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<br />.$3- 144683
<br />6. Assignor hereby covenants and warwrits to the Assignee that (a) Assignor has not executed any prior assign-
<br />ment of the Lease or of itu right, title and interest therein or the rentals to accrue thereunder, (b) Assigner has not performed
<br />any act or executed any instrument which might prevent the Assignee from operating under any of the terms and conditions
<br />hereof, or which would limit 'the Assignee in such operation; (c) Assignor has not accepted rent under the Lease for any period
<br />subsequent to the current period for which rent has already become due and payable; (d) therein no default now existing under
<br />the Lease, and (e) Assigner bras not executed or granted any modification or amendment whatever of theLeaseeither orally or
<br />in writting except as set forth. itz. Schedule K and ftt the Lease is in full force and effect.
<br />1- Assignee bereby grants perudosion to Assignor to collectupon, butnot priorto accrual, all rents, issues, domits
<br />and profits from the said Fremmes and to retain, and use and enjoy the same, but reserves the righttorevokesuch permission
<br />at anytime. with or without cause. by notice in writing to Assignor by certified mail sentto the address hereinafterprescribed
<br />for sending notices. In any event, such permission to Assignor shall be automatielly revoked upon default, by Assignorin the
<br />payment of any of the Obligations secured hereby or in the performance of any obligation, eonvenant, agreement herein, in
<br />said mortgage or deed of trust. in the Lease at in. on,Y.of the Obligations secured hereby, or in any securing document given in
<br />connection therewith, (all of which will be refor_ed to. herein as "Default"). In the event that the Assignee should revoke such
<br />permission or after the occurrence of a Default, the A Wgnee, may at its option, after notification to Astor, by certified mail,
<br />to tho address hereinafter prescribed for sending iro&.es, direct any or all of the tenants of the Pren:dmx6payto Assignee, its
<br />agents orite attorneys. such rents. issues, prof its, revE'aues, deposits, rights and benefits as may now bediie orslwlihereinaRter
<br />became due, and Assignee may collect th ieume. The affidavit urwritten statement of an.efifxcer. agent, or attorneyof Assignee
<br />stating that there has been a Defaultahaa--&nsdtut( eccinclusive evidence thereof, and anytr;aant or other persons fa authorized
<br />and directed to rely theream.The Asolgvir furthf r agrees, that in the event the permission to use and retain theriziits, income,
<br />issues, deposits and vmfifa, ohould bee t t=imL- . Wd ar upon the occurance of a Befaulk to immediately turn over to Assignee, at
<br />the time and in the 3nasi[te rm?zesW 1- pAasignee,all security deposits oroth � monies deposited by Lesseesofthe Premises in
<br />accordance with the provi bana af.the Reuses.
<br />L Notwithstanding thepr- -- �-iaions of paragraph 1 hezeinabove, upon or at anytime after a Rdault, rear efined here -
<br />irab-.ve. thti, wignee, at its option, [say declare all Obligations secured lea=ky immediately duean4prsz.xi 16, andmay. atits .
<br />opLim without . notice, and if any such #R*:igations be secured by deed od't, -a#t, irrespective of wbether'4 dccGii. tUon of default;
<br />under said deed of trust has been delica�ci to Trustee thereundw, eT. resat 14,eights and remedies contained ipsaid mortgage"
<br />or deed of trust and without regard for thp adequacy ofsecurityf5ir-t3ie0b!! r aticns hereby amvred ,eitherinpersetiorbyagent
<br />with or without bringing any action arproceeding, or by a receiver to be �Aed by a cpurt. enter upon.take pasaesion at
<br />manage and operate said Premises or any part thereof, make, enforce, modi4, a nd accept the surrender of Leases, obtain and.
<br />evict tenants, fix or modify netts, and do any acts which the Assignee deemv proper to protect the security hereof, and either
<br />with or without taking possession of the Premises. in its own name, suefor orotherwise collect and receive all rents, issuesand
<br />profits, including those past due and unpaid, and apply thesame, less costand expenses ofoperation and collection, including,
<br />but not limited to, payments for wages and payroll taxes, compensation of managing agent and other management costa and
<br />expenses, real estate taxes and assessments, water, sewer, and similar charges, insurance and workmen's compensation
<br />pmmiums. ground rents, customary real estate commission, and reasonable attorney's fees and courteasta, upon any Oblige
<br />buns secured hereby, and in such order as the Assignee may determine. The entering upon and takingivAaeesion of the Prem-
<br />itmw, the collection ofsuch rents, issues and profits and the application thereofas aforesaid. ehallnovilxreor waive any default
<br />or waive, modify, or affect notice of default under said mortgage or deed of trust or invalidate any act done pvrxtutnt to such
<br />notice. Assignor hereby releases any and all claimswhich it has or might have againstAssigneearieingoutofs:,A-ctt collection,
<br />management operation and maintenamwL excepting the liability of Assignee to account for amounts collected and expended
<br />by Lit.
<br />3. The Assignee shall not be obhgate4 to perform or discharge, mm d4po it hereby undertake to perform cordincharge,
<br />any obligation, duty or liability under the Lease, qt under or by reason of thhi i Assignment. Assignor shall and does hereby
<br />agree to indemnify the Assignee against and held it harmless from any and all liability. loss or damage which it may or might
<br />it ur under the Lease or under or by reason of thin Adsignment and of and from any and all claim& toad demand whatsoever
<br />whi. �h may be asserted against it by reason of any alloged obligation or undertaking on its part to,1*rf*rm or in thedischarip
<br />of any of the terms, covenants or agreements cor -Wined in the Lease; should the Assignee incur any such liability, logs -or
<br />damage under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment, or in the defense against any such claims or demands, tito
<br />amount thereof, including costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees, together with intereatthereon at the highest rateswl.
<br />forth in any of the Obligations secured hereby, shall be secured hereby and by the said mortgage or deed of trust, and Assiv or
<br />shall reimburse the Assignee therefor immediately upon demand, and upon the failure of Assignor s) to do the Assignee may
<br />declare all Obligations secured hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />1. Until the Obligations secured hereby shall have been paid in full, Assignor covenants and agrees to keep leased
<br />at a good and sufficient rental the Premises and uDan demand to tr anef'er and assign to the Assignee any and all subsequent
<br />Leases upon all or any part of such Premises upon the acme or substantially the same terns and conditions as are herein con-
<br />tained, and famake, execute, and deliver to the Assignee. upon demand, any and all instruments that may be necessary ordesir,
<br />able therefore, but the terms and provisions ofthis Assignment shall apply to any ouch subsequent Jesse or Leases whetheror
<br />not so assigned and transferred.
<br />2. Assignor shall, upon request of Assignee, furnish it a complete list as of the date of the request of all Leases and
<br />other tenancies of the Premises in such reasonable detail as may be requested by Assignee. Further. if requested. Assignor
<br />shall deliver to Assignee executed or certified copies of all leases andother written agreements, correspondence, and memo-
<br />rands between Assignor and Lessees and other tenants setting forth the contractual arrangements between them. Such
<br />requests may be made at any reasonable time.
<br />3. The failure to list any specific Leases under Schedule B hereto, shall not invalidate oraffeetin tiny manner .the
<br />general assignment of rents and leases provided for herein.
<br />4. t fpon the payment in full (tf all t rbligations secured hereby, its evidenced toy the recording (or filing (,f nn instru•
<br />resent ut wob"JadtUrs ur full release of said mortgage or deed of trust, unless there shall have hven rec ord(A n n(,therm( trtgage t 4r
<br />deed of trust to favttr(if the Assignrec•(,vering the whole or ony part ofthe leased Premises, that Ans(unmmit t(halt bet time null
<br />and vvid ant! (,f tit, 66- t
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