota eMAwrckq a OODIflltxai saW" hereby.
<br />Trustee afraN record and ttlw nod" a Tnofts $Me in here manner required by law, and alter the tspse a such Ikea as may then be mquirid by low.
<br />- - -- atraN wit. in Mrs manner rapked by law. said proparb ra public auction at the IM and pisos fixed by N in said nWca of TrusW a 408 to 1M.I WAM
<br />_- br cash in lawful mocM of tics tMrMad f)tsfab psysbN as tirsa of seta Tunstes may oostpoce or oorrdnw 1M aala by givk►g node of poetflonerserM or
<br />== =took wava;A a caWI oar arr�ana� rasa arm Any person, indudiinne TnWor. Trusift gw* Purc aruaae h sal�S ao
<br />AtMr dDduc* w coat. %*a,. and expenses, ot, Truces and a this Trust, Including oast of evI,1 ' of a mM in ewme0on with sale and rouan bW
<br />-- , rwa p the extant parmiesd by Ise, TruNaursinsil appply the proceeds.of sate to payment of AN tuerre bran aaound hwM>y snrtsN other sums.dua.
<br />-- W- n . - _. with accrued Interest and 11retemdndsr, M any, to the person or rsons.l fy entitled Mnreio► a ee provldad.in KFLS. i76 -1011: Tea
<br />eve ...,ore .....,... ppae
<br />= attest perariNed by law, an action may be maintained by t3srrn cclary to recayor a deticloncy Ju ment for any balance due hereunder.
<br />The in the event a default, the remedies provkfwl in this Deed are not excludvrr of other remedies available to BonfAciary and Trusts* under Ou law.
<br />:. Than Beneficiary may appoint. a successor Trustee in tto manner preschk xt try law. A sucrwaor Truates heroin shall, without conveyance hoer VM
<br />- - Trustee, succeed to stI the predaassorb Oft rights; powers. arxf eutlas. Trustee nray reign by maR or douvering nolica thereof l o O MGSry
<br />�,TW this DW a Trust eppties to, inures b Me bsrok •wA sad 1>inda all Wen trarsto. their treks, lapateew dwisuw adnrintelralare, execuMM
<br />.A ftt% � The term 8ntaliciary abaci mean fire owner and bolder of the notes) secured hereby. whether or not rend as 8wneficiwy hwNn. In
<br />=ON d of Trek VAnever the context so nquhe, the mncuww tiat>AK irrclludes V e terrrWM and nwtsr, and Mee ainguMr rwmber Mciudae the pMural
<br />- That Tnutee acM* tits Trust when 1hla fast d of Trust duly executed and acknowtadged. is mode a public record es by law. Trustee is not
<br />be a parts ultlasa 1poty t jo d pa ng a&% under any other feed a Trust or a any action or prooaeding in which rustor. BermWicletY, a Trustee
<br />-- _ Truabr requsits tees a copy a any nodes of Tns1n s SW huerxxkw be nudW b tam at his address aN forth abOM
<br />/ / /iQ ✓1/�/�/� ism - - - /10��_ � � _ -:e � _
<br />Trtsbr KARM S. SALPAS rasbr
<br />)SS
<br />7i OF )
<br />0" 30_ —dal/ of Oc eat+ r - .1990 , bebra new the urdusigt»d a Notwy PUNIM
<br />s
<br />W and in wtate end toured DersorWIV Csuna ,Gus 5 Karen S . Salsas , husband and wife
<br />ill -
<br />L" idanH 0 id Parson or peratrrs whose name Is or name are smxed to Mrs foregoing iratruawd srd acbnowiedged the execution thereof
<br />� tz h ft, tier Calhalr VONMrtary 44end deed.
<br />-_ my hand and Ploteria!nl SW fire day and year last above wrimn. y /
<br />�L1T�OV OIIO� 11'!
<br />1-07 M
<br />N day of ,19 --171L. �i �AlM�
<br />M 19 1
<br />W4601 tie. Was � fig, )a" n'
<br />P.- dv.� 1068
<br />Grand island, 1E 68802
<br />(308) 3)3'1 -4520
<br />r7 •t1.
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<br />m 9
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