<br /> � .
<br /> . .. � ibr,. , . .. _ . '�/, ,.1N{�t`��aiML�►F�+i^k4SY4tm7�t.....�. . r . . . ,.,�w�yp1�� , _
<br /> . � ,.. ._
<br /> . `s . . 12-34-1998 DEED OF TRUST Paye 6 '..:,�� � 'y�`
<br /> Loen No 056161 {Contlnued) �� �fJ(�5 � ���;�:
<br /> ;�•�•:�: ..
<br /> • ���z•.
<br /> i plhar wm�Ih�n s�cund hsrWy,�nd (lu)Iha romaind�r,II Qny,to Ihe person w porsons Wyally eNiliod ttwroto. •: �•.•:_�=Y,
<br /> � (c) Trust�e msy in the rn�nner proNded by law postpone s+b ol all or any portian of Ihe Prope�ty. °.__
<br /> RNn�dh�Noi ExC1uMv�. '�mstee and Lander,and�ach ql iMm,shall be entlHed lo eniwce psymeN n�d performance of sny Ind�btsdness - ���'=
<br /> � � or obNp�Hons s�tured by this Daed ot Trust and to sxerciss all rlphts and poWers under lhls Deed of Trust,uncNr Ihe Credlt AyrMmenf,under • '. ' ::
<br /> f �n nl tF»Rellwd Documenb, or und�r Rny olh�r�prearMm�or�n iaws now or Mna}I�r In lor�;notwilhsNndirp,sorrw or aN ol such ��4
<br /> IndyibUdMSS �nd obYp�lione secund by lhis Owd of Trust rtuy now or hsre�flK b�oths�wfs��ecund,wMtMr by mortp�p�,dMd d Kust, - J, >'_p_..
<br /> . ' ��:;. .,;[,
<br /> ptedpe,Iten,asslpnmenl o*otherwise• Neither�he ecGPta^a of thls Deed ot Trust nor f!s enlorcement,wMIMr by cou�t�ction or punwM to .; ;
<br /> �,� �I�poww p(s�N or dhK powxs conlain�d In this Msd of Trust,shall preJudice a In�ny manrnr�He+:t Truslse'9 or I.ondor's�ipht to r�Uw ;.<_����-
<br /> upon a�nfora�nY ot►�5ecurih'^ow a MrsRttx hNd by Trusla�or Landsr,It bMrp�prMd Ihat Tcusta��nd L�nd�r,and�ach of itr�m,SIUiM ; --
<br /> ba entltlsd to�nlace lhls Deed ol Trust�nd�ny other s�curity now or hereafter held by l.encNr or Trus►w In such ord�r and rrwnnsr as th�y a ��sr���-
<br /> .:+w�u�''" � eftMr of tMm m�y In their�bsduls dlscrallon determins. No remedy conferred upon or rsssrved to Truxteo or Lender, Fs inknd�d to t» �:���"�-
<br /> � --°_-�
<br /> ..���1',�� excluslw ol any other remedy In Ihls DMd ol Trusl or by kw provided a permitted,but Mch sFyN be cumul�dw and sh�N W In�ddftlon to ��`_.____
<br /> 1.�.
<br /> , evsry other rsmldy�iven In tNs DMd ol Trust or now or MrK1br sxfsdrW at law or In equity�r by slaluN. Evsry Pow�r or nmedY phn^by ttw �.s__�_�
<br /> CrWi1 Aqnsrn�o� or any ol Ihe RNatsd Oocuments to TruslM or Lender or to whfch sith�r ol tMm m�y bs otMrwise MtHMd, rtwy M ��._
<br /> ; exxclsed,concurrenly or indopendendy,hom Ume to Nme and os often as may be deemed expsdNnt by Trustee or Lsnckr,and�1llwr M them _ ' _
<br /> dp
<br /> � rtwy pursue Inconsislent remedles. Nothinp In this Deed of Trust sha��be constn�ed es prohlbitinp Lender kom seelclrp a deflclency JudpmeN __-
<br /> epalnst tha Trusta to lhe extent such ection Is permCled by law.
<br /> of Sale undor thk�DeW Of T ust be aeled to 1 emrsl Ihe addresses set forth en thohfirsflparagraphnol h�s'Deed of 7r�usand a copy of nny Notice
<br /> yyryK� p�cqon pf R�msdMs. A w�by any puty of�brMCh of a provislon of th�s DNd of Trust shaM no!eonsUtub�wWw of a
<br /> �, prsJudcs Ihs puy's rtphts olhsrwhe to dam�nd strkt compYance with ihat provislon or�ny other provision. ENcHen by L�ndu to puitu��nY
<br /> � ramedy provided In thfs Dea�of Trust,lhe Crsdit Aqreement,In any Related Documenf,a providad by I�w shaN not exclud�pusuff of�ny
<br /> other remedy,end An slection to make expenditures a to teke�ction to periorm an oblipation of Trustor under ihis Dsed ot Trust aMr faWx�d
<br /> Trustor to ptKlam sFuN not atfect Londer's ripht to declare a deiault and to exercise any of its remedws. F:�
<br /> p, .
<br /> C� Aqa�y�'Feq�pepensef. f}Lender institutes any sufi or ectlon to entorca ony of the terms of Ihfs Deed of Trust,la�du sh�N be sntitl�d(o _�
<br /> recover such sum as Ihe court may edjucf�e reesonae�e as onornoys'tees at trlal�nd on any Wpw�. Wh�►►wr o►nol any court�ctlon k
<br /> � invdved,eN rea5onable expens�s incurred by Lender which in Lenders opinion ere necessary et�ny tirr�a la the prol6chon of Ns Intersst or the
<br /> enforcement ol Ns riqhls shrJl becoma a part of the Indebtedness psyable on dertwnd and shaU beu Interesl al IM Credii Aprwmsnt nk kom
<br /> �-.�=.—
<br /> .,,� the date of expenditure until ropoid. Expenses covered by this parapraph inClude,v+ithout Itmit�tion, howevar subJeCl to any NmHs untl�r __
<br /> �ppMcabN law,lenders adaneys'fees whe�her or not there I5 a lawsu�t,includinp aHorneys'�ees for b�nkrupicy proceed�rp�i(�ndvdln0 sHorls �,_-_—
<br /> �a modify or v�cat��ny aulomntic stay a InJuncHon), nppeeh and eny anttcipated posHudGment coYectlon s�vic�s�1hs cost of swrchinp _
<br /> �ecprds,pbtalNrp title reporls(includinp fwec�osure reporls),surveyors'repals,appra!snl fees,title�nsurance,�nd fees tor tM TrusMs,to Ihe ___
<br /> or
<br /> extent permitted by�pplicable law.Trustor also wiM pay eny court costs,in eddiHOn lo aN olher sums provided 6y law. -
<br /> �. qlyhb of T►u�- Trustee chaH htve NI ol lho rfphts and dutbs of Lender as set torth In thfs seCtlon. -
<br /> T ppyyEqg AtiD OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The fdlowing provislons reia6ng to the powers and obliy�Hons of Trustee us part of this Ds�d of �_
<br />- - ----.� Trust. -
<br /> ---- - �- PowKa of Tnal�e. In addtlon t0 aM pOWlrS Of TruStee�ti5lnp a5 Y rriStler Of la.w� I�ustee shoii itaw I'ne Nuwia io i�:a;hA�7�.:1:.��o^�
<br /> with resp�Ct to Ihs Roperly upoe�ht►u'ritle^request of Lendu and Trustor. (�)jdn In prep�rlr►a�nd filinp�m�P or pkt of th�RMI PropKty,
<br /> I�cludinq the d�catlon of strsels or otMr rlphts to 11»pubNc; (b)Joln In qranMng�ny easertwnt a ue�UnO�ny nstrkHon on th�FiMI PropMry;
<br /> •nd (c)Jdn In my subadirxdon a othx eyresm�nt 1�HeCHnp IMs Desd W Trust or 1hs Iniersst of Lmder undsr it�D»d of Trust.
<br /> Trustae.Trusteo sAnM meel all quAlificaBOns required(a Truslee under applicable law. In additlon to Ihe rfphts snd remedies sN forth abow�
<br /> with respect to�N or eny parl of the Property,the Trustoe shall have the rlght to toreclose bY notice ond sab,and Le�der shall Mve th�ripM lo
<br /> foreclose by Judic�al laecloswe,in either Case�n accadanCe with and to lhe fWl exteM provlded by appliCable law.
<br /> Suceesspr Trwlae. Lendar,at Lenders op6on,may kom tlme to time appdnt a successor Trustes to any Trustee�ppdnted hweund�r by en
<br /> insUumeN exaubd and ecknowbcf�ed by Landsr end recaded In the offlce ot the reCader o4 WLL.L County Nebr�ska. Ths Instrurt�nt sh�M
<br /> conWn,In addition lo ell dhar matt�5 requked by state Iaw,the nnmes of the oripinal I.endx,Truslee,and Trustor,tAe book�nd RWe(u
<br /> computer sysMm relxence)where thfs Deed of Trust ts recaded,and the name�nd�ddress of the sua�ssor busM�,and tM�nstrum�nt sh�N
<br /> f p�e�cec,�ted�nd adcnowtedped by aM tha be�efictaries under the Deed of Trust or thek suoc�ssas In(ntr.�st. Th�suct�ssor irusb�.w�wvt
<br /> �a�vsy�nce pf;he Prope�ty,shaN sucCesd to�M ths tiHe,powx,and dutiss conterred upon ths Tr�tes In tAis D�ed of Trust�nd by�ppMcabM
<br /> kw. Thb p�oadwe Ior subsdtuhort of trusbs shaU povem to the exduslon of�B othsr provfslons 1a subs6tution.
<br /> MOTICES TO 1'RUSTOR AMO�OTlER PARTIES. Any notkw unde�lhk Deed of Trust s1uM b�In writlnp. maY b�s�t by NMhcs�mY�(unf�ss
<br /> othsrwise reqdred by law),and shaN ba eMectiw when eCtuaNy dN�vurad.a whan d�poaft�d wiih�nationaMy r�COpnix�d ovKNpht couriK.ot,H
<br /> rn�iNd.shall b�dMmed rfl�cliw when deposit�d In ths Unitad Slates mail first class.c�rti9f�d or ropstwad mdl.Post�gs Grepa(d.dk�cbd to th�
<br /> addrssses shown n�lr th�bepindny ot thfs Daed o(Trust. Any puty may chanqs Its address fa notices under tNs DMd of Trust by pivin0 formal _
<br /> � wdfbrt notice lo tM other Parties,sPea�^7 thal tha P�P�of the nobce�S tv cMnps the P�s addrsss. IJI coplas of notias af foncloaun kom
<br /> the holdar of�n�T`�«�S�oio k�eep Le,nder end Trustee i�ormed�aN h'm�s�of Tr�w's currMt addreast��nnlrq ot Mis OMd of Trusf. --
<br /> f�notice ptxp 9�
<br /> � MISCEL.ANEOUS PROVISIONS. The tolfawing mistellaneous provfslons are a part ot lhis peed ot Trust:
<br /> , An�enb,Thfs Dead af Trusf,toqether with any Relatod Docurt+�nts,cons�tulss ths sndro und�rsLndirq�nd prs�rtMnt of th�putf�s�s
<br /> * to tAe rrytters set fath In tNs D�ed M Trust. No alte�atian of or amsndment to th(s need af Trust sMll W aM�ctivo unWss fllwn In writinq�nd —_- -
<br /> siQnscf by tFw paty a partias souqht to ba charped a bound by tAs alterafion or artwndnwnt. _-_ ,__
<br /> Lentler In t11e StM�o(MeDratlta. TMS DNtI of Trual `�""`----
<br /> AppNeaae uw. TA�s[l.ed at rrust n.s eeen aeltve�ea w�arwler r+a.c�.�evaa D�► ;�.::�`;�_-
<br /> sMN b�povernet!�Y and tonsOrwd In accordaeke wt1A Mk laws of the State of Neb�dca. �.:� :-_,
<br /> � ��.'�,::`�:_
<br /> �a�tlCM Fia�dln�e, CapHon he�dings In th(s Oeed of Trust are for convenlance purposas ony and are not to be us�d to Interpret or dMne the - -.�_
<br /> . Y provfslons of�Dis Deed of Trust.
<br /> : ^^�t'�_
<br /> , � lA�rpet. Tt�er6 shall be na merger of tha Intere5t or estate treated by thls Deed of TruSt wlth any other Interest or estate In tha Proparty at eny
<br /> time held by M tor Ihe benafit af Lendar In 9ny capaclty,wlthaut the writlen consent ot Lender. .E,
<br /> � I MyH{pq parWs. Alt ob�ig�tlons of Trustor under Ihis Dssd of Trust Shalt he Jdnt and several,and all raferenc�s to Trustot shUl msan�ach�nd �
<br /> � ewry 7rusta.Thls means that eich of the persons slqning Oe�ow Is respans�b�e tor Nt o6llqatlons In thts Oaed ot Trust.
<br /> SeveraplHty. It a court of competent jurisdlcHon finds any provision of fhls Deed of Trust to Ge Invvlld or unenforce�hle as to any pxsan or
<br /> clrCUmstance,SuC��nding Shall not render that provlslon invalfd or unenforceaGle as�o any otAer pefsons a circumstences. It f�aslbW,any
<br /> such oMendirp proNSlan snall Ce deemed to be modltled to be withln tAe Ilmlts of enforceabillty or valldlty: however,If the offendlnp prov�lon
<br /> I cannot be so modlMed.it s��ll be Strlcken and all o�her provlsions ot this Deed ot Trust In all other respects shall remaln valld end enforceable. �z
<br /> � Sueeeyors nd Assi9na. SubjeCt to the Ilmita6ons stated In thls Deed o�Trust an transfer af Trustors interest,thls Deed of'rust shell be f,
<br /> �n.��w.,ti......,..a.�.c}.�rl In a nartatt 1�_.—
<br /> � Oinding upan and Inure to Ihe Oenefit o}the parnes,t�Q1f SL'CC@SSOR 9(7Q 2f33�SJm• �'�������v�;��������••,----••�-- •----- -- -- - .
<br /> � ��aeoc�a essby wayeodeorbearanuce or�gxtensornSwlth ut�eeaslnr�'Tr stortfrom the obllgflflans ofthis Oeed a�ITru�steor Iflbllty u der the
<br /> Indebhedness.
<br /> ?{m!Is ot Me E�sence. Time is of Ine essence In the performanCe of Ihis Deed cf Trust.
<br /> i WMvers and Consertt3. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rfghls under this Deed of Trust(or under the Re�atsd Da:uments)
<br /> unlass Sueh wniver is In wdting end slgned by L.ender. No delay or omission on the pert ot lender�n exerc�sing any right shall opKate as a
<br /> i waiver at such right cr any other right. A weiver by uny party of a provision a�thls Deed ot Trust shflll nut cunstdute�waiver of or pre�udlCe the
<br /> party'S��ght olharx�se to demand sMCR campllanCe with that provlslon or eny olher provision. Na priqr w2iver by Lender,nor any Caurse of
<br /> deNing bePxeen Lender and T�ustor, Shall tonstitute a waiver of any of �ender's rlghts or any of Trustor's ehl!gatlons as ta any �U�ure
<br /> transaGions. W fienever co��sent by Lender Is reqwrod in tDfs Deed of Trust, Ihe granting of such cansent by Lendar In eny lrst3nce shnl;not
<br /> I constitute canlin�u;g cansent�o subsequent(nstances where such consant Is requfred.
<br /> Waiver of Nomestad ElcempUort. Truster hereby relenses and wuives ali nghM,and bonefit5 of tYe hqmeste�d e�emptton icws of the Sta�e ot
<br /> �
<br />