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•V� /r _. <br /> .Ft " - . � ,r.�• . �. - <br /> . . <br /> - � ' + - .. � , � .. .. �Vk�p�"'���.'s•.aqc <br /> . .. , "..�RW'�'�►•, .�, <br /> . —'_'--'-s,r.�..,. . , .-... . . ._.. . .- '. ." . Y�i. _ <br /> � _�,i:_K,� <br /> � . 12-30-1998 DEED OF TRUST Paqe 3 �'.''''r. <br /> , �_ <br /> � Loen No 856161 (Continued) �(j��s r'�l~� <br /> �� ,.�:��- <br /> ��r= <br /> .. � . ,- - <br /> i Intenst of Lend�r undsr lhh D�ed o}Trust,exqpt lor tM Ii�n of l�xos�nd assassmenfs not due,ezcept for fh�existin9 Indebledn�ss referred - -- <br /> t lo below,and except as olherwlse provlded In thls Dead ol Trust, - <br /> 4 Ripht To Cont�N. Tru�ttor rru�y wllhhdd paymeM of any tax,ass�ssmenl,or clalm In conn�ctlon with a pood Iaith dispute ovK th�obHpltion ''�, <br /> � to p�y,so Iqrq es Lender's Interest In the Proparty Is nol�eopudiaed. II a Ilon ads�s rx Is eled as a result of nonp�yment,Trustashall withln .�m�,=;. <br /> . � riffNn(16)d�ys aMr IM INn arises or,it a Nen Is hNd,within Afl�en(16)days afler Tiusta has not�e of the fil!np,secure ths disch�rpe ol the -�.,,s_ <br /> Ibn,a il requ�st�d by Lander, deposN with Lsnder cash or a suMCNnI corpord�sursty bond a olher security salisl�ctory to L�nder In nn <br /> c amount eufHcknt to discharpe the lien plus any cosls and�8orneys'fees or other chupes that oould sccrue as a result ol a foreclosurA a sale --- <br /> untMr lFw INn. In�ny contest,Trustor shall defend i2sNf�nd L�nde:end sh�ll satlsiy ony wdverse Judymenl bafore en(orcom�nt epnlnst tha ____ <br /> ...� Prc�ty, Tru�tor sh�N n�me Lsnder as�n additlonal obNpM under any surety bond furnishsd In tM contost procsedinps. _ _ <br /> EvkNnc�af PaymMt. Trustor sh�tl upon demand furnhh to Lender satisfectory eNdence ot payment of the taxes or essessmenb and shnll <br /> � �uthorlie the�ppropriate povernmental ofHClal to deliver lo Lender at any time e wrlHen stalement of the texes and assessments�painsl!he = <br /> Propsrty. <br /> g' �J Motfc�of Construellon. Trustor shall nolify Lender at le�st flReen(16)deys befwe any work Is commenced,any senAces are iumhMd,a eny _. <br /> 1 mikrials an supplbd to the Property,if any mechanb's ibn, materialmen's Ilen, or other Ilen could be asseried on account W tM work, <br /> � serNCes,a materfals. Trustor wiil upon request of Lender lurnfsh to Lender advence assurances satisiactory to Lender that Trustor can and wlil --- <br /> ;; pay tho cost of such Improvemonls. � <br /> - PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANGE. The followinfl provislons relaUrp to insuriny ihe Property are e pert of thls Deed of Trust. _ <br /> a� Mainbn�nc�of Inwr�nce. Truslof shail pfoCU�e flnd melntaln poIlCles of Iire Insurflnce with standard exfended coverege endorsemenls on n =_ <br /> rapl�oemsnt basls lor ths full Inswoble vtlue covorirp all Improwments on tiie Rad Propsrty In an nmount suf�clenl to avold appUaYon of any <br /> �, cdixunnce dawsa,�nd wNh a cG�ndard mortyspso clauq In favw of Lend�r,top�th�r wfth such oth�►ha�rd�nd Nabllity I►uurrnaas Lmder <br /> may rs�sonabiy requke. Pdicks shall be wrltlen In form,amounts,covarapes�nd b�sFs roason�biy�xeptabb to Lender�nd bswd by� <br /> campRny or eomp�nks rs�sonably e�cceplabN tA Lsnder. Trustor,upon rsqu�st ol Lendsr,will doliwr to Lender kom tlrrN to tlma Iha paAcios f,. <br /> r or certiticates of Insurence in form safishctory lo Lender,Inctudinp stiputaflons that caverapes wNl not be canceNed a diminlshed without at _ _ <br /> � least ten(10)days'prior written not�e lo Lender. Each Insurance pdky also shaM intlude an endorsement providinq ihat coverep in hvor of r` <br /> Lender will not be Impaked In any way hy any ect,omisslon or de(ault of Trusta a wny other person. Should the Re�l Propertyd any Hme r l <br /> � become�ocated In an aras designated by lhe Dlrector ol the Federnl Emerpency Menaqement Aqency as a speclal Ilood harard uw,Trustor _ <br /> �Y aprees to obtaln rnd rru�lntaln Federal Flood Insurance for the full unpeld principel balance ot lhe loan,up to the maxlmum pdky lirdts sel <br /> '� undsr fhe Nallonal Flood Insurancs Propram,or as otherwise rsqulred by Under,ind!o malntain 6uCh Insur4nce lor Ihe iWm of tFNlo4n. - <br /> Appllcatbn of Prxseds. Trusta shall promptly notlfy l.ender of any loss or damape to the Prope�y. Lender may maks proof of loss ff 7rustor <br /> fa�b to do so withln IlReen(16)d�ys of ihe casualty, WFwther qr not Lender's security k Impaired,Lender may,at Ils slectlon,raCO1N and retaln _, <br /> the proeoeds of any insurance end appiy the procaeds to the reductlon of the�ndeb:edness,payment of any Nen eMecling the Praperty,or the <br /> rastaation and repdr of the Propsrty. If Lender elocls to apply the proce�ds lo restoratlon end rop�ir, Trustor shall rsp�lr anplaa tlw �s:� <br /> c <br /> �� � damaped or destroyed Improvemants in a manner satisfectory ta Lender. Lender shall, upon sarisfactory proof of 6uCh expancNlurs,pay a <br /> � � '� relmburse Trusta hom the prxaeds fa ihe reasonable cost ol repair or restore8on M Trustor is not in def�ult under lhis Deed otTruat. Any <br /> proceeds which have not been disbursed within 190 days after lheir recelpt and whbh Lender has not commltted to the repek or nstonBon of =�= <br /> � tM Prop�rty shall be usad Ilrst to pay any emount owlnp to Lender unde►this�eed of Trust,then to pay axrued intarest,and the�wnalnder,If � <br /> . a�����w°���aFn�������r.��irpi F�giarv;p nl f�,a Indphledness. If Lender holds anv proceeds efler peyment In full ot the Indebted�ese�SUCh Fr <br /> � �' proceeds slwll be pald to Trustor as Trustors Interests mty appear. � <br />- • llnexplrW Inwr�nte d SMe. Any unexpirsd Iresuranca shall Inure to Ihe benefit of,and pass to,the purchaser o1 the Properly co+wed by thls �r <br /> Deed of Trust at any trustee's sele or other sab held under lhe proNslons of this Oeed ol Trust,w at any loreclosure ule of such PropKty. <br /> �� ComplUnc�wlth Existlnp Indebtedness. Duriny the perlod In whlch any Existinp Indebtedness described below Is In eMect,compNnna wI►h <br /> �• � ; ihe Insurancs proWsions contelned in Ihe Inslrument eNdenciny such Existinp Indebtedness shall constitute compllance with 1M Ir»urance <br /> _ • provisions under this Deed of Trust, io the exlent compliance with the terms of this Deed of Trust would�onstitule a duplk.+tllon d Insurnnca <br />= requlremenf. If any prxeeds from the insurence becomo payable on loss,fhe provlsions In lhis Deed of Trust for divfsian of proce�ds sluN <br /> • � � apply only to that portion of Ihe proceeds not payable to tho hdder of Ifb Existinq Indebtadness. <br /> � ', EXPEMDITURES BV LEMDER. M Truslw fely to comply with any provislon of thfs Desd o}Trust,Indudlrp �ny oblfpadon to mainWn[xisdrq <br /> '• ' � Indebbdr�in pood slanWnp�s rsqulrsd bNow,or M eny acMon or procNdirq fs commsnc�d that woWd rt�te�t�My�M�cf L�ndK's InW�sls In 1M <br /> � � °� Prq�srty,Lender on Tnntors bshaif may,bul shaN not bs nqulrsd b, take any�ctlon lhat LsndK dwms approprlats. Any�moud Ihat Lsnder <br /> e�nds in so ddng will b�ar interesl at tM rats proWdsd for in the Credit Aqrsemsnt kom lfN d�N incurrsd c�r pald by lendK to th�dat�d <br />_S_ . � repayment by Trustor. All such expenses,at Lendsr's option,wiN (e)be pay�bk on d�mand, (b)bs added lo ths beltnce of the credl lne�nd be <br /> �,,.E;:'� _ appixtloned amorp and ba payable with any InstaMment payments to bscome dus dudnp�ilher (q th�term of�ny appMc�bk Insunnp poMcy o► (9 <br /> ' the remalninp term of the Credit Apreemenl,or (c)be treeted as a balloon payment wh�h wiM be dus and peyabb at ths G�dill�pr�msM's <br />-_h �� , meturiry. This Deed of Trust also will secure payment of these amounts. The rfphts providsd for In thls parapreph shaN be In addilfon b any other <br /> �- �j riphts or any remedles lo wh�h Landa may be snHtled on�xount of iha default. Any such eCtion by lender shaN not be con5trusd u curinp tho <br /> � deftull6o es lo bu Lender hom any r�medy thqt It otherwise would hwe hid. —° <br /> � � yyAqqANTY;DEFENSE OF TITIE. The foNOwinp provislons relaNnq t0 ownership ot the Propwiy sre a pert of this Deed of Trust. <br />— Tltb. Trusta wertants that: (a)Trusta hdds good and marketeble 6He of recad to ihe Properly In tee simpb,free and dear d oM �s�nd -- <br /> � ,� encumbrances other than those set torth In the Real Properiy desc�iptlon or I�Ihe ExJSlin�Indebtedness sectlon below or In�ny�iraurarxe -- - <br /> ,. , r{pht po er,end aulhority ta'exec e�dl deUver thh Dsad o�f Trus to�Len��n connectlon with thls Deed of Trust,and (b)Trustor h�s the — <br />�. _ i <br /> ' ..'�,� �r Wfen�of Tlth. Subject to lhe exceptlon In tFw panyraph above,Trusto�warr��ts and wiM forwer delend lhe titls to lhe Prapary�pinst fhe <br /> kwful clalms of a!I persons. In ihe event any �ction or proceedinp Is coms►encad that quesNOns Trustor's titls or Ihs Intenst d Trustee or —_ <br /> ' lsnder under thls Deed of Trust,Trusta Shall defend the acHon at T�ustor's expense. Trusta may be the nominal perty in such prasodirp,but -- <br />- Lender shaM be entitled to partklpata In tlw proceedirq and to be reprosentsd In the prxeedinp by counsel of Lender's own chaky.�nd <br /> Trusfor will deliver,or cause to be deliverad,to Lender such instruments as Lender mey requsst hom tlme to Hms to permN such puticlp�UOn. �'- <br /> . -•_ <br /> Cwnpll�r►ce WHh Lews. T�ustor warcants Ihat the Property and Trustor's use of the Property complies with all existlnp uppYCabM laws. -_-_ <br /> ordinances,flnd regulallons of povernmental euthaities. - - <br /> EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following provisions conceminp existing indebtedness(the'�xisting Intlebtedness")are a pert ol lhis Qeed ol - _ <br /> Trust. - <br /> Exlstlnp Lbn. The Iien of this Oeed o1 Trust securinp Ihe Indebtedness mey be secondary and interior to en existiny lien. Truslor uxpressiy ' <br /> " covenants end e�rees to pay,a see�a tAe payment of,Ihe Exisdng Indebtedn�ss nnd to prevent any defauli on such Indebtedrwu,any ciolaull <br /> � , under ihs instrvments evidenclnp such indebtedness,or any dehult und�x any sectully doCUmenls for such Indebtedness. <br /> � No Modlffcsllon. 7rustor shall not eMer Into any ayreemertt wfth tM hdder of�ny mortyaps,deed of trust,or othsr secwity a9rNrtiee�whkh <br /> _ ,� h�s priority ovt+r thls Deed of Trost by whlch Ihat�greement fs modiffed,emanded,exiended,or renewed without the p�ior writlM consent of „ <br /> J � L�ntfer. 7rustor shell nefther requesl nor accept any fulure sdvances undx any such security��eement wHhout lhe prior w�i1Mn con'..ent of <br /> Lender. <br /> CI�InE�aMAT10M_ The foHowlna nrovi�.,lons relallnp lo CondemnaUon proCeedinps aro a part o}thfs De�►d Gf Trust. <br />_ � Appllcatbn of Net Proceeds. If all or any part oP the Property Is condemned by eminent domain proceedir� or by any pro.,^�eedinp or <br /> � purchese in lieu of condemnafio�,lender may d ils election require thal aR a�ny paiion of lhe nel proceeds of the eward be opplied to iho <br /> Ind6t)ledness or lhe repalr pr resloratlon of the Proporty. The nel proCe6d5 0l the sward shall mAan the award atter payment of d re�sonehie <br /> - ! c05ts,exp6��ses,end attaneys'fees inCUrred by Truslee or Lender in connection with ihe condemnetlon. <br /> J ProCeldlnp7. If eny proceedinfl In condemnation Is fited,Truslor shall promptly notity Lender in writing, end Trustor sha!!promptly teke such � <br /> . '� sleps ns mey be neaessory to detend Ihe oCtion and obl3ln thf�ewartl. Trustor may be the nominal pa�ty In such proceecNnp,bNLend�shall j <br /> be entitled lo participate In the proceedinq end to be reprssenled in tho proCeeding by counsel ot Il5 own ChoiCe,flnd Trustor witl deliver o� � <br /> I cause lo be delrvered lo Lender such Instruments as rray be requested by it kom time to time to permit such participalion. <br /> IMPOSITION dF TA%ES,PEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMEMTAl.AIJTHORITIES. The lollowing provisicns relating lo governmen�al taxes, ! <br /> lees and charges are u part ul Ihls Deed of Trusl: ( <br /> Curront T�xes,Fees s�d Charges. Upon request by Lender.Truslor shall execute such documents fn ndd�lion to this Deed of Trust 9nd IaGe � <br /> � whatever outer ecuon�s re�ues�ed by Lender to perfecl and canlinue Lender's lien on Ihe Real Propeity. Trustor shaN relmburseLervJer for a�l I <br /> - ' I <br /> T __ _ � -_- - <br />