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<br />890'- "0104687
<br />1. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. Trustof shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the Indebtedness
<br />evidenced by the Note, and all other charges and fees as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured
<br />by this Trust Deed.
<br />2. WARRANTY O1K•TtTLE. Trustor is lawfully seized and possessed of good and indefeasible titre and estate tothe Property hereby conveyed
<br />and has the right to g.t ,Ind convey the Property: the Property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except liens now of record; and
<br />Trustor will warrant arW.d4fenr•1.ihe title to the Property against all claims and demands.
<br />3. MAfNTEKA[ll &kW6OIJPLiANCE WfTll LAWS. Trustor shall keep the Property in good repair condition and shaft not commit waste
<br />or permit ltnpaismnrd�hc',` terioration of the Property and shall comply with the provisions of any lease it this Trust Deed +s on a leasehold, ,
<br />ImprovemrsrtfRr-' 9r. Pnf4afterelecteduponthePropertyshallbealtered, retm iOdordemolishedwdhoutthepriorwrittenconsentofEegu .g7.2
<br />Trustor shalf edi 1011f Afi.6411 lays. ordinances. regulations• covenants, cend.Ptleta,,and restrictions affecting the Property and not comm iT:lsu ter or
<br />permit any gr f ft,^ it .i;iitte ill of upon the Property In violation of any la`N, orttitrance, regulation, covenant, condition or restriction. T"ruelir soikit
<br />completgdt'resiNSr:.pmrnptfy and in rKaod workmanlike mannekany improveint #tit on the Property which may be darriagc # or destraye, 8rlrt pair
<br />when due; �141altns fariattar Aerlrtrrned aria matlanals furnish d-therefor and tar any a" °_rations thereof.
<br />4.INSURANCiE Trut c?s ;d':'!artx�! apse,! e'• ?Imaftc°'" lnwlth+ nsurorsapprovedt.ygene'li.',wy. Insurance :critfirespecttOthetmpjo: z?'r`tlr;T.,
<br />personal property. cunsic ^!f'li�rfftisE (ttp>zny. agutars loss by fire. tlghl+irna,ADf^.�ca, a ?d�0ilr perils a ndhazards covered by standartf ox emsFd
<br />coverage indorseM47- '. ;'r -. Gr::xm�u tt tual to at feast one huno�rl4 perorel: F.yt 11%)'Of thefuil replacerilent value thereof and insut ice n52it`ac -_
<br />such other hazards a,?rf rrgtiClrs 's +7iumsas(scustgmanlycar� ;L hyownWS- andoperat ;r t'' s+ mbarpropertiesorasbeneficiarym2ryit?qurre ``v'. ^.
<br />Its protection. Trustar mil ,;:aritply with such other requirements as 8enefi6at-,V may fromv pie totime request forthe protection by insurance of the
<br />interests of the respect:- ;rcparties. All insurance policies maintained pursual"O this Trust Deed shall name Trustor and Beneficiary as Insured, as
<br />their respective IntQresrs may appear, and provide that there be no cancelfati•%n or modification without at least 15 days prior writtel- Mliflcation to
<br />Trustee and Beneficiary may procure such insurance In accordance with the provisi.onsof paragraph hereof. Trustor shall deliver ,_3enefictary
<br />the original policies of insurance and renewals thereof or memo copies of such policies and renewalsthereof Failure to furnish such insurance by
<br />Trustor, or renewals as required hereunder shall. a! tAya option of Beneficlary, constitute a default
<br />S. TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND CHARGES. -r s? rshall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges. Including, without limitation, fines
<br />and impositions attributable to tiro Property oast Y ?asenold payments or ground rents, if any, before the same become delinquent. Trustor shall
<br />promptly furnish to Beneficiary all nafires of amounts due under this paragray::'±, and in the event Trustor shall make payment directly, Trustor shall
<br />promptly furnish to Beneficiary riam;2s evidencing such pays rims Trtksror shall pay 11:1 taxes and assessments which may be levied upon
<br />Beneficiary's Interest herein crop ,his Trust Deed with out r,,:�a;>i tit s?y :aw that r*a� °iz. enacted Imposing payment of the whore cr as+)c pa?Y .
<br />thereof upon the Eeneficiari,
<br />6 ADDITIONAL. LIFA ,.% ANOPIROTECTION OF BENEFICIAI;y, -S S.EC+liRfT Y`. Trustor Shall make all payments of interest and. 1311 'Fcipal and
<br />payments of any pltttti ,,harg(rs, arias and expenses Contract +3i1 ".`� t o Sri to any existing or subsequent penholder or beneflc•ara. under any
<br />existing or subsequen3 mni'gug+t 6rdrust deed before the Cal "lkey ate deimgent or In default, and promptly pay and discharge z iy and all other
<br />pens. claims orchargas;> hich may leopardareshe secur•ttf herein If Trustor fails to make any such paymentor fails toporform any ofthe
<br />covenants and agraftml *nts contained in this Truz',J core.( r: no Note ref errefito herein, orin any prior or subsequent trust deecr .. ritanyactionor
<br />proceed-
<br />proceeding is commit + ?er :d which materially a'tr c >aerotlefary's Interest intne Property, Including. but not limited to. eminer•t 4ut'ain proceed-
<br />ings, proceedinga involving a doecdrtnt, notice e'f sate by Trustee. notice a4.,iefault by Trustee, mortgage foreclosure action, cr T'4 ustor falls to
<br />pay Trustor's debts generally as l0ae ! become store then Benelic+ary. at Eareftclary 's option and without notice to or demand ;ipon Trustor and
<br />without releasing Trustor from still obligation herounder. may ms+ca such appearances cOViurse such sums and lakds::ich action as is necessary
<br />to protect Beneficiary's Interest, including. but not limited d:sburse.^,rerrt of attorney's fees. pay ^eat, purchase. Contest or
<br />compromise of any encumbrance. charge of fieri, C-ttry upc:+Ire Prope�tV vaor.a'4e rRy a: s. or declarat;nr of default under this Trust Deed In the
<br />event that Trustor shall fail to procure insurance cr to pay faxes, asses „r a.; r airier charges ^_: ''s make any payments ruPl ry existing or
<br />subsequent lienhotde►s or existing or subsequenQ uoneficfaries. Bene`,ciei�ym such insw E:+ sz and make such payr^ei ! laut shall not
<br />be obligated to do so Any amounts dfsbt:rsed r y Benef,c!a.r�/ pursuant fU Itr15 Pasaar�P Dh 6 shall biecvme additional Indebtedness of Trustor
<br />Set uiedby Ih+s Trust Deed Such amounts snail be paya5 ;e upPn notice from Benet+c,ary to Trustor requesting p3)>lent thereof, and shall bear
<br />interest from the date of disbursement at the rate payable1 rom9,me to time on Outstanding principal under the Nwp::nlesspayment of Interest at
<br />st,ch rate would be contrary to applicable law ,,is. each E:,: ^r such amounts shall bear Interest under applicable
<br />law Nothing contained in this Paragraph 6 slNtli requite (3C'ef+clary to Incur any expense or take d' r r r -3,r n Pereunder.
<br />y ASSII1INMEN7 OF RENTS. Beneficiary shall have the I ,;nt. power and aulhofay ,:.,ring the Continuance of s,'i'asn of Trust 0eecl to t ollect r"
<br />101115. Issues and profits of the property and of any personal property located thereon w,th or without taken r Y
<br />hef0by and Trustorhereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns alt such rents. issues and profits to Beneficiary. aineficlary, however, nereby
<br />( unsentli lathe Trustor s collection and retention of such rents, issues and profits as they accrue and becomepayabi0 so tong as Trustor Is not, at
<br />such time In default with respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby. Orin the pertormance of any agreement he: ;.. ,:der Upon any
<br />sacn default. Benefictary may tit anytime. either in person by agent. or by a receiver to be appointed by a court, without notice and without regard
<br />in the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured. (a) 0nter upon and take possession of the Prerei ly or any part thereof, and in
<br />lls uimr, name sue tot or otherwiso correct such rents. issues and profits, including the-SS roast due and unpaid. a -4 aprfY the same, less costs and
<br />expenses of opolafa '-n 3f1(11 collectlon. rnCluding reasonable attorney s fees, upon P-,, I( indebtedness socu'e,5 n. ;,e'by. and In such order as
<br />0"nef'clary may deterhune If)) perform such acts otfePalf Or PfOlectiOn jt:,rr--ay be nacessaryOr PrOPet va,Lp ofthe Property. (C)
<br />least) INS bRrtle or Nn'y pafl Inefeaf far such rental. term, and upon such cc <1•`_1.Ons as :ts,�dgment ra�� d : "ate. orter-nsnate a r.:)ua -t the terms and
<br />t t,i'n11.i 113 of prison , Iea�,e, Unless Trustor and Beneficiary thereof ayreeother W S(f ,,r. ivrit,ntg, a:', i! Cr`. -e0s. issues or protlts to any
<br />, Indebtedness :.ecured f!ereby Shall not extend or postpone the due Oa1Q Of the Ins, ^alfrrenl payments as provded r said promissory note or
<br />n; tngrlh0rtmuulttulr ,uChlnstallmenis The entering upon andtaking Possession otthe Proper ty, the cot; ect; rnalsueh rents. issues and profits.
<br />gird inn appiicat,Oflip 01PUt,is aforesaid, snail nol waive or cure any default of notice of default here-.inder or inv�',::4a any act done pursuant to
<br />Suf.hnutice to k; 3tor also assigris to Beneficiary, asturther security for the pefformance of the obligations secured ve TcY, all pmpiaid vents and all
<br />a:r. d, wh• rhr. tayhwobuenbrmayhur0a11wbrd0positedwdhsafdTiustorbyanylesseeofrneP •operty tose�:,•"�, > ;,�!�," °"tot anyr0nfor
<br />.,r upon default in trip per tot mant o at any of the prev,srons horcof Trustar agretis to deliv saeucfemi ae3 shat! Desufficient toregwre
<br />1/!`1• serf!, 1Whl7C(; n!, hc(! r, ft3en0' u�lacyso rorCtee (it the tights granted her ein toanylenantoccupy g p
<br />0!1 d tEnant t0 IIa'r rent pi thOltenefictary unfit 1u11her nonce
<br />fi CONDEMNATION It flllo to tiny 01101 the Propoily shall tie taken in Condemnation proceedings. by right of eminent domain or s+mtlat
<br />,,113'!. hi` st: td fit (lei threat e! Condam nation an awards damages and prccueds are hereby assigned and shalt be paid to BOnepclary
<br />lq;pl/ ut.1 11 ,ilwald3. damages and VifjCeeds to the sum socured by this Trust Geed. with the excess. it any. paid to Trustof It Tfustut
<br />' r'; Il. ii! 9! In/ ietihr, eGrCiTnAiirrfOrmJnOnrCljarr; rnUsai. iiri6irJr.,; vrl3r: ,:,.^,adas:gs,T'ustOrstla!!g ++" t7rnmplwr. (tnnnnhcetlte►eettaBancl�t!<11y
<br />:p ±r rff r.idf r hC `ill fiJ i:flhll(!rt, et 11S frpfisn. fu (,Qnir inn(e appear in arid prosecule in its awn name any SuCh notion or pio("ee(tings atul 01,111 tit'
<br />1'f I,r lt') (,i 11.Akr1 all f C111n"itCm„(t (1t fif!nl!1t!Ient trl col+llod -or +with alny Such adlurl Uf proceedings
<br />I:UTUAF ADVANCES Up:,,, 001!21105101 liltittaf. finneficiary al Hovolictarit s uptran, prior toreconaeyance Uf flit} Proptaly t1 1lo"for n'.+.
<br />+let t,rn,l,�nr.'trJttiri,r,l:,r �,nhfutul0a(1o;lnce. with!rlotosltnr. iron. hall be5e[ ureUbytruslrusfOQtrdv .hpnev!fai`"edUyl,n,nt•. t, 1,
<br />r.,
<br />111; tf_.! r•.i 0 :�+ f;Ff "I r 1401 art, SPi iirrtl ht!fpUy (,luvidEA Thal al tv!i fumy Jtalf the 1 �'r,ncr�,.p :and futute advam W; "tut ,1,.14"1 I,) !.un ..
<br />r;•f „!' !' f t , i ' ,Ir , i !r !! rt • .p.) {ar e•,r•111uV1.,1,Ut!dlCd p( - +rt pill t1Qt1` a, lit 1110 a1(l,rtid pl,nC,(1(1f "IttriurlU, SUCtif `tt hereby
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